Here and There at Tufts
Doane, Lewis
The Dartmouth Bonfire
News of the splendid victory of the 1906 baseball team over Dartmouth reached the Hill soon after the game was over, and the lusty ringing of the College bell warned all the good people of Somerville to keep a close watch of their fences. Soon groups of hurrying Freshmen could be seen in the darkness, and now and then the crash of splintering wood gave token that some fence or board walk had been torn from its accustomed place. Railroad ties in abundance were found below the Hillside station and carted up to the Hill manned by enthusiastic Freshmen. By these tactics a huge pile was collected, and at eleven o'clock the torch was applied. As the flames leaped crackling upward, the student body cheered the team, and sang and danced about the fire until the flames died down. The Rez, too, was illuminated. | |
After the fire had died out, all hastened to their rooms and donned night-shirts for the traditional night-shirt parade. Headed by the band the students marched through Medford cheering and singing. | |