The History and Antiquities of London, Westminster, Southwark, and Parts Adjacent, vol. 4
Allen, Thomas
A List of the Principal Books, &c. that have been published in Illustration of the Antiquities, History, Topography, and other subjects treated of in this Work.
A List of the Principal Books, &c. that have been published in Illustration of the Antiquities, History, Topography, and other subjects treated of in this Work.
The earliest general account of Middlesex and London is contained in Norden's Small to Lond. with a map, &c. This was reprinted in , and again in , with his description of Hertfordshire annexed, and a plan of London, &c. | |
&c. by John Middleton, esq. vo. Lond. . edit. . | |
The meagre notice of London in the Domesday-book would seem to imply that some separate account of this capital was taken, and afterwards lost; and Strype's Stow, vol. i. speaks of a Domesday in Saxon, being a register sometime kept in , of the laws of London and of the Portgreves. | |
In the earliest account of London that is any wise particular, and now extant, is intituled, , which was published entire by Stow in , as an appendix to his Survey of London. Strype afterwards corrected it in his edition of Stow's Survey, from a manuscript in the city archives. Hearne re-published it, with observations and notes, at the end of the volume of Leland's Itinerary, from a more correct manuscript on vellum in the Bodleian library. It was again published in the , by Mr. Sparke, from a fine manuscript of his own, collated with in the Cottonian library. And lastly, the rev. Mr. Pegge, F. S. A. reprinted it under the title of , to. Fitz-Stephens was a native, and a monk, of Canterbury, and died in . | |
Stow's curious and most valuable account of this city, the fountain-head of all its subsequent historians, was printed under the title of Lond. . Small to. A edition, by himself, was published in the author's life-time, in . years afterwards, a new edition, enlarged, was published by Anthony Munday, under the title of to. The chief additions, though so pompously set forth, consisted of some epitaphs, a continuation of the lists, and some transcripts from Stow's Summary and Annals. The edition, considerably augmented, and published in folio, was thus entitled: Lond. . In this edition the lists of mayors and | |
536 | sheriffs are continued, the arms of the mayors and companies given, and some scattered statutes, acts, oaths, &c. inserted. |
The edition, and so greatly enlarged as to become almost a new work, but with much confusion in the arrangement, was published by John Strype, another native of London, who is spoken of by Mr. Gough as being as industrious as Stow himself, in his particular department, in volumes folio, with the following title: Lond. . The and last edition was a re-print of the above in , with some little variation in the title. vols. folio, Lond. | |
Folio, . A new and splendid edition of this work was published in , with additions, by H. Ellis, esq. Sec. S. A., and principal librarian in the . | |
vo. , plates. small folio, , plates. | |
duodecimo, . Another work by the same author was published in , entitled &c. | |
537 | |
by Edward Hatton, vo. , with a few plates. | |
In the year was published, under the name of Robert Seymour, esq. Lond. vols. fol. In the following year this was re-published in volume, to. | |
Fol. Lond. . This was enlarged, continued to the year , and republished in volumes, folio, in , with plans and views of the city, churches, wards, &c. and a map of the country miles round London. | |
vo. . Illustrated with a map and several wood-cuts. | |
In appeared another history, entitled vo. | |
In volumes, vo. , published by Dodsley, Pall-mall. | |
fol. . | |
A quarto volume under the following title appeared in :-- Illustrated by copper plates. | |
. folio. | |
to. , with several plates. There have been several editions of this work; the edition appeared in , the in , a in , and a in vo. in . | |
folio, . | |
to. ; several good plates. | |
539 | |
to. | |
In , appeared the volume of Mr. Malcolm's valuable work, under the following title: to. with several curious plates; the and volumes were published in , the in . | |
vo. . plates. | |
&c. By the Rev. Mark Noble, F. A. S. to. . plates. | |
Illustrated by numerous plates, to. . | |
royal to. with upwards of coloured plates. | |
In , appeared, By B. Lambert, editor of Berthollet's Chemical Statics; Michaux's Travels in America; Villers' Essay on the Reformation; and various other works. In volumes, vo. with several plates. | |
vo. . with numerous plates and wood cuts. | |
Also an to. . | |
&c. . to. | |
Anecdotes of the Manners and Customs of London, from the Roman invasion to the year ; including the origin of British society, customs, and manners, with a general sketch of the state of religion, superstition, dresses, and amusements of the citizens of London during that period. To which are added, Illustrations of the changes in our language, literary customs, and gradual | |
540 | improvement in style and versification, and various particulars, concerning public and private libraries. Illustrated by eighteen engravings. By James Peller Malcolm, F. A.S. Author of Londinium Redivivum; and of Anecdotes of the Manners and Customs of London during the Eighteenth Century, . to. |
to. to . | |
vo. . | |
In volumes, royal to. . | |
vo. . | |
to. --numerous engravings. | |
By the same author was also published, to. ; numerous brilliant plates. | |
volumes, duodecimo, . | |
vo. plates. . | |
541 | |
to. . | |
vo. . A beautiful work, illustrated by a great number of well executed wood cuts. | |
