| Street-sellers of Stationery. | |
| There are 120 vendors of stationery, who sell altogether during the year, 224,640 quires of writing paper at 3d.
per quire; 149,760 doz. envelopes, at 1 1/2d. per doz.; 37,440 doz. pens, at 3d.
per doz.; 24,960 bottles of ink, at 1d.
each; 112,320 black lead pencils, at 1d. each; 24,960 pennyworths of wafers, and 49,920 sticks of sealingwax, at 1/2d. per stick; amounting altogether to . . . . . . . . . . | | £ 4,992 | |
| Street-sellers of Pocket-books and Diaries. | |
| During the year 1,440 pocket-books, at 6d. each, and 960 diaries, at 6d.
each, are sold in the streets by 20 vendors; amounting to . . . . . | | £ 60 | |
| Street-sellers of Almanacks and Memorandumbooks. | |
| There are sold during the year, in the streets of London, 280,800 memorandum-books, at 1d. each, and 4,800 almanacks at 1d. each, among 50 vendors, altogether amounting to . . . | | £ 1,190 | |
| Street-sellers of Account-books. | |
| There are now 12 itinerants vending account-books in various parts of the metropolis, each of whom sells daily, upon an average, 4 account-books, at 1s. 9d. each; the number sold during the year is therefore 14,976, and the sum expended thereon amounts to . . | | £ 1,310 | |
| Street-sellers of "Gelatine," "Engraved," and "Playing-cards." | |
| There are 20 street-sellers vending gelatine and engraved cards during the day, and 30 selling playing-cards (for 14 days) at night. These vendors get rid of, among them, in the course of the year, 43,200 gelatine, and 14,400 engraved cards, at 1d. each, and 3,360 packs of playing-cards, at 3d. per pack; so that the money spent in the streets on the sale of engraved, gelatine, and playing-cards, during the year, amounts to . . . . . . . | | £ 282 | |
| Street-seller of Stenographic Cards. | |
| There is only 1 individual "working" stenographic cards in the streets of London, and the number he sells in the course of the year is 7,448 cards, at 1d. each, amounting to . . . . | | £ 31 | | 4 | |
| Street-sellers of Long Songs. | |
| I am assured, that if 20 persons were selling long songs in the street last summer (during a period of 12 weeks), it was "the outside;" as long songs are now "for fairs and races, and country work." Calculating that each cleared 9s. in a week, and to clear that took 15s., we find there is expended in long songs in the streets annually . . | | £ 180 | |
| Street-sellers of Wall Songs ("Pinners-up.") | |
| On fine summer days, the wall songsellers (of whom there are 30) take 2s.
on an average. On short wintry days they may not take half so much, and on very foggy or rainy days they take nothing at all. Reckoning that each wall song-man now takes 10s. 6d.
weekly (7s. being the profit), we find there is expended yearly in London streets, in the ballads of the pinners-up | | £ 810 | |
| Street-sellers of Ballads ("Chaunters.") | |
| There are now 200 chaunters, who also sell the ballads they sing; the average takings of each are 3s. per day; altogether amounting to . . . | | £ 4,680 | |
| Street-sellers of Executions, &c. ("Running Patterers.") | |
| Some represent their average weekly earnings at 12s. 6d. the year through; some at 10s. 6d.; and others at less than half of 12s. 6d. Reckoning, however, that only 9s. weekly is an average profit per individual, and that 14s. be taken to realise that profit, we find there is expended yearly, on executions, fires, deaths, &c., in London . . . | | £ 3,276 | |
| Street-sellers of Dialogues, Litanies, &c. (Standing Patterers.) | |
| If 20 standing patterers clear 10s.
weekly, each, the year through, and take 15s. weekly, we find there is yearly expended in the standing patter of London streets . . . . . . . | | £ 780 | |
| Street-sellers of "Cocks" (Elopements, Love Letters, &c. | |
| There are now 8 men who sell nothing but "Cocks," each of whom dispose daily of 6 dozen copies at 1/2d.
per copy, or altogether, during the year, 179,712 copies, amounting to | | £ 374 | | 8s. | |
| Street-sellers of Conundrums—"Nuts to Crack," &c. | |
| From the best information I could acquire, it appears that fifteen men may be computed as working conundrums for two months throughout the twelve, and clearing 10s. 6d. weekly, per individual. The cost of the "Nuts to Crack" (when new) is 5d. a dozen to the seller; but old "Nuts" often answer the purpose of the street-seller, and may be had for about half the price; the cost of the "Nutcrack- ers" is 2s. to 2s. 6d. It may be calculated, then, that to realize the 10s. 6d. above-mentioned 15s. must be taken. This shows the street expenditure in "Nuts to Crack" and "Nut-crackers" to be yearly . . . | | £ 90 | |
| Street-sellers of Exhibition Papers, Magical Delusions, &c. | |
| This trade is carried on only for a short time in the winter, as regards the magical portion; and I am informed that, including the "Comic Exhibitions," it extends to about half of the sum taken for conundrums; or to about . . . . . . . . . . . | | £ 45 | |
| Street-sellers of Secret Papers. | |
| Supposing that 6 men last year each cleared 6s. weekly, we find expended yearly in the streets on this rubbish . . . . . . . . . . | | £ 93 | |
| Street-sellers of Play-bills and Books. | |
| Taking the profits at 3s. a week, at cent. per cent. on the outlay, and reckoning 200 sellers, including those at the saloons, concert-rooms, &c., there is expended yearly on the sale of play-bills purchased in the streets of London . . . . . . . . . . | | £ 3,120 | |
| Street-sellers of Back Numbers. | |
| There are now 40 vendors in the streets of London, each selling upon an average 3 dozen copies daily, at 1/2d.
