Here and There at Tufts

Doane, Lewis




Although indulged in for several years as an exercise, fencing did not receive any considerable attention till very lately, when the revival of this difficult art by some of the colleges, created an interest at Tufts. Instruction had been given by Mr. Ranlett, an exponent of the West Point system, and several fellows who were interested took lessons. Last year a team was organized and several matches were held. Perhaps the most interesting was the one with Yale. The spectators were treated to an excellent exhibition of fencing, and although Yale excelled our team in the use of the foils, several of the bouts were close and interesting. Last year the team was coached by M. Pianelli, an exponent of the French system of fencing.

The team was made up of Capt. H. D. A. Ganteaume, '07; and A. O. Todd, '07; and F. B. de Alvarenga, '07.

  • Here and There at Tufts, was published by the class of 1909 as an early form of a yearbook. The text includes photographs and histories of academic buildings, dormitories, former deans and presidents, classrooms, fraternities, athletic teams, and student organizations.
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