The History and Antiquities of London, Westminster, Southwark, and Parts Adjacent, vol. 4
Allen, Thomas
The North Aisle.
Against the west end of the belfry stands the tomb of sir Godfrey Kneller; it consists of a good bust under a canopy, with boys on each side, holding a medallion, inscribed:
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On the north wall is a large dark tablet, with a white frame or border, surmounted by a vase, to Penelope, wife of Randolph Egerton, esq. died . The next is a monument by Tyler. | |
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The above is on a pedestal of rich black marble; on it are the flags of France and the Indies, and above is a fine bas relief of the fortress of Trichinopoly. Britannia seated on a bale covered with matting, remarkably well done, points to a bust of the deceased on another pedestal, behind which are colours. On it A very pleasing statue of Fame on the other side holds a shield, inscribed,
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A tablet in the window is to James Egerton, who died in , aged . | |
Adjoining is a most miserable statue, on a sarcophagus of beautiful marble.
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The next is a handsome female statue, representing Philosophy, sitting, and looking upwards: in her left hand she holds a shield, whereon is the doctor's head in bas-relief supported on her knee; and her right arm rests upon books lying on a pillar, with a sceptre in that hand. The ground is ornamented with various plants and fossils, in the front of which is this inscription:
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Above the last monuments is a fine piece of sculpture by It represents Britannia reclining and clasping a vase, on which is a medallion of heads. On the other side is a figure of Fame pointing to an inscription
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This monument was erected at the public expense, as an honourable testimony of their meritorious services. | |
An highly ornamented sarcophagus, by Hayward, inscribed,
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Near this, is a small tablet in memory of Thomas Banks, esq. R. A. sculptor. He died , aged , and was buried at Paddington. | |
A neat tablet to John Twysden, a midshipman on board sir Cloudesley Shovell's ship, when she was shipwrecked in the year aged . | |
Another to Josiah Twysden, who was killed by a cannon-ball at the siege of Agremont, near Lisle, in the year , aged years. | |
A to Heneage Twysden, who was killed in an action under the duke of Argyll, at Blaregnies, in Hainault, , aged . He was the duke's aid-de-camp. | |
These gallant and unfortunate youths were sons of sir William and lady Frances Twysden; a rare instance of casualties in family in so short a period. | |
An oval tablet on certain, with military trophies, contains an inscription to colonel James Bringfield, aid-de-camp of the duke of Marlborough, &c. He lost his life when in the act of remounting, by a cannon-ball striking his head, at the battle of Ramillies, ; aged , and was buried at Bavechem, in Brabant. Clemence, his widow, erected this tablet the same year. | |
An assemblage of fire-arms, axes, swords, and banners, in marble, with a shield on them, was erected to brigadier-general Robert Killegrew, killed at the battle of Almanza, in Spain, , aged , and of his military life the year. This was sculptured by Bird. | |
Mrs. Mary Beaufoy, who died , is represented kneeling on another tomb, with cherubs about to crown her, and others weeping. She was daughter and heiress of sir Henry Beaufoy and the hon. Charlotte Lane; who, when the monument was erected was a widow: she informs us, that
About feet before is a small white marble slab inscribed
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In the window above is the simple, affecting, and exquisite monument by Bacon,
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statues, full of beauty, and highly expressive of innocence and peace, lean gently against a pedestal, on which is an urn. An other stands in the same window by Banks. A statue, tall and wells executed, of a female resting her right hand on a lion, and holding | |
143 | a medallion in her left, which is supported by a circular pedestal, as the only figure in the design. A pedestal at the back contains a pyramid, on which are the arms of Loten Hoeuff Seltus, Deutz Aerson, Van Jucken, Starick Van Linschoten, and others. It is a monument to the memory of governor Loten, with a long inscription; the lower part being a portion of the Psalm. He died . |
