| |
| Street-sellers of Hot Eels. | | |
| There are upwards of 1,000,000 lbs. weight of hot eels sold yearly in the streets of London. 140 vendors each sell 6 lbs. of eels daily at their stands; 60 sell 40 lbs. daily; and 100 itinerant sell 5 lbs. nightly at the public-houses. The first mentioned take on an average 2s. daily; the second 16s.; and the third 1s. 8d. This gives a yearly street expenditure in the trade in hot eels amounting to . . . . . . . . . . | | £ 19,448 | | |
| Street-sellers of Pea-soup. | | |
| The annual street consumption of pea-soup amounts to 1,680 gallons. 100 vendors sell each 4 gallons daily; and 50 vendors, each sell upon an average 10 gallons daily. The first mentioned take 3s. a day; and the last, 7s. 6d.
This gives a street expenditure during the winter season of five months, of . . | | £ 4,050 | | |
| Street-sellers of Pickled Whelks. | | |
| According to the Billingsgate returns, there are nearly 5,000,000 of whelks sold yearly in the streets of London. These are retailed in a boiled state, and flavoured with vinegar, at four a penny. 150 vendors take on an average 13s.
weekly. This gives an annual street expenditure, of . . . . . . . . | | £ 5,000 | | |
| Street-sellers of Fried Fish. | | |
| 150 sellers make 10s. 6d. weekly, or yearly 27l. 6s.; and 150 sellers make half that amount, 13l. 13s. per annum. Reckoning 20l. a year as a medium earning, and adding 90 per cent. for profit, the annual consumption of fried fish supplied by London street-sellers amounts to 684,000 lbs., and the sum expended thereupon to . . . . . | | £ 11,400 | | |
| Street-sellers of Sheep's Trotters. | | |
| In the wholesale "trotter" establishment there are prepared, weekly, 20,000 sets, or 80,000 feet; giving a yearly average of 4,160,000 trotters, or the feet of 1,040,000 sheep. Of this quantity the street-folk buy seven-eighths, or 3,640,000 trotters yearly. The number of sheep trotter-sellers may be taken at 300; which gives an average of nearly 60 sets a week per individual. There is then expended yearly in London streets on trotters, calculating their sale, retail, at 1/2d. each, 6,500l.; but though the regular price is 1/2d., some trotters are sold at four for 1 1/2d., very few higher than 1/2d., and some are kept until they are unsaleable, so that the amount thus expended may be estimated at . . . . . . . . . . | | £ 6,000 | | |
| Street-sellers of Ham-sandwiches. | | |
| 60 vendors, take 8s. a week, and sell annually 486,800 sandwiches, at a cost of . . . . . . . . . . . . . | | £ 1,800 | | |
| Street-sellers of Baked 'Tatoes. | | |
| 300 vendors, sell upon an average 3/4 cwt. of baked potatoes daily, or 1,755 tons in the season. The average takings of each vendor amount to 6s. a day; and the receipts of the whole number throughout the season (which lasts from the latter end of September till March inclusive), a period of 6 months, are . . | | £ 14,000 | | |
| The Street-sellers of Hot Green Peas. | | |
| The chief man of business sells 3 gallons a day (which, at 1d. the quarterpint, would be 8s., my informant said 7s.), the other three together sell the same quantity; hence there is an annual street consumption of 1,870 gallons, and a street expenditure on "hot green peas" of . . . . . . . . . . . . . | | £ 250 | | |
| Street-sellers of Meat. | | |
| The hawking butchers, taking their number at 150, sell 747,000 lbs. of meat, and take annually . . . . . . . | | £ 12,450 | | |
| Street-sellers of Bread. | | |
| 25 men take 45s. a day for five months in the summer, and 12 regular traders take 1l. 12s. per day; this gives an annual street consumption of 700,000 quartern loaves of bread, and a street expenditure of . . . . . . . . | | £ 9,000 | | |
| Street-sellers of Cats and Dogs' Meat. | | |
