Collected Poems of John Holmes
Holmes, John A., Jr.
Last night
Last night
At first I saw the room in clearest light: Evening interior, smooth wall, lamps bright; The large round people foreground in a frame Of a picture I had made and could not name. It was my house, and these almost my friends, And the evening would end as any evening ends . Look through new ice on a deep country pond: You'll see no farther than I could see beyond That evening's people saying yes and no And nothing. What am I here for? Where shall I go? The hung glass at the question's hammer tap Cracked suddenly into a thin nameless map, And the crazed monstrous friendly faces spoke Behind it among the lamps. Until it broke I searched the veins and roadways on that chart, The contours round a highland fortress heart . Still they said no, and yes, and nothing, said It as though their dearest work till they were dead Was yes; nothing, and no. And so good night At last, once more good night, and under the light Outside my door one man turned back, head low, And hard at the mouth; and, Go, he said, Go. | |