Concise Encyclopedia of Tufts History
Sauer, Anne
Branco, Jessica
Bennett, John
Crowley, Zachary
Gordon Institute, 1992
The Gordon Institute was founded in 1984 and merged with Tufts University in 1992 as part of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. It offers a degree ofmasters of science in engineering management and is designed to create technical leaders to help companies compete in the global marketplace. | |
The institute was founded by Dr. Bernard Gordon of Analogic Corporation, and was originally located in Wakefield, Massachusetts. Gordon founded the institute with the belief that productivity and competitiveness can be improved by changing the way engineers and scientists are motivated and educated. | |
Students enrolled at the Gordon Institute are required to possess a bachelors degree in science or engineering and at least three years of professional experience. | |
Faculty at the institute are drawn from science and engineering departments at Tufts as well as the business world and universities and institutes around the country. | |
The Gordon Institute is located at the Tufts University Science and Technology Center at 4 Colby Avenue on the Medford campus. It has an annual enrollment of approximately 40 students. | |
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