Here and There at Tufts
Doane, Lewis
One of the most successful of Tufts teams is represented in baseball. This branch of college activity has always been very strong, ever since its introduction into the College. In recent years, under the able coaching of Fred Tenney,captain of the Boston Nationals, several remarkably fine teams have represented Tufts on the diamond. Victories over Yale, Dartmouth, Alabama, and many other strong college teams have gone down in Tufts baseball history. A look at the trophy case in Goddard Gymnasium will convince anyone that Tufts is unusually strong in this department of college activity. | |
The squad is called out in February for cage work, and as soon as weather conditions permit, outdoor practice is begun, and the squad gradually reduced. Although somewhat handicapped last year the results show a very successful season, and a promise for an equally successful one this coming spring. | |