London Labour and the London Poor, Volume 1
Mayhew, Henry
"Once Try You'll Come Again.
Mr. —— nabs the chance of putting his cus- | |
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tomers awake, that he has just made his escape from Russia, not forgetting to clap his mawleys upon some of the right sort of Ducks, to make single and double backed Slops for gentlemen in black, when on his return home he was stunned to find of the top manufacturers of Manchester had cut his lucky and stepped off to the Swan Stream, leaving behind him a valuable stock of Moleskins, Cords, Velveteens, Plushes, Swandowns, &c., and I having some ready in my kick, grabbed the chance, and stepped home with my swag, and am now safe landed at my crib. I can turn out toggery of every description very slap up, at the following low prices for
Upper Benjamins, built on a downey plan, a monarch to half a finnuff. Slap up Velveteen Togs, lined with the same, quarter and a peg. Moleskin ditto, any colour, lined with the same, couter. A pair of Kerseymere Kicksies, any colour, built very slap up, with the artful dodge, a canary. Pair of stout Cord ditto, built in the 'Melton Mowbray' style, half a sov. Pair of very good broad Cord ditto, made very saucy, bob and a kick. Pair of long sleeve Moleskin, all colours, built hanky-spanky, with a double fakement down the side and artful buttons at bottom, half a monarch. Pair of stout ditto, built very serious, times. Pair of outand-out fancy sleeve Kicksies, cut to drop down on the trotters, bulls. Waist Togs, cut long, with moleskin back and sleeves, peg. Blue Cloth ditto, cut slap, with pearl buttons, peg. Mud Pipes, Knee Caps, and Trotter Cases, built very low. | |
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