Londina Illustrata. Graphic and Historical Memorials of Monasteries, Churches, Chapels, Schools, Charitable Foundations, Palaces, Halls, Courts, Processions, Places of Early Amusement, and Modern Present Theatres, in the Cities and Suburbs of London and Westminster, Volume 1

Wilkinson, Robert


Lambe's Chapel and Alms-Houses: , Cripplegate.


Though a sequestered situation was originally an indispensable quality of the cells of those religious solitaries called hermits,—their habitations in later times were often of a more social character; and were frequently constructed in church-yards at chapels, at the ends of bridges and the gates of towns:[*]  and the site of the present establishment once afforded a curious instance of a hermitage erected on a wall of the City of London. The founder of it is stated in a patent of Edward I. to have been Henry III., his father; but though it be in that, as well as in several other authentic instruments, always entitled only a hermitage, it appears to have been from the very , both in its appointments, and the importance attached to its advowson, in reality a small chantry-chapel, endowed for a single priest. It is accordingly so denominted in the following covenant, which is the earliest instrument relating to it now in print; and which was translated and published from the original in the possession of Sir Henry Spelman, in the


added to , , small folio, page .

A very ancient Deed to prove Lambe's Chapel to have been anciently in the Parish of St. Olave, .

Know all men, present and to come, that I, Laurence de Frowik, have granted and demised, and by this present charter of mine have confirmed, unto Richard of Clerkenwell, Chaplain, all that land of mine, with the houses, buildings, and appurtenances, which I have in London, in Muckwell Street, in the Parish of St. Olave; lying between that land which William Throtegos held of me towards the south, and the land of the Friars of the New Hostel towards the north: and which extendeth itself in length from the King's highway, even unto the Wall of the City towards the west, &c. He paying me Shillings a year, &c. and giving unto the Church of St. Olave, aforesaid, Wax Candle of a pound weight, at the Feast of St. Thomas the Apostle yearly: and unto the Chapel of the Close or cloister within Creplegate, at the upper end of Muckwell Street, towards the north, other Wax Taper of Quarters of a pound weight, upon the Feast of St. James, yearly, &c.—Witness Nicholas Bat, then Mayor of London,[*]  John of Northampton, and Richard Pycard, then Sheriffs, &c. Anno .

The name of this Chapel does not actually occur in the preceding grant, but the land referred to in it is considered to be identified with that now forming the court-yard of the present alms-houses by circumstances:—namely, firstly, by the description of the boundaries,—the City wall on the west, and the Friars of the New Hostel, or the French Order of the Hospital of St. Giles, on the north;[*]  and, secondly, by the latter taper mentioned in the covenant being offered on St. James's day, at the Chapel at the upper end of Muckwell Street, which was originally known by the name of the Chapel of St. James in the Wall. Having been of royal foundation, the original presentation belonged to the King, who, when it was vacant, appointed also the guardian to watch over its property, and the revenues assigned for its support; which guardian, in , is shewn by the following instrument to have been the Lord Mayor of London: in all probability Henry de Walleis, who filled that office in , and again from to , and also in .

The King to all, &c. Greeting. Forasmuch as the chalices, books, vestements, images, bells, and other ornaments and goods, of

the Hermitage

near Cripplegate,—which is of our Advowson, and which our father of famous memory, the Lord King Henry, gave with all its appurtenances to Robert de St. Laurence, Chaplain, to inhabit for life,—are frequently after the decease of the Hermits of that


in the time of its vacancy abstracted and carried away, as well by ecclesiastics as by laymen, because

the Hermitage

is not placed under the sure custody and protection of any


; We, being at this time willing to avoid all damage and loss to the aforesaid place in future, and to provide a remedy, have deputed our Mayor of London for the time being, who shall in our name, during our pleasure, be the Keeper and protector; that he may protect and defend our said


, the inhabitants, rents, and all other things belonging to it. And if any shall have forfeited aught, let them have remedy without delay. In testimony whereof, witness the King at Kenynton, on the

twelfth day of July



It appears, however, that the spoliation complained of still continued, and it is probable that the care of a small establishment like the present was found inconvenient with the numerous important duties of the chief magistrate; and therefore in the custody was transferred to the Constable of the Tower, who, at this time, was Anthony Bek, afterwards Bishop of Durham.[*] 

The King to all his bailiffs and faithful subjects, to whom, &c. Greeting. Forasmuch as the rents, chalices, books, vestments, images,

bells, reliques, charters, royal muniments, apostolical privileges, utensils, and other goods of

the Hermitage

, near Cripelgete, &c. as in the former writ, are frequently abstracted and carried away, as it said because that


is not then in any certain custody, We being at this time willing to avoid all damage and loss to the same place in future, and to provide a remedy, have deputed on this part the Constable of our

Tower of London

for the time being, as the Keeper of that


in our name, during our pleasure, &c. as above. Witness the King at


, the

12th day of July



As it is probable that both of these keepers proved alike unfitted for the custody of a narrow chapel on the City Wall, it was subsequently placed with its inhabitant, under the inspection of the Abbey of Garendon in Leicestershire; the recognition of the government of which appears in .[*]  By this period the character of the social hermits had very much degenerated; many appear to have become such that they might pass their lives in indolence,[*]  and the following instance connected with the present hermitage, shews that they availed themselves of the popular esteem in which they were held, to assume a power to which they had no sort of right.

