The History and Antiquities of London, Westminster, Southwark, and Parts Adjacent, vol. 4
Allen, Thomas
Trinity Chapel
Trinity Chapel founded by James II. though not, as Mr. Malcolm observes, in the usual manner. he continues,
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The king fled from London and his kingdom; but the chapel on the contrary moved towards the former, and fixed its permanent residence in the then fields, and north end of , where it remained in till , when it perished for wait of proper repairs. | |
Dr. Tenison, vicar of in the fields, rebuilt it, (after the determination of a suit in Chancery, and a refusal on the part of the commissioners for building new churches to make it the site of of the number,) as a chapel of ease for his numerous parishioners, and for the benefit of the poor. | |
Footnotes: [] Mr. Nightingale observes, If this were all that James did, surely it is too much in Mr. Malcolm, thus roundly to charge him with bigoted folly, merely for building a chapel for the conversion of his soldiers, for what he conceived to be a dangerous error to the true religion. [] the marker for this footnote does match in text |