Collected Poems of John Holmes
Holmes, John A., Jr.
People in the speedboats Pity the people ashore, And on the shore people Feel sometimes sorry for | |
Citizens further inland. They in turn regret The life that city people Live in a summer's heat. | |
In the city late in summer Pity is measured by Mercury in one borough A little lower than high | |
Six blocks away or seven, Or near the river at night. Notice the difference Of a story more in height, | |
Cooler than in the papers, With us more air. But people east of midtown Can hardly care | |
How hot it is for someone Not quite afloat, Nor for the engined people In the mahogany boat | |
Faster over the lakewater Than they wish. Think down green down Down deep where fish | |
Move among the waving Long green old Dark underwater forests Cold cold. | |