In the year



says Newcourt,[*] 

Ralph de Baldock being then Bishop of London,—Thomas de Wyreford, an hermit of this cell, a presumptuous troublesome man, took upon him to hear confessions of people of the neighbouring parishes, to enjoin penances, to grant indulgences for


days to such as frequented his hermitage, and the like; having no lawful authority so to do. For which offence he was judicially proceeded against by the Bishop, and pronounced guilty, and to be a transgressor of the Canons: whereupon he was admonished to make satisfaction for the same within


days, and inhibited to do the like; as also were the people warned not to follow nor be seduced by him under the pain of excommunication.

—By a Patent, dated , the custody of this was committed to Walter Kemesey;[*]  and it is noted by Leland,[*]  that in the year of Edward III., , William de Lions was the hermit of this chapel. He had probably been placed there by the Abbot of Garendon, to whom the King had mortgaged the hermitage the year before.[**]  To this chapel also the same Abbot and Convent sent chaplains of their house and order, (Cistercian) to celebrate divine service for the soul of Audomar de Valence, Earl of Pembroke, deceased, and for the good estate of that of Maria de St. Paul, his surviving widow, in return for her gift of tenements, in the suburbs of London in , the others within the city in Sherebourne Lane. The indenture by which this grant is made, is dated on the Nativity, , and provides that the monk appointed to this service should be presented to the Countess for her approval during her life; and afterwards to the Mayor of London for ever: the rents of the said tenement to be applied solely to the maintenance of the priest, and support of the hermitage.[*]  It is probable, however, that the Corporation of London still possessed some authority over this foundation, since by a Royal Charter on the Patent Roll of the year of Edward III., -, membrane ,

the King confirms the custody of the Chapel near Crepilgate; a place in the angle towards the west, near Crepilgate within the wall, to the City of London, quit of all service:

which instrument Bishop Tanner considers to refer rather to the Chapel of St. James upon the Wall, than to the Hospital of St. Giles without Cripplegate.[*]  Possibly it might have been thus assigned to the City by the King, as a recompense for having assisted him to clear off the mortgage upon it held by the Abbot of Garendon: and perhaps it was on this account that the chantry-priest sent from that house was ordered to be presented for approval to the Lord Mayor of London after the death of the Countess of Pembroke. of these presentations is entered in the City Records, and the following is a translated copy of it.[*] 

To the venerable person the Mayor of London, the Father John, Abbot of the Monastery of the Blessed Mary of Gerendon, of the Cistercian Order, in the Diocese of Lincoln,—salutation with honour. We have ordained and approved with our presentation, our dear brother in Christ, and our fellow monk and priest, John de Rither, to the Chantry for the Souls of Audomar de Valence, Earl of Pembroke, and of the most venerable Lady Maria de St. Paul, Countess of Pembroke, his wife,—in

the Hermitage

near Cripulgate, London; whom also we present to you by these present letters. In witness whereof we have affixed our seal to the same. Given in the Monastery of Gerendon aforesaid, on the Feast of St. Michael, in the Year of our Lord,


.—By virtue of which presentation, the aforesaid John de Rither was admitted to the aforesaid Chantry by Thomas Knolles, Lord Mayor of London, &c.



or Chapel on the Wall having thus become an established residence for monks, Stow observes that

from these monks, and from a well belonging to them the street took that name, and is called Monks

Well Street


but however natural and probable this derivation may be, it has been already shewn that the place was entitled Street in the century; in Aggas's Plan of London about it is called Street; and Stow himself writes it Street in another part of his As the chaplains of this chantry were appointed to be priests sent from the Abbey of Garendon, it is probable that they very soon claimed an exemption from the authority of the Bishop of London, though residing in his Diocess; under precedents said to have been introduced by Austin and Theodore, Archbishops of Canterbury, that monks were to be subject to their own Abbots only. By a sentence, however, dated , and confirmed in , the Chapel of St. James, with other pretended exemptions, was restored to the Diocess of London.[*]  The ancient hermitage appears to have been suppressed long previous, since it was granted , the year of Henry VIII., to William Lambe,[*]  the benevolent citizen whose name is now unalienably attached to the spot; he was a Gentleman of the King's Chapel, in considerable favour with his Sovereign; and a Clothworker by Company and occupation.

Stow relates, however, that in the reign of Edward VI. he bought the hermitage and appurtenances, which he gave to the Clothworkers of London with other tenements, and died in the year .[*] 


says Newcourt,

must be a mistake; for his Will in the Prerogative Office (Book Arundell, Quire


), bears date

March 10th, 1579

, and a codicil annexed

2nd April, 1580

, both which were proved

June 2nd, 1580

; so that it is plain he died between the

first of April

and the beginning of June that year. Stow likewise tells us that then,

id est



, he gave this Chapel to the Clothworkers of London, with other tenements, to the value of

£ 50

. per annum, to the intent they should have a minister to say divine service there; though I am inclined to believe that it was about




years before that time: for in this very will of


he speaks of lands and tenements given by him in a former will dated in the


of Queen Elizabeth, (which must be





This will is dated April 11th, 1574, and is cited in the returns of the Clothworkers' Company to the Parliament Commissioners appointed to inquire concerning Charities. Farther Report (Sixth) dated 30th June, 1821, p. 220.

) but mentions not to what uses, to the Company of the Clothworkers; which former will, as to that part of it, he confirms in this letter.

