Collected Poems of John Holmes
Holmes, John A., Jr.
Everyone knows about Boston
Everyone knows about Boston
Everyone knows about Boston, Where "a" is exceedingly broad; Where the principal cowpaths and highways Were projected b' guess and b' God; Where the Lowells eat only the Cabots, And Cabots feed only on cod. It is known that the natives are nourished On fishcakes and brownbread and beans, And develop incredible powers Of grasping what Emerson means. It is known that the accent in Boston Results from an excess of brain, Which derives from a schooling at Harvard, And gives the mid-westerners pain. The natives of Boston are cultured. The streets are the spokes of a wheel. The twilight of civilization Is a fact that, though chilly, is real In Boston, where children speak British And nobody thinks it is odd; Where a Lowell speaks only with Cabots, And a Cabot speaks only to cod, And a codfish speaks only to codfish In accents exceedingly broad. | |