The History and Antiquities of London, Westminster, Southwark, and Parts Adjacent, vol. 3
Allen, Thomas
Finsbury Chapel.
Opposite to the last edifice is this chapel; the northern or principal part consists of a central and lateral division; the former is in stories, besides a sunk basement. In the story are windows, the has fluted Ionic columns, their bases resting upon the cornice of the lower story, and their capitals sustaining an entablature and pediment. In the intercolumniations are windows covered with architraves sustained on antae. In the side divisions are entrances of a corresponding character with the windows last described; they are inclosed within a larger frontispiece of the same form, surmounted with an attic--the whole of this portion, except a small part of the walls of the body of the chapel seen behind the lateral division of the facade, is covered with stucco; the body of the chapel is poligonal, and built with white brick, with compo dressings: the elevation consists of stories; the basement is compoed, and the principal story is ornamented with ante at the angles, sustaining an entablature and cornice. In the intervals, between the antae, are series of windows, the lower tier are square, the are lofty, and are in the form of truncated pyramids, the upper windows are smaller and nearly square: the interior is approached by the entrances in the northern front, and another in a small porch at the opposite extremity. The plan is composed of a square, lengthened by a semi-octagon attached to the side opposite to the principal entrance; the fittings up are of the most singular description, the whole inside having a decidedly theatrical arrangement. The body of the chapel is filled with pews rising in an amphi-theatrical style from a small pit in the centre; ranges of galleries surround the whole building; the fronts of the lower range are composed of an entablature surmounted by an attic, and sustained upon square pillars; the upper range project less than the lower; they are sustained upon slender iron columns with leaved capitals; the fronts are composed of open iron work of a reticulated pattern. The galleries across the northern portion of the building are straight; the lower is sustained upon cantilevers; in other respects it corresponds with the inside galleries. The roof is horizontal, having row of square pannels all round. The pulpit stands in the central area, a short distance from the northern portion of the building; it differs from every kind hitherto known, and | |
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is chiefly distinguished by its extreme shew and gaudiness; in general form and arrangement, it is an imitation of the choragic monument of Lisikrates at Athens, but the columns of the peristyle, instead of being Corinthian as in that building, are here Ionic: the shafts are fluted; the fillets, mouldings, and every other enrichment being gilt; the cella, by way of variety, is Waterloo blue; instead of the conical roof of the original, it finishes with a low circular attic, which is approached by a double flight of stairs, with highly gilt ballustrades; and amidst all this shew and glitter, and trumpery, sits the preacher, exalted rather like a throned prelate of the church of Rome, than a humble of the secession kirk of Scotland. The chapel was built from the designs of W. Brooks, esq. |
Opposite Albion chapel was formerly situated | |