[*]  The truth of all this discrepancy of dates appears to have been elicited by the evidence produced to the Parliament Commissioners appointed to enquire concerning Public Charities;[*]  by which it is shewn that several years before even the year assigned above for the present foundation, Lambe had begun to make legal arrangements for it. By an indenture dated , between the Master and Wardens of the Company of Clothworkers, on the part; and the Mayor, Commonalty, and Citizens of London, on the other part; after reciting that William Lambe of London, Gentleman, intended to declare his last will of certain premises in the Parishes of St. James upon the Wall nigh Cripplegate, St. Stephen , and St. Olave , and to bequeath them to the said Master and Wardens;—it is covenanted That the said Master and Wardens should, after his decease, yearly, upon the , and upon each of the Feast days of St. Stephen, the Annunciation St. Mary the Virgin, and the Nativity of St. John the Baptist, cause a Sermon to be preached in the Chapel of St. James upon the Wall; at which of their livery should be present: the preacher to receive for his sermon, and the clothworkers each. That the said Master and Wardens should, after his decease cause gowns to be given to men, at the yearly expense of . ; and the like to as many women at the cost of . ; with shirts to men, value . ; and smocks to women, value . ; and also yearly to provide pairs of shoes for the same: all such articles being distributed in the Church or Chapel of St. James, aforesaid, on the , the recipients being poor and aged, impotent and lame, persons, who should be present at all the sermons. It is farther covenanted that if the Chamberlain, Town-Clerk, or Under-Chamberlain, of London, or any of them, should be present at that sermon to see this duly performed, the said Master and Wardens should pay them each. After the decease of Lambe, the Master and Wardens of the Clothworkers' Company are also to find a chaplain to say divine service in the said chapel on every Sunday, Wednesday, and Friday, and decently to preserve the building. It is provided, however, that if the said William Lambe should not by his will freely convey the said premises to the said Master and Wardens, to their own proper use for ever, the preceding covenant should be void. —To this explicit agreement there is but little to be added from the actual will of the benefactor concerning the present establishment. He gave by it his dwelling-house in London, including all messuages, lands, tenements, and hereditaments, whatsoever, with their appurtenances,

situate in the


parishes aforesaid, to the annual amount of

£ 30


In 1821 the whole amount of the rental of this property was £ 541. 2s. Sixth Report of the Commissioners for Charities, p. 221.

with a yearly addition of

£ 4

. for all the purposes already related: the garments to consist of frieze gowns, lockeram

Lockram, a sort of coarse cloth or linen, made of various degrees of fineness, and formerly much used by inferior persons for caps, handkerchiefs, shirts, &c. The original derivation is supposed to be from the Danish words lok, a lock of wool, and ram, rough.

shirts, and good and strong winter shoes, all made ready for wearing.

From these premises, however, the yearly sum of . was to be paid to the Stationers' Company for the perpetual relief of the poor in the Parish


Church of St. Faith, in the Crypt under ; in money, and in bread, every Friday throughout the year.[*] 

In the present state of this charity, the persons partaking of it annually receive their clothing with a donation of each, on the : the men having a complete modern suit of broad cloth, a shirt, shoes, and stockings; and the women materials for a gown, cloak, &c. with shoes and stockings, being allowed them for making up their own clothes. The Chamberlain and Town Clerk of London, as well as many members of the Clothworkers' Company, are usually present at the annual sermon when these clothes are given at Lambe's Chapel in ;[*]  the pensioners themselves also attending them in their new habits. The other sermons ordered by the indenture are likewise preached yearly in the same Chapel. In addition to this charity endowed by Lambe, the Clothworkers' Company has thought it proper, out of the surplus rents of his bequest, to devote . in pensions of . to poor members of the same who are styled

Lambe's Pensioners;

though they are indebted for this benefaction to the volantary benevolence of the Court, by which they are appointed for life.

Although the ravages of the Great Fire extended along the outer side of that part of the City wall against which Lambe's Chapel was erected, it appears to have only partially damaged the ancient edifice; since even at the rebuilding of it considerable vestiges remained of a Crypt, which seemed to be of a period yet older than that of the foundation of the hermitage-chapel by Henry III. Of this place an interesting account, with a plate containing groundplan and some architectural details, both by Mr. A. J. Kempe, was published in the for , Vol. xcv. page , plate ii. He there states that the recent demolition of the upper part of Lambe's Chapel for the purpose of rebuilding it, gave access to the curious vault occupying the space beneath. After descending or narrow steps, a low vaulted chamber was entered, feet long from east to west, and feet broad; having in it originally short round columns, of which were remaining, supporting the groined roof of the apartment. The capitals of these columns were Saxon, ornamented with leaves and volutes at the angles, and the capitals of the corner pillars were placed diagonally to the square of the building. Some of the intersecting stone ribs springing from the columns were plain, and others were adorned with zig-zag, twisted, and other ancient mouldings; specimens of which, with of the pillars, and a plan of the directions of the arches, are given on the right hand of the lower part of the present Engraving of old Lambe's Chapel. On the other side of the corresponding part of the same Plate is a Section of the ornamented mouldings from of the arches; and leaning against the wall, in the Interior View at the top of the Plate, is represented a Ground-plan of the Crypt, with the Outside of the Chapel. The material of which this Crypt was constructed was freestone, of a reddish colour, the surface being very considerably decomposed; and several modern brick walls intersected the building.