| There are 300,000 cats in the metropolis, and from 900 to 1,000 horses, averaging 2 cwt. of meat each, boiled down every week; the quantity of cats' and dogs' meat used throughout London is about 200,000 lbs. per week, and this, sold at the rate of 2 1/2d. per lb., gives 2,000l. a week for the money spent in cats' and dogs' meat, or per year, upwards of . . . . . . . . | | £ 100,000 | | |
| Street-sellers of Coffee, Tea, &c. | | |
| Each coffee-stall keeper on an average clears 1l. a week, and his takings may be said to be at least double that sum; hence the quantity of coffee sold annually in the streets, is about 550,000 gallons, while the yearly street expenditure for tea, coffee, &c., amounts to . . . | | £ 31,200 | | |
| Street-sellers of Ginger-beer. | | |
| The bottles of ginger-beer sold yearly in the streets number about 4,798,000, and the total street consumption of the same beverage may be said to be about 250,000 gallons per annum. 200 streetsellers of ginger-beer in the bottle trade of the penny class take 30s. a week each (thus allowing for inferior receipts in bad weather); 300 take 20s. each, selling their "beer" for the most part at 1/2d. the bottle, while the remaining 400 "in a small way" take 6s. each; hence there is expended in the bottled ginger-beer of the streets 11,480l. Adding the receipts from the fountains and the barrels, the barrel season continuing only ten weeks, the total sum expended annually in street ginger-beer amounts altogether to . . . . . . . . . . . . | | £ 14,660 | | |
| Street-sellers of Lemonade, Sherbet, Nectar, &c. | | |
| There are 200 persons, chiefly men, selling solely lemonade, &c., and an additional 300 uniting the sale with that of ginger-beer. Their average receipts on fine days are 3s. 6d. a day, or, allowing for wet weather and diminished receipts, 10s. a week. The receipts, then, for this street luxury, show a street expenditure in such a summer as the last, of 2,800l., among those who do not unite gingerbeer with the trade. Calculating that those who do unite ginger-beer with it sell only one-half as much as the others, we find a total outlay of . . . . . | | £ 4,900 | | |
| Street-sellers of Elder-wine. | | |
| 50 vendors clear 5s. a week for 16 weeks by the sale of elder-wine in the streets, their profit being at least cent. per cent.; hence the street consumption of this beverage in the course of the year is 1,500 gallons, and the outlay . . . | | £ 200 | | |
| Street-sellers of Peppermint-water. | | |
| Calculating that 4 "pepperminters" take 2s. a day the year round, Sundays excepted, we find that 900 gallons of peppermint-water are consumed every year in the streets of London, while the sum expended in it amounts annually to | | £ 125 | | |
| Street-sellers of Milk in the Markets, Parks, &c. | | |
| The vendors in the markets clear about 1s. 6d. a day each, for three months; and as the profit is rather more than cent. per cent., there are about 4,000 gallons of milk thus sold yearly. The quantity sold in the park averages 20 quarts a day for a period of nine months, or 1,170 gallons in the year. This is retailed at 4d. per quart; hence the annual expenditure is . . . | | £ 344 | | |
| Street-sellers of Curds and Whey. | | |
| 50 sellers dispose of 12 1/2 gallons in 3 weeks; the other 50 sell only half as much. Taking the season at 3 months, the annual consumption of curds and whey in the streets is 2,812 double gallons (as regards the ingredients of milk), which is retailed at a cost to the purchasers of . . . . . . . . . . | | £ 412 | | |
| Street-sellers of Rice-milk. | | |
| Calculating that 50 sellers dispose of 24 quarts weekly, while one-half of the remaining 25 sell 12 quarts each per week at 1d. the half-pint, and the other half vend 24 quarts at 1/2d. the halfpint, there are about 3,000 gallons of rice-milk yearly consumed in the streets of London, while the expenditure amounts to . . . . . . . . . . | | £ 320 | | |
