The History and Antiquities of London, Westminster, Southwark, and Parts Adjacent, vol. 3
Allen, Thomas
This ward derived its name from the ancient gate of Cripplegate, and is divided into parts, called Cripplegate within and Cripplegate without, from their relative situations to the city walls. The former division consists of the precincts of St. Lawrence; ; ; St. Peter; St. Michael, ; St. John Zachary; St. Alban, ; St. Olave, ; and . This ward is bounded on the east by Cheap, Bassishaw, and wards; on the north by Cripplegate without; on the west by Aldersgate ward, and on the south by ward. It is governed by an alderman, and returns inhabitants to the court of common council. | |
Before the great fire in , there were churches in this ward, viz. St. Alban, ; St. Alphage, London-wall; St. Mary, ; St. Michael, ; and , ; all of which have been rebuilt except the last. | |