The History and Antiquities of London, Westminster, Southwark, and Parts Adjacent, vol. 3
Allen, Thomas
Fleet Market.
This market was proclaimed a free market on the of Sept- . The north end was improved about , by a good pavement and the erection of many convenient stalls, and the south end by remarkably elegant shops; but the centre part, with its pretty little spire, remains in its original state. | |
The market ceases at , whence Fleet-ditch continued open till , when it was entirely filled up, and the fine street | |
668 | now called was erected. On the east side is a crescent, and at the south end next the bridge, the street expands into Chatham-place, so named in honour of William Pitt, earl of Chatham; a noble vista of houses, fit for the residence of men of the largest fortunes. |
Facing at the north end is a handsome obelisk adorned with lamps, erected in . | |
The inconvenience of the situation of the present market for a long time attracted the attention of the corporation, and at length on the , an act of parliament was passed for the removal of Fleet-market and the erection of a new , to be situated on the west side of the present market, and extending to . Part of the new market is situated on St. Andrew's burying ground, a new having been provided by the corporation. The act provides at the expense of the corporation. And in order to protect the old burying ground from disturbance in future, it is enacted, «That before the new market place shall be opened and used as a public market, the site of the present burial ground shall be properly filled up, and levelled and paved over with Yorkshire pavement. The old market to be pulled down and cleared away as soon after the new market is opened as conveniently may be, and the street is to be called . | |
On the west side of is | |
Footnotes: [] Gent.'s Mag. vol. vii. p. 572. [] Indeed it was a measure of necessity, from the accidents passengers were liable to. Tuesday the 11th Jan. 1758, a man was found in Fleet-ditch sanding upright and frozen. He appears to have been a barber at Bromley, in Kent, had come to town to see his children, and had unfortunately mistaken his way in the night, had slipt into the ditch, and being in liquor could not disentangle himself. Gent.«s Mag. vol. xxxiii. p 43. [] 5 Geo. iv. cap. cli. |