It will be seen, however, by the annexed View of the late Lambe's Chapel, that there were considerable alterations made in it upon repairing after the Great Fire. The south and east walls containing the arched windows were probably in great part ancient; but the square windows on the north were doubtless of a much later period. The whole structure also appears to have been beautified in , which year is inscribed in the pediment of the arch under which appears the old half-length figure of the founder beneath the eastern window of the Chapel. His effigy is dressed in the livery gown of his Company, with a flat cap; holding a purse in the right hand and gloves in the left: the ornamented elliptical arch around it is supported by square pyramidal pilasters, and the date in the pediment is divided by a shield bearing the arms of the Company of Clothworkers. Immediately beneath this figure was an oaken chair in which the Master of the Company sat at the annual sermons; and there were also seats for the other officers and members, and benches for the pensioners. In the great window above were small paintings on glass of wholelength figures of the Saints James the Apostle, Peter, Matthew, and Matthias, standing beneath arches.[*]  The dimensions of the Chapel represented in the Plate were feet in length from east to west, by feet in breadth: it was furnished with a small upright stone font, a bell, and a pulpit and reading-desk; and at the altar was a painting of Moses, with the Decalogue, Lord's Prayer, and Creed, upon panels between Corinthian columns: at the west end


were the Royal arms. Many of these decorations were probably made at the time recorded in the following inscription on each of the side windows at the eastern extremity:—

The worshipfull John Crayle, Esq. Master: Mr. William Andrews, Mr. Walter Ryan, Wardens: Mr. Lancelott Skinner, Mr. Evan Pugh, Wardens. Anno Domini




As a chapel established by law private marriages and burials were performed in the present foundation; there was also a register of them formerly belonging to it, the following extracts from which were published by the Rev. John Strype.[*] 

Upon the 8th of July, 1625, I, Arthur Jackson, Rector of St. Michel, Hogen-Lane, Wood street, was chosen by the Worshipful Company of Clothworkers to be Minister of this Church or Chapel of St. James on the Wall,Sir John Hawkins states that the Chaplain of the Clothworkers' Company for the time being, is, in general, the Minister of this Chapel. The Clerk is a decayed member of the Company, who has apartments provided for him contiguous to the Chapel, with a salary of 10l. 10s. and gratuity of 1l. Sixth Report concerning Charities, p. 221.—The Arthur Jackson above mentioned was a close adherent to the Parliament at the commencement of the Civil Wars, and intimate friend of the unfortunate Christopher Love, against whom he refused to give evidence when bought to trial for conspiracy against the republican government. For this he was fined 500l. and committed a close prisoner to the Fleet; but when Charles II. made his triumphant procession through London he presented him with the Bible at the head of the Presbyterians, for which office he was peculiarly qualified, having written a commentary upon several parts of Scripture, to which there is prefixed a portrait of him by Loggan. Dr. Calamy states, that he was a person of such assiduity, as to study whilst at the university for fourteen or sixteen hours a day; constantly rising at 3 or 4 o'clock summer and winter, and continuing to do so at the age of 73. He died August 5th, 1666. Granger's Biographical Hist. of England. Reign of Charles I. Class IV. commonly called Lambe's Chapel.—This J. Bagford transcribed out of the Register-Book of the Parish Church of St. James on the Wall, with this that follows.

Marriages.—August 18th, 1586, (being the first register)— Nicholas Bestney, of Gray's Inn in Holborn, in the Couuty of Middlesex, Esq. and Bridget Mitchel, sole daughter and heir of John Mitchel of Warham, in the County of Sussex.

The 28th July, 1608. Henry Hudson of the Inner Temple. Gent. and Sybell Bestney, &c.

Thus far these marriages were taken out of several paper registers, by me, Arthur Jackson.—And then from this Mr. Jackson's Register- Book were entered the Marriages celebrated in that Chapel to the year 1632, and no farther.

Burials entered in the same Register.—1592. Eleanor Bestney, daughter of Nicholas Bestney, and Bridget his wife.

1604. May 29th. Catharine Bestney, daughter of Nicholas Bestney, and Bridget his wife.

— Aug. 29th. Ursula Bestney, daughter of the said Nicholas and Bridget.

1632. March 22nd. Mrs. Bridget Bestney, Widow; late wife of Nicholas Bestney, Esq.

A few grave stones were contained in the Chapel, from some of which the brass-plates had been taken away, but on others they were remaining; and in there appeared also the following inscriptions.

Henry Weldon,


sonne of Ralphe Weldon, of Swanscombe, in Kent, Esq. and Elizabeth, his wiff, aged


yeares, was buried the xxvth of March, Anno


, Elizabeth



Adjoining to this was another stone, with a small brass plate containing a lion rampant in a lozenge; beside which there had been formerly other brasses, the above, and the other beneath, the shield, but they were wanting at the time this account was written. About inches farther appeared a gravestone, also containing a brass plate of a lozenge charged with a lion rampant, with the ensuing inscription.

Katherine Hird, daughter of Nicholas Best of Graye's Inn, Esquire, deceased y


xxx daye of August, An




; being of the age of xx yeares and


moneth; and lieth here by her sister Ellanor.

Previous to the rebuilding of this edifice it stood on the northern side of a small irregular square of buildings with a long narrow entry, called , at the north-western corner of ; its northern and western boundaries being an angle of the City wall with the hollow base of a watch-tower at the corner, and the church yard of St. Giles Cripplegate beyond it. This watch-tower is conjectured to be most probably that mentioned as a boundary in the Charter of William I. to the Canons of le Grand, in ,

ab Aquilonare cornu muri civitatis


from the northern angle of the City wall.[*] 

