The History and Antiquities of London, Westminster, Southwark, and Parts Adjacent, vol. 3
Allen, Thomas
Stock Exchange.
A neat plain building, fronted with stone to the height o the attic story, which is of brick. It was erected in the year , by Mr. James Peacock, architect; and is very conveniently arranged, and handsomely fitted up. The expense was defrayed by a subscription among the principal stock-brokers, of transferable shares. No person is allowed to transact business here but those who are ballotted for annually by a committee, and on being chosen, subscribe guineas each. Under the clock at the south end of the spacious room where the subscribers assemble, is a tablet for the purpose of exhibiting the names of such defaulters as have not been able, or willing, to settle their losses on agreements made for the purchase or transfer of stock, and who are not again suffered to become members. On the east side is a recess, with an elevated desk, for the use of , who make their purchases times a week, namely, on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, precisely at the hour of . Since the creation of foreign stocks an additional building has been erected for the accommodation of the speculators on these funds. No other business is transacted here, than what solely relates to the purchase and sale of stock in the public funds, Exchequer bills, India bonds, and the like securities. The hours are from till : this building has entrances, besides the principal in . | |
Footnotes: [] A singular custom is connected with the stock exchange. The number of Jew brokers admitted by the city, is limited to twelve, and these only on condition of purchasing the privilege by a liberal gratuity to the lord mayor for the time being. During the mayoralty of Wilkes, one of the Jew brokers was taken seriously ill, and his lordship is said to have calculated pretty openly on the advantage he would derive from filling up the expected vacancy. The son of the broker meeting the lord mayor reproached him with wishing his father's death. My dear fellow, said Wilkes, with that sarcastic humour which was peculiar to him, you are completely in error, for I would rather all the Jew brokers were dead than your father. |