London Labour and the London Poor, Volume 1
Mayhew, Henry
Of the Hawking of Tea.
"PERSONS hawking tea without a licence" ( Chitty's Edition of "Burn's Justice," vol. ii. p. ) "are liable to a penalty, under Geo. III., cap. .; and, even though they had a licence, they would be liable to a penalty for selling tea in an unentered place." The penalty under this act is , but the prohibition in question has long been commonly, if not very directly, evaded. | |
The hawking of tea in London cannot be considered as immediately a street-trade, but it is in some respects blended with street callings and street traffic, so that a brief account is necessary. | |
I will give a short history of what is, or was, more intimately a portion of the streettrade. | |
Until about or years ago, tea was extensively hawked—from house to house almost— "on tally." The tally system is, that wherein "weekly payments" are taken in liquidation of the cost of the article purchased, and the trade is embodying much of evil and much of trickery. At the present time the tallymen are very numerous in London, and in the tally trade there are now not less than hawkers of, or travellers in, tea; but they carry on their business principally in the suburbs. When I come to treat of the class whom I have called "distributors," I shall devote an especial inquiry to the tally trade, including, of course, the tea trade. Mr. M'Culloch mentions that a Scotchman's "tally-walk"—and the majority of the tallymen are Scotchmen—is worth per cent. more than an Englishman's. | |
The branch of the tea trade closely connected with the street business is that in tea-leaves. The exhausted leaves of the tea-pot are purchased of servants or of poor women, and they are made into "new" tea. gentleman—to whose information, and to the care he took to test the accuracy of his every statement, I am bound to express my acknowledgments—told me that it would be fair to reckon that in London lbs. of tea-leaves were weekly converted into new tea, or lbs. in the year! house is known to be very extensively and profitably concerned in this trade, or rather , and on my asking the gentleman who gave me the information if the house in question (he told me the name) was accounted respectable by their fellowcitizens, the answer was at once, " respectable." | |
The tea-leaves, to be converted into , are placed by the manufacturers on hot plates, and are re-dried and To give the "green" hue, a preparation of copper is used. For the "black" no dye is necessary in the generality of cases. This tea-manufacture is sold to "cheap" or "slop" shopkeepers, both in town and country, and especially for hawking in the country, and is almost always sold ready mixed. | |
The admixture of sloe-leaves, &c., which used to be gathered for the adulteration of tea, is now unknown, and has been unknown since tea became cheaper, but the old tea-leaf trade is, I am assured, carried on so quietly and cleverly, that the most vigilant excise-officers are completely in the dark; a smaller "tea-maker" was, however, fined for tea-leaf conversion last year. | |
Into this curious question, concerning the purposes for which the old tea-leaves are now purchased by parties in the street, I shall enter searchingly when I treat of the The information I have already received is of great curiosity and importance, nor shall I suppress the names of those dishonest traders who purchase the old dried tea-leaves, as a means of cheating their customers. | |
Into the statistics of this strange trade I will not now enter, but I am informed that great quantities of tea-leaves are sent from the country to London. Perhaps of the lbs. weekly manufactured, quarters may be collected in the metropolis. | |
I may here add, that the great bulk of the tea hawked throughout the metropolis is supplied from the handsome cars, or vans, of wellknown grocers and tea-dealers. Of these—it was computed for me—there are, on no day, fewer than in the streets of London, and of its contiguous and its more remote suburbs, such as Woolwich, and even Barnet. tradesman has such cars. The tea is put up in bags of , , and lbs., duly apportioned in quarter, half, and whole pounds; a quarter of a pound being the smallest quantity vended in this manner. The van and its contents are then entrusted to a driver, who has his regular round, and very often his regular customers. The customers purchase the tea from their faith in the respectability of the firm—generally well known through extensive advertising. The teas supplied by the house which is pronounced to supply them; for the tradesman is the capitalist in the matter, his carman is the labourer, and the house is responsible for the quality of the article. When a new connection has to be formed, or an "old connection" to be extended, circulars () are sent round, and the carman afterwards calls: and, "in some genteel streets," I was told, "calls, oft enough, at every house, and, in many districts, at every decent-looking house in every street." So far, then, even this part of the traffic may be considered of the streets. The remuneration of the street-traveller in, or hawker of, tea, is usually per lb. on the lower-priced kinds, on the higher (but more often ) and, very rarely indeed, on the highest. The trade is pecuculiar to great cities—and most peculiar, I am assured, to London—for the tradesman does not know so much as the name of his customer; nor, perhaps, does the carman, but merely as "Number such-an-." The supply is for ready money, or, if credit be given, it is at the risk of the carman, who has a weekly wage in addition to his perquisites. Every evening, when the vehicle is driven back to the premises of its owner, "stock is taken," and the money taken by the carman— | |