It was stated in the account of Lambe's charity given to the Parliamentary Commissioners, that in the repairs of this Chapel amounted to . , and that it was apprehended that when the lease of the eighteen messuages adjoining on each side of it should expire, the Court of the Company would be required to take down and rebuild the whole. The term for which they were held was years from Midsummer ;[*]  and accordingly in the Chapel was rebuilt with Alms-houses, of rooms each, on the original site, the latter being in the Tudor style of domestic architecture. A small part of this structure is now brought forward into ; namely, a narrow gate, and the side of the Clerk's house, ornamented with a panel and the Clothworkers' arms sculptured in stone. The form of the area within is irregular, and at the north-west corner is a small arch leading into a piece of greensward occupying the circular base of the ancient watch-tower on the City wall. The Chapel is erected upon the old foundations, and is fitted up within with the greatest plainness and propriety, with a pointed roof, divided into squares by dark oaken ribs and pendants; and light oaken pews, desks and pulpit. At the western end is the original effigy of the founder, let into the wall, and painted in a black cap and red gown; above it is the large old painting of the Royal arms; and on the north wall beside it is a panel containing a carving of the Clothworkers' arms, coloured and gilded. Below this is the small stone font shewn in the Plate, and beneath the founder's figure are chairs


for the Beadles of the Company at the annual sermons. The bells hang in a gallery over the porch of the chapeldoor, appropriated to the sextoness; the pensioners' seats are on each side the west end of the building; a fair altar with the Creed, &c. occupies the east; and under the south windows is a handsome pew for the Master and Wardens of the Company, immediately opposite the pulpit. Behind the latter is the vestry, and in a small yard beside it, is the door to the ancient crypt beneath, which has been carefully preserved; the entrance to it is under a small but beautiful round Norman arch of a red-coloured stone, composed of fragments from the ancient building. The Alms-houses which are now attached to this Chapel are appropriated to poor freemen of the Company, dressers or workers of cloth, who receive per annum each with a chaldron of coals.

It is not, however, upon the establishment of this Chapel and the preceding charities alone, that the memory of William Lambe is left to rest; since his whole fortune was employed alike in extensive acts of benevolence during his life, as well as in permanent endowments at his death: of all which the following additional and noble summary is given by Stow.[*] 

Out of his love to learning and scholars, in the town of Sutton-Valens, in Kent, where he was born, at his own proper cost and charges he erected a Free Grammar School, for the education and instruction of youth in the fear of God, good manners, knowledge, and understanding: allowing yearly to the Master 20l., and 10l. yearly to the Usher, from time to time, as either place shall be supplied by succession, and for their yearly stipends or perpetual pensions. In the same town of Sutton, also, for the relief of poor people, he caused to be builded six Alms-houses; having an orchard and gardens, and the sum of 10l. yearly to be paid them.History of Kent, by Edward Hasted, Vol. II. Canterbury 1782, fol. p. 415.—At Maidstone, likewise in Kent, he hath given 10l. yearly to the Free School for ever; with this especial caution that needy men's children may be preferred only to the enjoying of this benefit.Ibid. p. 116.

This gentleman foreseeing, in his life-time the decay of sundry trades and occupations, to the utter undoing of very many, especially poor clothiers,That this decay really took place, is shewn in a curious old tract written within a very few years after the time of Lambe, by W. Stafford. though bearing the name of W. Shakespeare, Gentleman, entitled, A Compendious or Briefe Examination of certayne ordinary Complaints of diuers of our Countrymen in these our dayes. Lond. 1581. 4to. Reprinted in 1751. 8vo. The second dialogue of this book contains an enlarged discussion wherein the causes or occasions of the said griefs be increased; and at fol. 57, 58, the origin of the decay of the English wool-manufacture is shewn to be our delicacy in requiring straungers' wares. whose impoverishing deserved greatly to be pitied, freely gave to the poor Clothiers in Suffolk, in Bridgenorth, and in Ludlow, in Shropshire, 300l. to be paid by even portions: to each several town of the said Counties 100l. apiece, for their supportation and maintenance at their work or occupation.

And as his charity extended itself thus liberally abroad in the country, so did the City of London likewise taste thereof not sparingly. For near unto Holborn he founded a fair Conduit, and a Standard with a cock at Holborn Bridge to convey thence the waste. These were begun the 26th day of March, 1577, and the water carried along in pipes of lead more than two thousand yards, all at his own cost and charges, amounting to the sum of 1500l.; and the work was fully finished the 24th of August in the same year. Moreover he gave to poor women, such as were willing to take pains, 120 Pails, therewith to carry and serve water.Before the New River was conveyed to London, and whilst the City was imperfectly supplied with water, it was brought from the public conduit and pumps in the streets, either by inferior servants and women, or by the apprentices in the families of tradesmen. (Strype's Stows. Survey of London, Vol. II. Book v. chap. xxiv. p. 329.) There were also persons called water-bearers, who made it their entire occupation to carry water to a number of regular customers at so much each turn; one of which class is Cob in Ben Jonson's Every Man in His Humour. The vessels which they carried were called tankards, and were formed of wood hooped round with iron, shaped like a truncated cone, and held about three gallons; they had also a small iron handle at the upper end with a chain fixed to an iron stopple, or a cover with a hinge, and were easily portable on a man's shoulders: the figure of them may be seen in the Plate of West Cheap Conduit, &c. in the First Volume of this work. As the last instance in remembrance of their actual use, says Sir John Hawkins, the following fact may be relied on:—About the year 1730, Mr. James Colebrook, a very wealthy man and a banker, had a shop nearly adjoining the Antwerp Tavern behind the Royal Exchange. Opposite thereto, and against the wall of the Church of St. Bennet Fink, was a spring of water with a pump, from which a porter, employed to open and also to water and sweep the shop, every morning duly at eight o'clock fetched water in such a tankard as is above described. Antiquarian Repertory, Vol. i. p. 362. There were also women whose occupation it was to carry water in pails, as more convenient vessels for their use. The practice of thus exposing it to sale continued long after the former had entirely disappeared; it is still known in many places distant from the metropolis, and is, perhaps, not even yet quite extinct in the environs of London. One of Marcellus Lauron's London Cries, published in the latter part of the seventeenth century, is the figure of an old London Water-Carrier, equipped with a yoke and pails: his cry was Any New River Water here! In the Description of England and Ireland by M. Jorevin, printed at Paris in 1672, and translated in the Antiquarian Repertory, Vol. iv. Lond. 1809, p. 573, is the following notice relating to these waterbearers. There is no kingdom wherein Sunday is better observed than in England; for so far are they from selling things on that day, that even the carrying of water for the houses is not permitted.