Above is a neat marble slab, with the stern of a ship and naval trophies, to the memory of Captain John Stewart, who died , aged . | |
A monument of spiral Corinthian pillars on a pedestal festooned, with an urn on the centre pillar, and oval tablets in the intercolumniations: that to the left is inscribed to Thomas Mansell, who died , aged years; and the other to William Morgan, , aged . | |
In the centre of the next compartment is a pedestal, with a curtain for the inscription to Robert and Richard, sons of lord viscount Cholmondeley: the died in , aged ; and Richard . Adjoining a pedestal and bust, among books and medical emblems, by Scheemakers, is a monument to the memory of Dr. Richard Mead, with the following inscription:--
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On the western side is a plain slab to the memory of Edward Mansell, who died , aged . Above in the window, is a handsome sarcophagus, with a full-length recumbent figure of the lamented Spencer Perceval, who was assassinated by Bellingham, on the . Patriotism, Integrity, and Justice, personified by female figures, are represented mournfully contemplating the lifeless figure: above this group is a basso-relievo of the assassination, in which the members of the British parliament are absurdly attired in Roman dresses. This monument is by Westmacott, and no inscription has yet been placed on it. | |
On each side of this monument are tablets, with drapery, scrolls, | |
144 | &c. to the memory of E. Herbert, esq. who died , and to Gilbert Thornburgh. |
In the next compartment is a rostral column on a sarcophagus, with military trophies round the base, erected to the memory of John Baker, esq. vice admiral of the white, who died at Port Mahon, the , aged . | |
An adjoining sarcophagus, supporting a pyramid with a medallion on it, an anchor, and cannon, and naval instruments, is for Henry Priestman, esq. who was commander of a squadron of ships in the time of Charles II.; a commissioner of the navy, and for executing the office of high admiral of Great in the reign of William III. He died August , aged . | |
Above is a handsome monument by Flaxman, representing a female in agony reclining on a bier, on which is a medallion of the deceased,
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The monument of Philip Carteret, son of lord George Carterel, who died at school, , aged , has a very good figure of Time inscribing some affecting and classical Latin lives in his praise, upon a label in his left hand: above him a bust of the deceased. | |
Another to Edward Carteret, son of sir Edward Carteret, , aged years; and a tablet to Thomas Levingston of Peebles, lieutenant-general, &c. who died , aged , occupy the compartment. | |
Above is a neat marble tablet, surmounted by a vase, to J. Stewart Denham, bart. who died , aged . | |
Entering the gates of the north aisle is a tablet to Robert lord Constable, viscount Dunbar, who died , aged ; and his wife, the countess of Westmoreland, who died , aged . | |
Dr. Peter Heylin's tablet was broken and decayed, but has been repaired and removed a little eastward to make room for Dr. Agar's: he was sub-dean and prebendary of this church, and died , aged . | |
In the centre arch, under the window, is the last monument that has been erected in this abbey; it is of exquisite workmanship, by J. Bacon, junior, whose skill and taste derogate nothing from those of his most excellent father. This monument, which is dated , is to the memory of Charles Agar, earl of Normanton, and archbishop of Dublin. His lordship is represented at full length, as also of his inferior clergy, standing on his left. He holds a book in his left hand inscribed On his right hand are a poor woman, but withal somewhat too richly attired, and children, the seated, and the other in her arms. A defect in the marble hurts the head of the | |
145 | of these. A little lower is a kneeling figure of a decrepid old man, leaning on a crutch. An angel holds a mitre over the archbishop's head. Underneath the right arm of the archbishop, and in the back ground, is a circular tablet, on which is represented the cathedral church of Cashel, which he erected principally at his own expense.
Another is to Charles Williams, of Caerleon, esq. He died , aged . | |
The next is a handsome monument, with busts on a medallion, a sleeping and weeping boy, and a sepulchral lamp, by Cheere.
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Another to captain Richard Le Neve, who was commander of the Edgar, and killed at the age of , in an engagement with the Dutch, . Farther east is a very handsome pedestal, with a good bust, and trophies.
