Here and There at Tufts

Doane, Lewis


The Bowdoin Game


The game at Portland on November 2, 1907, well repaid the supporters who accompanied the team. Although a whole section of the bleachers had been reserved for the Tufts contingent they overflowed into the neighboring stands, and many were unable to obtain seats. Under the leadership of the Band the songs were effectively rendered, and the cheering was especially strong.

With such backing the team could not but play great football. Every man was in the game from start to finish, and the final score of 19-2 shows how well each acquitted himself. Although Sheehy and Marr were disabled to some extent from former injuries they came through the game in great shape. The delayed pass and forward pass were worked consistently for long gains, and Captain Green's drop kicking was a feature.

Between the halves the Tufts and Bowdoin men marched around the field. It is worthy of note that although the game was in Bowdoin's territory Tufts brought fully as many rooters as Bowdoin. Before the second half ended darkness fell, and the finish could hardly be seen. The Tufts rooters formed in procession after the game and marched to the boat.

Ahead were two men bearing a large Tufts banner, and then came the fellows four abreast. Hundred of people gathered on the sidewalks to watch the procession; many of the men carried red fire, and the greatest enthusiasm prevailed. At Monument Square the men were cheered individually and collectively. Then reforming, the line marched down Congress Street and thence to the boat.

  • Here and There at Tufts, was published by the class of 1909 as an early form of a yearbook. The text includes photographs and histories of academic buildings, dormitories, former deans and presidents, classrooms, fraternities, athletic teams, and student organizations.
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