To the Parish Church of St. Giles without Cripplegate, he gave 15l. to the bells and chimes; intending a farther liberality thereto, if they had taken due time.

To Christ's Hospital in London, towards the bringing up of poor men's children he hath given 6l. yearly for ever: and 100l. in ready money together, therewith to purchase lands, that their relief, by the revenues of the same, may be perpetual.

To St. Thomas's Spital, or Hospital, in Southwark, towards the succour of the sick and diseased he gave 4l. yearly for ever.

An hundred pounds he intended to the Hospital called the Savoy: but by reason that such agreements could not be made as he thought convenient, his contribution that way, much against his mind, went not forward.

For the relief of poor prisoners in the two Counters, Newgate, Ludgate, the Marshalsea, the King's Bench, and the White Lion,This prison was on the eastern side of St. Margaret's Hill, Southwark; between the Marshalsea and St. George's Church. he dealt very bountifully and discreetly; giving unto the two Counters 6l. apiece, to be paid to them by 20s. each month. To the other prisons aforementioned, six mattresses apiece; the whole number being two dozen and a half.

He was not unmindful of poor maids' marriages, but gave 20l. to be divided between forty, by equal portions of 10s. apiece: yet with this proviso, that those poor maids to be married should be of good name and fame.

His love and bounty to his servants, as also the 108 frieze gowns, ready made, which he bequeathed at his funeral to poor men and women, with dispersing the remnant of all his goods after his burial where want and reason required, I am contented to pass over; refering what else is farther to be said of him till I come to speak of the place where he lieth buried.

The other benefactions of Lambe, with his epitaph, have been already given; but the present article will be most appropriately concluded by some account of that public fountain erected by him which is referred to in the preceding extract, and which is still kept in memory in the name of . The original situation and establishment of the City cistern of this Conduit is thus related by Stow.[*] 

There lieth a street from Newgate west, to the end of

Turnagain lane

and winding north to Oldbourne Conduit. This Conduit by Oldbourne Cross was




. Thomasine, widow to John Percival, Mayor, gave to the


making thereof

20 marks








; Richard Shore,



; Thomas Knesworth and others did also give towards it. But of late a new Conduit was there builded in place of the old, namely in the year


, by William Lambe, some time a Gentleman of the Chapel to King Henry VIII., and afterwards a Citizen and Clothworker of London. The water thereof he caused to be conveyed in lead from divers springs, to


head, and from thence to the said Conduit, and waste of


cock at Oldbourne Bridge, more than


yards in length.—From the west side of this Conduit is the highway, there called Snor (at present

Snow) Hill

, stretching out by Oldbourne Bridge, over the oft-named water of Turnmill-brook, and so up to Oldbourne-hill.

The actual spot indicated in this description and the older plans of London, is the centre of an area formed by the endings of , , and Bridge, near the west end of ; which in reality lay the extent of the Great Fire of London, though its ravages are popularly said to have terminated at Pye Corner, at the eastern end of entering Smithfield; and, therefore, the ancient Lambe's Conduit was most probably destroyed in that conflagration.[*] 

The account of William Lambe and his benefactions by Sir John Hawkins, was originally published in the edition of Capt. Francis Grose's , , Vol. IV. No. vii. pages -, and it is there observed that about years before that time a Conduit was standing near the same spot, though dry, as all the City conduits then were. The ground plan of this erection was an equal-sided quadrangle, having a kind of rustic basement for about feet high, in which was the pipe whence the water issued. Above this the square form still continued, presenting to view faces, each containing a spacious oblong panel in the centre, with Corinthian columns at the sides, surmounted by entablatures, consisting of frieze, cornice, and arched pediment, the latter enclosing a cartouche shield. From each of the angles the roof rose up in an elegant concave line, forming a tent-like termination, on the apex of which stood a lamb, the rebus of the founder's name, with his head towards . This description is stated by Hawkins to have been given from memory, and he adds that the style of building was considerably later than that of , being of such pure and classical architecture as to have been worthy of Sir Christopher Wren himself; but he appears to have known nothing of the actual date of the erection. It was in reality designed by that eminent architect, and a modern engraving[*]  of the south face shews that it was inscribed on the great panel,

Rebuilt in the year


, Sir Thomas Davis, Knight, Lord Mayor.

The plate also shews that ; and that the water issued from a lion's head. Hawkins supposes that it was perhaps from its convenient situation and the elegance of its form, that this conduit was allowed to stand some years after those at , , &c. had been taken down; which, however, for nearly half a century previous to their demolition had been left dry: their waters having been intercepted or cut off[*]  on account of the more copious supply from the Thames and the , which had rendered most of them useless. Lambe's Conduit remained, therefore, opposite the end of , until about the year ; when, though a carriage could not approach it without difficulty, it was considered to be an obstruction and removed. An obelisk, with lamps round it, was erected on the site, which was also soon after taken down by the City Commissioners of Pavements. The fountain, or spring-head, of this Conduit, though it has ceased to supply the bason at , was rebuilt by the City near the north end of , but was also removed


at the time of erecting the , and the water conveyed to the eastern side of the street; whence the npper half of it from is now called . The access to the water was then by steps leading down to the pipe whence it issued; and some particulars of its history were preserved in the following inscription which was placed above.[*] 

On this spot stood the Conduit,

Commonly called and known

By the Name of Lambe's Conduit,

The property of the City of London;

Which was Rebuilt in the Year MDCCXXXVI.