| Water-carriers. | | |
| The number of water-carriers are sixty, and their average earnings through the year 5s. a week; hence the sum annually expended in water thus obtained amounts to . . . . . . . . . . | | £ 780 | | |
| Street Piemen. | | |
| There are fifty street piemen plying their trade in London, the year through, their average takings are one guinea a week; hence there is an annual street consumption of pies of nearly to threequarters of a million, and a street expenditure amounting to . . . . . | | £ 3,000 | | |
| Street-sellers of Meat and Currant Puddings. | | |
| Each street-seller gets rid of, on an average, 85 dozen, or 1,020 puddings; there are now but six street-sellers (regularly) of these comestibles; hence the weekly aggregate would be—allowing for bad weather—5,400, and the total 129,600 meat and currant puddings sold in the streets, in a season of 24 weeks. This gives an annual expenditure on the part of the street boys and girls (who are the principal purchasers), and of the poor persons who patronise the street-trade, of about . . . . . . | | £ 270 | | |
| Street-sellers of Plum "duff." | | |
| Calculating 42s. a week as the takings of six persons, for five months, we find there is yearly expended in the street purchase of plum dough upwards of . | | £ 250 | | |
| Street-sellers of Cakes, Tarts, &c. | | |
| Reckoning 150 cake-sellers, each taking 6s. a week—a sufficiently low average—the street consumption of cakes, tarts, &c., will be 1,123,200 every year, and the street outlay about . . | | £ 2,350 | | |
| Street-sellers of other and inferior Cakes. | | |
| The sale of the inferior street cakes realises about a fifth of that taken by the other cake-sellers; hence it may be estimated yearly at . . . . . . . | | £ 450 | | |
| Street-sellers of Gingerbread-nuts. | | |
| 150 gingerbread-nut-sellers take 17s.
each weekly (clearing 9s.); at this rate the sum spent yearly in "spice" nuts in the streets of London amounts to . | | £ 6,630 | | |
| Street-sellers of Hot-cross Buns. | | |
| There are nearly 100,000 hot-cross buns sold every Good Friday in the streets of London; hence there is expended in one day, upon the buns thus bought about . . . . . . . . . | | £ 300 | | |
| Street-sellers of Muffins and Crumpets. | | |
| There are 500 muffin-sellers, each clearing 4s. and taking 12s. a week on an average; hence the metropolitan street sale of muffins and crumpets will be in 20 weeks about 120,000 dozen, and the sum expended thereon . . . | | £ 6,000 | | |
| Street-sellers of Sweet-stuff. | | |
| The number of sweet-stuff sellers in London amounts to 200, each of whom, on an average, clears 10s., and takes 20s.
weekly; the yearly consumption, therefore, of rocks, candies, hard-bakes, &c., purchased in the streets is nearly two and a half millions of halfpenny-worths, or (at the rate of 1/2d. an ounce) about 70 tons weight per annum, costing the consumers about . . . . . . . | | £ 10,000 | | |
| Street-sellers of Cough-drops. | | |
| The earnings of the principal man in the "cough-drop" street trade may be taken at 30s. a week for twenty weeks; that of another at 15s. for the same period; and those of the remaining four street-sellers of the same compound at 5s. each, weekly; allowing the usual cent. per cent., we find there is annually expended by street-buyers on coughdrops . . . . . . . . . . . . | | £ 130 | | |
| Street-sellers of Ice Creams. | | |
| The sale of street ices may be calculated at twenty persons, taking 1s. 6d.
daily for four weeks. This gives a street consumption of 10,000 penny ices, and an annual expenditure thereon of . . | | £ 42 | | |
| | | -------------- | | |
| TOTAL SUM EXPENDED YEARLY ON STREET EAtableS AND DRINK- ABLES . . . . . . . . | | £ 203,115 | | |
| | | -------------- | | |