Here and There at Tufts

Doane, Lewis


Bowdoin Trip


The greatest interest of Saturday morning centered at the Union Station upon the arrival of the Tufts team from Boston and the Bowdoin team from Brunswick. By 12 o'clock the crowds of Tufts students began to gather at the station. The Boston train was late and did not arrive until 12.45 so the fellows had plenty of time to give vent to their feelings in the station.

One of the first songs, in which the 250 odd students joined with a vim, was the "Brown and Blue," which rang out in great style. Following this the " Campus Song," and a number of others followed until the fellows were well-nigh voiceless. As the train appeared a line was formed with the men four abreast, and the band ahead. After the train came to a stop each man of the team was cheered individually.

After the players passed in review the line of march continued through Railroad Square and up Congress Street. At Vaughn Street the band struck up, and the long line of college men with banners waving and colors flying, took up the strain. People flocked to windows and sidewalks and a royal reception was accorded the fellows all the way to Monument Square. Upon reaching the Square the men circled the monument and went to the Preble House for dinner.

At the grounds in the afternoon the immense crowd was handled in fine style, and the two contingents with their bands were as interesting to the Portland folk as the game itself.

  • Here and There at Tufts, was published by the class of 1909 as an early form of a yearbook. The text includes photographs and histories of academic buildings, dormitories, former deans and presidents, classrooms, fraternities, athletic teams, and student organizations.
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