By the said City: And though so lately Built,

Was taken down in the Year MDCCXLVI.

At the request of the Governors and Guardians

Of the Hospital for the Maintenance

And Education of Exposed and Deserted

Young Children;

In order to lay open the way,

And make the same more commodious.

The waters thereof are still preserved

And continued for the public emolument,

By building an arch over the same:

And this Compartment is erected

To preserve the City's right and interest

In the said Ground, Waters, and Springs.

In this memorial appears to have been removed, the steps and other stones taken down, a brick arch only remaining, and preparations made for building upon the site.[*]  A stone, however, was still remaining on the north side of , , at the house of — Ulyate, a watchmaker, which contained the following inscription, and possibly indicated a branch only of the ancient spring.

The Entrance into a Conduit belonging to the City of London is


feet and


inches from this front into the yard backwards. Dutton Seaman, Comptroller.

Subsequently there appears to have been added,

Lambe's Conduit, the property of the City of London. This Pump erected for the benefit of the Public.

[*]  At the present time both the sites of the Conduit and the Spring are left

without a stone to mark the spot.

The former, however, may be considered as the centre of that triangular area behind on the north, formed by the arms of and , originally ; and the latter as having been about the middle of that pile of building between and the stable yard of the Lamb public-house, on the eastern side of .


[*] Index Monasticus by Richard Taylor of Norwich. Lond. 1821. fol. pp. 65, 66. It cannot be doubted, however, that the name of hermit is derived from *)erhmos, a wilderness, *)erhmi/ths, a solitary.

[*] It does not appear by the list of the Lords Mayors given in Strype's Stow's Survey of London, 1720, Vol. II. Book v. Chap. vi. p. 104, that this Nicholas Bat was Mayor in the year the above grant is dated, or ever filled that oflice at all; though his name stands as Sheriff, in 1247, and again with that of Laurence Forwicke, by whom this grant was made, in 1251. The Mayor of 1252 was Adam Basing; of 1253 John Tolason, Draper; and of 1254, Richard Hardell, Draper; who was continued in office until 1258: but it is possible that Nicholas Bat was made Custos, or Locum Tenens, upon the actual Mayor being displaced, as he might have been in 1253, when it is stated that the liberties of this City were seized, and the Mayor charged, that he looked not to the assise of bread. Again, also, in 1255 it is observed that the Mayor, divers Aldermen, and the Sheriffs of London, were deprived, and others placed in their rooms. A Gerard Bat was Mayor in 1240, the 25th of Henry III.

[*] The preceding grant is dated 1253, the 37th and 38th of Henry III., but the period when the Hospital of the French Order of St. Giles without Cripplegate is generally stated to have flourished, is the reign of Edward I., at least twenty years subsequent. Stow's Survey of London, by Strype, Vol. I. Book iii. chap. vi. p. 88. Notitia Monastica, by Thomas Tanner, Bishop of St. Asaph. Edit. by Rev. James Nasmith, Lond. 1787. fol. Middlesex VIII. 36.

[*] Patent Rolls, 3rd Edward I. Membrane 16. Dorso:—De Heremitagio juxta Crepilgate:—cited in Wm. Prynne's Chronological Vindication and Historical Demonstration of our British, Roman, Saxon, Danish, Norman, and English, Kings Supreme Ecclesiatical Jurisdiction over all spiritual or religious affairs. Vol. iii. p. 161. Lond. 1670. fol.

[*] History of the Tower of London, by John Bayley, Esq. Lond. 1825. 4to. part. ii. p. 659.

[*] Patent Rolls, 9th Edward I. xii. Membr. 10. dorso:—De custode deputatio ad Heremitagium juxta Cripelgate. Cited by Prynne as before, Vol. iii. p. 269.—Another document concerning this place of nearly the same period, appears on the Patent Roll of the 20th of Edward I. 1291-92, Membr. 18. Pro Heremita de Criplegate, Lond.

[*] Patent Roll, 27th of Edward I., 1298-99. Heremus Sancti Jacobi in muro Juxta Crepelgate, London. Spectavit Abbathiæ de Gerendon, Com. Leic. Cited in Thomas Hearne's Collectanea of John Leland. Edit. Lond. 1774. 8vo. Vol. I. p. 112.

[*] British Monachism, by the Rev. T. D. Fosbroke. Lond. 1817. 4to. p. 505.

[*] Repertorium Parochiale Londinense, by Richard Newcourt. Lond. 1708. fol. Vol. i. p. 369; citing the first volume of Episcopal Records in the Bishop of London's Registry, containing the Acts of Bishop Baldock or Baudake, &c. from 1306 to 1337, and thence called Baudake, fol. 29. Preface to Newcourt, p. iv.

[*] Patent Rolls, 9th Edward II. cited in The History and Antiquities of the County of Leicester, by John Nichols. Vol. iii. part. ii. Lond. 1804. fol. p. 840.

[*] Collectanea, Vol. i. p. 112.

[**] First Patent Roll, 15th Edward III., 1341-42, Membr. 34. Rex amortizavit Abbatti de Gerondon Heremitagium juxta Cripplegate, London.

