Concise Encyclopedia of Tufts History

Sauer, Anne

Branco, Jessica

Bennett, John

Crowley, Zachary


Arthur Michael Chemistry Laboratory, 1965


Designed by architect Norman Fletcher, the Michael Lab was built as an addition to Pearson Chemistry Laboratory, which already housed the chemistry department. At the time of its construction, the architectural design was considered extraordinary, and the lab won the Educational Citation Award in the tenth annual Design Awards Program of Progressive Architecture Magazine.

Built to increase opportunities for chemistry research at Tufts, each floor of the four-story building contains a large lab and conference room, an equipment room, and private offices and labs for researchers. The top floor was built to house the Walter F. Rockwell Chemistry Library. Each floor is connected to Pearson Hall by a glassed in walkway. The laboratory is named after Dr. Arthur Michael, a professor and research chemist at Tufts from 1881 to 1912, who helped give the university an international reputation in chemical research.

By 1980, Michael Laboratory had become outdated and was facing design problems as well. The old exhaust system in the lab, once considered state of the art, had begun to recirculate toxic fumes into the air system on the top floor. In the summer of 1981, the lab underwent extensive renovations. The old exhaust system was replaced, and the labs were reworked to allow research space for seven professors.

Aside from a small chemical spill on April 25, 1989, that forced the evacuation of the building, Michael Lab has remained quiet since 1981. It continues to serve as Tufts' main chemistry research facility.

Source: OBS, TD, TAR

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  • The encyclopedia seeks to capture more than 150 years of Tufts' achievements, societal contributions and outstanding alumni and faculty in concise entries. As a source of accurate factual information, the Encyclopedia can be used by anyone interested in the history of Tufts and of the people who have made it the unique institution it is.
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Numeric Entries
Dame, Lorin Low, 1838-1903
Dana, Charles A., 1881-1975
Dana Laboratory, 1963
Daniel Ounjian Prize in Economics,
Davies, Caroline Stodder, 1864-1939
Davies House, 1894
De Florez Prize in Human Engineering, 1964
de Pacheco, Kaye MacKinnon, ca. 1910-ca. 1985
Dean Hall, 1887-1963
Dean, Oliver, 1783-1871
Dearborn, Heman Allen, 1831-1897
Department of Anatomy and Cellular Biology, 1893
Department of Anesthesia, 1970
Department of Art and Art History, 1930
Department of Biochemistry, 1893
Department of Chemistry, 1882
Department of Community Health, 1930
Department of Dermatology, 1897
The Department of Economics, 1946
Department of Medicine, 1893
Department of Molecular Biology and Microbiology
Department of Neurology, 1893
Department of Neuroscience, 1983
Department of Neurosurgery, 1951
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 1893
Department of Ophthamology, 1893
Department of Orthopedic Surgery, 1906
Department of Otolaryngology, 1895
Department of Pathology, 1893
Department of Pediatrics, 1930
Department of Pharmacology, 1915
Department of Physics and Astronomy, 1854
Department of Physiology, 1893
Department of Psychiatry, 1928
Department of Radiation Oncology, 1968
Department of Radiology, 1915
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, 1955
Department of Surgery, 1893
Department of Urban and Environmental Policy, 1973
Department of Urology, 1910
Dental Health Sciences Building, 1969
Dewick, Cora Alma (Polk), 1875-1977
Dewick/MacPhie Dining Hall, 1959
Dickson Professorship of English and American History, 1913
Dirlam, Arland A., 1905-1979
Dog Cart, 1900
Dolbear, Amos Emerson, 1837-1910
Donald A. Cowdery Memorial Scholarship, 1946
Dr. Benjamin Andrews Professorship of Surgery, 1987
Dr. Philip E. A. Sheridan Prize, 1977
The Drug Bust, 1970
Dudley, Henry Watson, 1831-1906
Dugger, Edward Jr., 1919-75
Durkee, Frank W., 1861-1939
Durkee, Henrietta Noble Brown, 1871-1946
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