each, or during the year 336,960 odd numbers. Hence, the sum expended annually in the streets for back numbers of periodicals amounts to upwards of . . . . . . . . . . | | £ 700 | |
| Street-sellers of Waste-paper at Billingsgate. | |
| There are 4 individuals selling waste--paper at Billingsgate, one of whom informed me that from 70 to 100 pounds weight of "waste"— about three-fourths being newspapers—is supplied to Billingsgate market and its visitants. The average price is not less than 2 1/2d. a pound, or from that to 3d. A single paper is 1d. Reckoning that 85 pounds of waste-paper are sold a day, at 2 1/2d.
per pound, we find that the annual expenditure in waste-paper at Billingsgate is upwards of . . . . . | | £ 275 | |
| Street-sellers of Tracts and Pamphlets. | |
| From the information I obtained from one of this class of street-sellers, I find there are 40 individuals gaining a livelihood in selling tracts and pamphlets in the streets, full one half are men of colour, the other half consists of old and infirm men, and young boys, the average takings of each is about 1s. a day, the year through; the annual street expenditure in the sale of tracts and pamphlets is thus upwards of . . . . . . . . . . | | £ 620 | |
| Street-sellers of Newspapers (Second Edition.) | |
| There are 20 who are engaged in the street sale of newspapers, second edition, each of whom take weekly (for a period of 6 weeks in the year) 1l. 5s.; so that, adopting the calculation of my informant, and giving a profit of 150 per cent., the yearly expenditure in the streets, in second editions, amounts to . . . . . . | | £ 150 | |
| Street-sellers of Newspapers, &c., at Steam-Boat Piers. | |
| I am informed that the average earnings of these traders, altogether, may be taken at 15s. weekly; calculating that twelve carry on the trade the year through, we find that (assuming each man to sell at thirty-three per cent. profit—though in the case of old works it will be often cent. per cent.), the sum expended annually in steam-boat papers is upwards of . | | £ 1,500 | |
| Street-sellers of Books (by Auction). | |
| There are at present only 2 streetsellers of books by auction in London, whose clear weekly earnings are 10s. 6d.
each. Calculating their profits at 250l.
per cent., their weekly receipts will amount to 35s. each per week; giving a yearly expenditure of . . . . . | | £ 91 | |
| Street-sellers of Books on Stalls and Barrows. | |
| The number of book-stalls and barrows in the streets of the metropolis is 70. The proprietors of these sell weekly upon an average 42 volumes each. The number of volumes annually sold in the streets is thus 1,375,920, and reckoning each volume sold to average 9d., we find that the yearly expenditure in the sale of books in the street amounts to . . . . . . . . . . . . | | £ 5,733 | |
| Street-sellers of Guide-books. | |
| The street-sellers of guide-books to public places of amusement, are 16 in number, the profit of each is 4s. weekly, at 25 per cent., hence the takings must be 20s.; thus making the annual expenditure in the street-sale of such books amount to . . . . . . . | | £ 832 | |
| Street-sale of Song-books and Chidren's books. | |
| There are 30 street-sellers who vend children's books and song-books, and dispose of, among them, 2 dozen each daily, or during the year 224,640 books, at 1d. each; hence the sum yearly expended in the street-sale of children's books and song-books is . . . . . | | £ 936 | |
| Street-sellers of Pictures in Frames. | |
| If we calculate 40 persons selling pictures in frames, and each taking 10s.
weekly; we find the annual amount spent in the streets in the sale of these articles is . . . . . . . . . . | | £ 1,040 | |
| Street-sellers of Prints and Engravings in Umbrellas. | |
| The street-sale of prints and engravings in umbrellas lasts only 12 weeks. There are 30 individuals who gain a livelihood in the sale of these articles during that period. The average takings of each seller is 12s. weekly; so that the annual street-expenditure upon prints and engravings is . . . . . | | £ 216 | |
| Street-sellers of Manuscript Music. | |
| There are only 4 sellers of manuscript music in the streets, who take on an average 4s. each weekly; hence we find the annual expenditure in this article amounts in round numbers to . . . | | £ 40 | |
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