volumes vo. . . Numerous plates of public buildings in outline. | |
Octavo. . | |
In the part of bishop Stillingfleet's Ecclesiastical Cases, Lond. vo. , is a | |
In Hearne's Introduction to vol. i. p. lviii. is a to the publisher, written by the ingenious Mr. John Bagford, in which are many curious remarks relating to the city of London, its origin, state of in the Roman times, antiquities, &c. At the end of the volume of Hearne also published Dr. Woodward's This was reprinted at London and Oxford, in vo. and , together with a addressed to Hearne in , containing some additional particulars of the site of ancient London, in confutation of the opinion advanced by Dr. Gale, in his Commentary on Antonine. The edition is intituled Lond. . In the same year it was reprinted in Somers's Tracts, vol. iv. p. . . | |
vo. | |
vo. | |
A more exact account of the privileges and bye laws of the city, is in Lond. , vo. | |
Lond. , octavo. Another edition was published in the year . The author has had a place in the town-clerk's office. The transcripts of the charters, given by Maitland, were taken from this work. | |
Lond. , , vo. | |
Lond. . | |
mo. | |
folio. | |
Published both in English and Latin. Lond. , fol. | |
fol. | |
to. | |
fol. half sheet. | |
reprinted . fol. | |
Lond. to (). | |
to. | |
to. | |
Fol. sheet. | |
. fol. | |
to. | |
. fol. | |
fol. | |
to. | |
. fol. | |
. fol. | |
. vo. | |
Lond. . mo. Annexed to this, by the same person, is | |
Lond. . to. This contains an account of all the pageants erected to adorn the procession, with the verses and orations. It was re-printed in the same year. | |
, Lond. to. Bib. Bod. The triumphal arches, called, . , , , , and the , were designed by Stephen Harrison, The speeches, &c. were compiled and written by Ben Jonson, and were printed among his works, vol. iii. p. , Lond. . to. | |
Lond. .to. | |
-. This was afterwards enlarged by the king's command, and republished with the title of Published by William Morgan, his majesty's cosmographer, . fol. were designed by sir Balthazar Gerbier. The plates to this work were engraved by Hollar; among them is an inside view of the choir of Westminster-abbey, as it appeared at the coronation. | |
Lond. . fol. | |
vo. | |
Another pamphlet on the same subject has the title, Lond. vo. This tract escaped the notice of Ant. Wood. | |
The earthquakes experienced in London in February and -, led to the publication of Dr. Stephen Hales's vo. ; and Dr. Stukeley's vo.; in both which the circumstances of those shocks are related. Stukeley's pamphlet was a time re-printed in . | |
Lond. to. . | |
Subscribed Tho. Day, printed by Robert Waldegrave, mo. black letter, pages. | |
The publications concerning the plague in London have been very numerous; the principal are these: | |
The tracts published respecting the great fire are numerous; among the most interesting are the following: | |
Various poems, both upon the fire and the plague, have been written and published by different authors. | |
Lond. fol. . | |
to. . | |
Lond. .to. | |
. to. , . The date is expressed in the quaint legend,
| |
&c. vo. no date. | |
Lond. . fol. This was preceded by &c. Lond. vo. . In was published, &c. fol. And in the following year, appeared &c. had been referred. Fol. | |
Lond. Printed by H. Singleton. to. This was re-printed in . | |
&c. Lond. . Small to. | |
By James Caulfield. Lond. Foolscap . This contains several small heads, and other plates, but is a meagre compilation. | |
Lond. small to. . | |
to Lond. . | |
to Lond. . Land. to. . | |
Lond. mo. . | |
sir William Dugdale: with a portrait of Charles I. by Faithore. Small fol. . | |
Lond. vo. . This was re-printed, with the omission of the in quarto, in , under the title of &c. A preface was attached to this edition, containing a brief account of the chief and various interesting particulars were added of occasional speeches, relations, &c. at the places of execution. | |
Lond. vo. . | |
Written by Henry Danvers, esq. in the year . Small to. pages. Lond. . | |
&c. to. Lond. small vo. | |
&c. Small to. , with heads. | |
&c. by Pitt, with a portrait of Benjamin Hewling, and others. Small to. . | |
&c. vols. vo. Loud. . | |
Lond. . | |
Lond. fol. . | |
Lond. fol. . | |
Lond. fol. | |
parts, large vo. Lond. . | |
The publications and surveys concerning the river Thames have been numerous; among those more immediately connected with this volume, may be noticed the following: | |
553 | |
Among the different publications on the South-sea Bubble was now extremely scarce. vols. fol. Lond. | |
by Glover. This was re-printed in Pearch's collection. | |
Lond. . vo. with plates; a portrait of the author, the balloon, and the apparatus for filling it. | |
. . London, . vo. | |
To which is added , a poem, by the same author. By John Dart. London, . | |
A supplement to this was printed in , vo. A edition, , in volumes, dedicated by H. S. and J. R. A edition in ; a in , with new monuments. | |
to. | |
This work contains copies of the manuscripts which throw new and unexpected light on the ancient history of the art in England. With coloured plates, . to. | |
mo. | |
to. volumes, . Numerous fine plates. | |
vo. . | |
In , appeared vo. , plates. | |
in volumes, folio, , with coloured plates. | |
vo. , plates. | |
vo. . | |
octavo. | |
In volumes. | |
to. . | |
Footnotes: [] The real author of this book was John Matley, the celebrated compiler of Joe Miller's Jests, &c. Upcott's English Topography, vol. ii. p. 620. [] The same engravings as were used in Entick's London. [] Robert Smythe. [] Mr. A. Thomson. [] William Combe. |