Here and There at Tufts
Doane, Lewis
Tufts Night
Tufts Night was conceived by President Capen. Acting upon his suggestion a large mass meeting of the students was held in the Gymnasium on the evening of Monday, Sept. 26, 1898, the purpose in mind being to supplant the usual visitation of that night by a more legitimate and profitable means of giving vent to the enthusiasm and zeal of the undergraduates. It was the direct result of a conference of the captains and managers of the teams held at the house of President Capen the previous Thursday evening. | |
On this first "Tufts Night" President Capen presided. Among the speakers were Dr.C. M. Ludden, '86, and Prof. Arthur W. Peirce, '82, of Dean Academy. During the evening there was frequent cheering, and excellent music rendered by the Glee Club. The evening closed with the singing of the " Brown and Blue." Altogether it was an occasion always to be remembered, in which the college spirit was evoked as never before, and an admirable precedent for the future was established. As an immediate result of the spirit of this first gathering, appeared our beautiful " Alma Mater," composed by Prof. Leo R. Lewis, '87, with words by Prof. David L. Maulsby, '87. | |
Since then " Tufts Night " has been a yearly event, and is one of the greatest factors in uniting Tufts men in closer bonds. Here a Freshman obtains his first conceptions of that Tufts spirit which follows him through life. He meets his fellow students, and hears inspiring speeches of " old grads " who spread the honor and fame of Tufts. Here, too, the bond of brotherliness between the Alumni and undergraduates is strengthened. To every Tufts man present, his Alma Mater becomes more real and more to be revered. | |