456 | minus what may be called the "poundage"—is paid over to the proper party. |
A man who had driven, or, as he called it, "managed," of these vans, told me that he made this way, to a day; "but," he added, "if you make a good thing of it that way, you have all the less salary." These carmen are men of good character and good address, and were described to me, by a gentleman familiar with the trade, as "of the very best class of porters." | |
As this vehicular-itinerant business has now become an integral part of the general tea-trade, I need not further dwell upon it, but reserve it until I come to treat of the shopmen of grocers and tea-dealers, and thence of the tea-trade in general. I may add, however, that the tea thus hawked is, as regards, perhaps, -fourths of the quantity sold, known as "mixed," and sold at per lb.—costing, at a tea-broker's, from to It is announced, as to its staple or entire compound, to be "congou," but is in reality a tea known as "pouchong." Some old ladies are still anxious, I was told, for a cup of good strong bohea; and though bohea has been unknown to the tea-trade since the expiration of the East India Company's Charter in , the accommodating street-traveller will undertake to supply the genuine leaf to which the old lady had been so long accustomed. teas thus sold (and they are not above a fiftieth part of the other) are common twankays and common young hysons, neither of them—I can state on excellent authority—accounted in the trade to be "true teas," but, as in the case of some other green teas, "Canton made." The "green" is sold from the vans generally at ; sometimes, but rarely, as high as What is sold at may cost, on the average, I may add, also, that when a article is supplied, such profits in the tea-trade are not accounted at all excessive. | |
But the more usual mode of tea hawking is by itinerant dealers who have a less direct connection with the shop whereat they purchase their goods. To this mode of obtaining a livelihood, the hawkers are invited by all the persuasive powers of advertising eloquence: "To persons in want of a genteel and lucrative employment"—"To Gentlemen of good address and business habits," &c., &c. The genteel and lucrative employment is to hawk tea under the auspices of this "company" or the other. The nature of this business, and of the street tea-trade generally, is shown in the following statement:—"About years ago I came to London in expectation of a situation as tidewaiter; I did not succeed, however, and not being able to obtain any other employment, and trusting to the promises of gentlemen M.P.s for too long a time, my means were exhausted, and I was at length induced to embark in the tea business. To this I was persuaded by a few friends who advanced me some money, considering that it would suit me well, while my friends would endeavour to get me a connection, that is, procure me customers. I accordingly went to a wellknown Tea Company in the City, a firm bear- ing a great name. Their advertisements put forth extraordinary statements, of so many persons realizing independencies from selling their teas, and in very short spaces of time. I was quite pleased at the prospect presented to me in such glowing terms, and, depending not a little on my own industry and perseverance, I embraced the opportunity and introduced myself forthwith to the Company. They advised me in the place to take out a licence for selling teas, to secure me against any risk of fines or forfeitures. The cost of a licence, after payment of preliminary expenses, is per annum, to be paid quarterly, as it becomes due, and it is paid by the Company for their agents. The licence is granted for the place of abode of the 'traveller,' and strictly prohibits him from hawking or exposing his wares for sale at places other than at such place of abode, but he may of course supply his customers where he will, and serve them at their places of abode respectively. Everything thus prepared, I commenced operations, but soon found that this tea dealing was not so advantageous as I had anticipated. I found that the commission allowed by the Company on cheap teas was very low. For those generally used by the working people, ' tea,' for instance, or that at per pound, I had to pay to the Company per pound, thus allowing the travelling dealer or agent for commission only in the pound, or per quarter. Now or customers is considered a fair connection for a dealer, and allowing each customer to take a quarter of a pound at an average, good customers at that rate would bring him in , or customers clear profit weekly. But many customers do not require so much as a quarter of a pound weekly, while others require more, so that I find it rather awkward to subdivide it in portions to suit each customer, as the smallest quantity made at the warehouse is a quarter of a pound, and every quarter is done up in a labelled wrapper, with the price marked on it. So that to break or disturb the package in any way might cause some customers to suspect that it had been meddled with unfairly. | |
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I believe the career thus detailed is a common among the hawkers of tea, or rather the "travellers" in the tea trade. Many sell it on tally. | |