London Labour and the London Poor, Volume 1
Mayhew, Henry
Of the Costermongers' Fish Season.
The season for the street-fishmongers begins about October and ends in May. | |
In October, or a month or earlier, may-be, they generally deal in fresh herrings, the supply of which lasts up to about the middle or end of November. This is about the best season. The herrings are sold to the poor, upon an average, at a groat, or from to the . After or during November, the sprat and plaice season begins. The regular street-fishmonger, however, seldom deals in sprats. He "works" these only when there is no other fish to be got. He generally considers this trade beneath him, and more fit for women than men. Those costers who do sell them dispose of them now by weight at the rate of to the pound—a bushel averaging from to . The plaice season continues to the or week in May. During May the casualty season is on, and there is little fish certain from that time till salmon comes in, and this is about the end of the month. The salmon season lasts till about the middle of July. The selling of salmon is a bad trade in the poor districts, but a very good in the better streets or the suburbs. At this work the street-fishmonger will sometimes earn on a fine day from to The losses, however, are very great in this article if the weather prove bad. If kept at all "over" it loses its colour, and turns to a pale red, which is seen immediately the knife goes into the fish. While I was obtaining this information some months back, a man went past the window of the house in which I was seated, with a barrow drawn by a donkey. He was crying, "Fresh cod, oh! a pound, cod alive, oh!" My informant called me to the | |
64 | window, saying, "Now, here is what we call rough cod." He told me it was days old. He thought it was eatable , he said. The eyes were dull and heavy and sunken, and the limp tails of the fish dangled over the ends of the barrow. He said it was a hanging market that day—that is to say, things had been dear, and the costers couldn't pay the price for them. He should fancy, he told me, the man had paid for the fish from to each, which was at the rate of per pound. He was calling them at He would not take less than this until he had "got his own money in;" and then, probably, if he had or of the fish left, he would put up with per pound. The weight he was "working" was oz. to the pound. My informant assured me he knew this, because he had borrowed oz. pound weight that morning. This, with the draught of oz. in the weighingmachine, and the ounce gained by placing the fish at the end of the pan, would bring the actual weight given to oz. per pound, and probably, he said the man had even a lighter pound weight in his barrow ready for a "scaly" customer. |
After the street-fishmonger has done his morning's work, he sometimes goes out with his tub of pickled salmon on a barrow or stall, and sells it in saucers at each, or by the piece. This he calls as "fine Newcastle salmon." There is generally a great sale for this at the races; and if country-people begin with a pennyworth they end with a shillingsworth—a pennyworth, the costers say, makes a fool of the mouth. If they have any on hand, and a little stale, at the end of the week, they sell it at the publichouses to the "Lushingtons," and to them, with plenty of vinegar, it goes down sweet. It is generally bought for a kit, a little bit "pricked;" but, if good, the price is from to "We're in no ways particular to that," said candid coster to me. "We don't have the eating on it ourselves, and people a'n't always got their taste, especially when they have been drinking, and we sell a great deal to parties in that way. We think it no sin to cheat 'em of while the publicans takes " | |
Towards the middle of June the streetfish- monger looks for mackerel, and he is generally employed in selling this fish up to the end of July. After July the season is said to be finished. From this time to the middle of October, when the herrings return, he is mostly engaged selling dried haddocks and red herrings, and other "cas'alty fish that may come across him." Many of the streetfish- mongers object to deal in periwinkles, or stewed mussels, or boiled whelks, because, being accustomed to take their money in sixpences at a time, they do not like, they say, to traffic in halfpennyworths. The dealers in these articles are generally looked upon as an inferior class. | |
There are, during the day, periods for the sale of street-fish—the (the morning trade) beginning about , and lasting till in the day—and the other (the night trade) lasting from in the evening up to at night. What fish is left in the forenoon is generally disposed of cheap at night. That sold at the latter time is generally used by the working-class for supper, or kept by them with a little salt in a cool place for the next day's dinner, if it will last as long. Several articles are sold by the street-fishmonger chiefly by night. These are oysters, lobsters, pickled salmon, stewed mussels, and the like. The reason why the latter articles sell better by night is, my informant says, "Because people are lofty-minded, and don't like to be seen eating on 'em in the street in the day-time." Shrimps and winkles are the staple commodities of the afternoon trade, which lasts from to half-past in the evening. These articles are generally bought by the working-classes for their tea. | |