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Above is a sarcophagus ornamented with Greek tiles, &c. and on the front is an alto-relievo of a gentleman seated, apparently discoursing with an Indian, to the memory of sir George Leonard Staunton, bart. who died . | |
The next is a pedestal, with a bust, and a representation of an organ on the base. | |
The angles of the arches have been cut to admit the mouths of sepulchral lamps with gilt flames.
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Dr. John Blow's tablet which adjoins, informs us he was organist, composer, and master of the children of the chapel royal for years; and organist of the abbey . He was the pupil of Gibbons, and the master of Purcell; and died the , aged . Under the tablet is a music book open; being
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Underneath is a plain slab to Charles Burney, Mus. D. F.R.S. born , died . | |
The last on the wall is a monument, by Cheere, of porphyry and white marble, beautifully inlaid with shells, tied by strings of beads, and a large shell for the inscription; under it is a bas-relief of an engagement at sea, above it a weeping child, and another withdrawing a curtain, shewing a bust on a medallion,
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On the east side of the door leading into the choir, is the monument to the memory of the eminent statesman Charles James Fox. He is represented in a recumbent posture falling into the arms of Liberty; at his feet is Peace lamenting the loss of whose | |
147 | voice had so often been raised in her behalf, and an African negro testifying his gratitude for the patriotic efforts of Mr. Fox to abolish the slave trade. This monument is by Westmacott, and has no inscription; this and Mr. Percival's monument were set up in . |
Against the choir is the tomb of sir Thomas Heskett, who died in the year ; his broken effigies of stone in close garments and ruff lies, under a slightly marked Corinthian canopy, with columns of the same order, on a handsome pedestal; the tomb has been richly painted and gilt, but is considerably injured. A clumsy urn on a pedestal near it is to the memory of dame Mary James, who died anno . | |
In the next intercolumniation westerly is a very good monument to H. Chamberlain, by Scheemakers and Delvaux: his statue reclines on a sarcophagus under an arched pediment; the mourning females on the sides do credit to the artists. holds a serpent, the other a shield, having a lion and eagle. | |
On the next pillar is a neat marble tablet to Dr. Samuel Arnold, who died , aged . On the other side a scroll tablet.
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In the next intercolumniation is a most beautiful pyramidal monument by J. Bacon, junior, a female weeping on a pedestal. It is to the memory of captain George Bryan, who was killed in , at the battle of Talavera. | |
A very indifferent performance, further west, was erected to Almericus Courcy, lord Courcy and baron Kinsale of Ireland, who died , aged . His effigy in Roman armour is reclining on a sarcophagus supported by boys. On a cushion is a coronet. Next to this is a pyramidal tablet, with a small neat medallion, to the memory of Dr. John Plenderleath, physician in the army under the duke of Wellington. He died at Coimbra, . This is likewise by the younger Bacon, and does him great credit. On a pillar the tablet of sir Thomas Duppa, , aged , and the last next the nave is a most wretched broken tomb to dame Elizabeth Carteret, who died , aged . | |
The communication through the piers ceases at the nave. shields of the contributors to the building of this glorious church remain tolerably perfect; are much decayed, but the inscriptions are not legible; they are hung by sculptured straps, over heads which project from the wall. The key-stones of the roof are the head of a man surrounded by apes, a satyr drawing a bow, and others of foliage. of the arches remain, though battered. The is nearly gone. | |
In the north tower is a circular staircase, leading perpendicularly to a level with the roof of the church; after which it ascends on | |
148 | the opposite side to the leads of the tower; whence a most expanded and beautiful prospect is seen on sides, the south tower hiding the . |
The belle are in number. | |
On the oldest is this inscription,
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On the great bell,
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others have on them,
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And the ,
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The font is in the consistory court; it is an octagon, with pannels, quaterfoils, and shields, on a shaft. | |