Here and There at Tufts

Doane, Lewis


Mechanical Laboratory


Receiving steam for heat and power through a subterranean conduit from the Power House in the rear, the entire basement of Robinson Hall is available for laboratories, shops, etc. In the south end is the mechanical and hydraulic laboratory. This room is used by all engineering students during the first half of their Junior year. Tests are made with a 60,000-pound Olsen testing machine of wood, iron, steel, and concrete, embodying tension, compression, shear, and transverse bending. Besides, practical problems are analyzed concerning bolt friction as applied to the strength of bolts or studs in cylinder heads, machines and so on, and belt friction as regards to power transmission by belt and rope driving, both by experiments and illustrative problems.

The classes are divided into squads of ten to twelve students so that each student has opportunity to take observations himself and to ascertain something of his " personal equation " in attempting such work.

In the second half of their Junior year the Civil Engineers use this room for their course in Hydraulic Measurements which includes tests with a 6oo-gallon Worthington duplex pump, standard nozzles, water-meters, weirs, channels, Pitot tubes, and a 12-inch Pelton water-wheel. The same class also carries on field experiments whereby it measures the flow of water in a river or canal and determines the water-power thus afforded.

F. B. S.

  • Here and There at Tufts, was published by the class of 1909 as an early form of a yearbook. The text includes photographs and histories of academic buildings, dormitories, former deans and presidents, classrooms, fraternities, athletic teams, and student organizations.
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