[*] Leland's Collectanea, Vol. i. p. 112.—Nichols' Hist. Leicestershire. Vol. iii. part. ii. pp. 840, 795, from a volume of original records in the office of the Town Clerk of the City of London, marked F. fol. clii.—Maria, Countess of Pembroke, was the daughter of Guy Châtilion, Earl of St. Paul, and was third wife to Aymer de Valence, who was killed at a tournament on his marriage day, when attending Queen Isabel into France, 23rd June, 1324, 17th Edward II. She soon after renounced the world, and devoted herself to acts of piety and charity; becoming also the foundress of Pembroke Hall, Cambridge, in 1343, Denny Abbey of St. Clare, &c. and died in 1377. The tenement in Fleet Street mentioned above, is stated in her grant to be of the gift of William de Hales, Esq. and that in Sherebourne Lane to have been had from Gilbert he Palmer; but in 1312-13, 6th of Edward II., the Earl of Pembroke received a grant from the King in general-tail of the house and place called the New Temple, London; as also certain lands called Fleet Crofts, with all the other lands in the City and suburbs of London which belonged to the Templars. The Baronage of England, by Sir William Dugdale Lond. 1675. fol. Vol. I. pp. 777, 778.

[*] Notitia Monastica. VIII. Middlesex 36.—In the same work, VIII. Middlesex 10, is a reference to another charter relating to this establishment on the Patent Rolls of the 5th of Richard II., 1381-82, part. 2. Membrane. 26, De Heremitagio Sancti Jacobi, juxta Crepilgate, London.

[*] Nichols' Hist. of Leicestershire, Vol. iii. part. ii. p. 840, citing a book in the City records marked I. fol. vi. a.

[*] Newcourt's Repertorium, Vol. i. p. 369, from Bp. London's Registry, vol. Bonner, fol. 275.

[*] Ibid.—from the collection of Mr. William Grime.—Sir John Hawkins observes in his Account of Lamb's Conduit, Lamb's Chapel, and William Lamb, printed in The Antiquarian Repertory, Lond. 1807, 4to. Vol. i. p. 359, that he must have aquired his wealth elsewhere than as a Gentleman of the Chapel Royal; his salary in that situation being only 7 1/2d. per day. His name does not appear in the list of the King's Chapel under Edward VI.

[*] Survey of London, Vol. I. Book iii. chap. viii. p. 128.

[*] Newcourt's Repertorium, Vol. i. p. 369.

[*] Sixth Report, 1821, p. 219.

[*] In this church Lambe was buried, and there is a reference to the above bequest in the following epitaph to his memory; which is stated by Sir William Dugdale to have been engraven on a brass plate, and affixed to a pillar in the nave of the open church beneath. William Lambe, so sometime was my name Whiles I alive dyd runne my mortal race, Serving a Prince of most immortall fame, Henry the Eight; who, of his princely grace, In his chapéll allowed me a place; By whose favóur from Gentleman to Esquire I was preferr'd, with worship for my hire. With Wivés three I joyned wedlock band, Which, while alive, true lovers were to me; Jane, Alice, Joane, for so they came to hand, What needeth prayse recording their degree? In wively truth none stedfast more could be: Who though on Earth Death's force did once dissever, Heaven yet I trust shall join us altogether. Oh, Lambe of God! which sinne didst take away, And as a Lambe was offred up for sinne; When I, poor Lambe, went from thy flock astray, Yet Thou, Good Lord! vouchsafe thy Lambe to winne Home to thy folde, and hold thy Lambe therein! That, at the day when Lambes and Goats shall sever, Of thy choice Lambes LAMBE may be one for ever! I pray you all that receive Bread and Pence To say the Lord's Prayer before you go hence.

[*] The modern gratuity presented by the Clothworkers' Company to these officers for their attendance, is 10s. each to the Chamberlain and Town-Clerk, and 14s. to the four members of the Company appointed by the indenture to be present. Sixth Report on Charities, p 221.

[*] These paintings, with the effigy of Lambe, are engraven in Nichols' Hist. of Leicestershire, Vol. iii. part. ii. p. 843, plate cxvi. The effigy was also copied for the Account of Lamb's Conduit, &c. by Sir John Hawkins; Antiquarian Repertory, Vol. i. p. 357. Other copies of these figures are likewise inserted in the Gentleman's Magazine for Jan. 1782, Vol. liii. p. 27, and J. P. Malcolm's Londinum Redivivum, Vol. ii. Lond. 1803, 4to. p. 317.

[*] Nichols' Hist. of Leicestershire, Vol. iii. part. ii. p. 841.

[*] Stow's Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster, Lond. 1720, fol. Vol. I. Book iii. chap. vi. p. 81. See also Nichols' Hist. of Leicestershire as last cited. This Register appears now to be lost, since it is one of the private Chapel records enquired for in the Gentleman's Magazine for April, 1831, Vol. ci. part. i. p. 296.

[*] Gentleman's Magazine, Vol. xcv. part. i. p. 401. Mr. A. J. Kempe's Historical Notices of the Collegiate Church, &c. of St. Martin's-le- Grand. Lond. 1825. 8vo. p. 174. It may here be noticed that Lambe's Chapel stands in Cripplegate Ward; though Monkwell-street and Barber-Surgeon's Hall are described by Stow in the Ward of Farringdon Within. Survey of London, Vol. I. Book ii. chap. viii. p. 128. Chap. vi. p. 90.

[*] Sixth Report, p. 220, 221.

[*] Stow's Summarie of Chronicles. Lond. 1579. Small 4to. Anno 1577. Survey of London by Strype, Vol. I. Book i. Chap. xxx. p. 265.

[*] Survey of London, by Strype, Vol. I. Book iii. chap. xii. p. 245.

[*] An exact Surveigh of the Streets, Lanes, and Chvrches, comprehended within the Rvins of the City of London, first described in Six Plats, 10th December, Ao. Domi. 1666. By the Order and Directions of the Rt. Hon. the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Common Councell of the said City. John Leake, John Jennings, Willm Marr, Willm Leyborne, Thomas Streete, Richard Shortgrave, Surveyors: And Reduced into one intire plat by John Leake, for the use of the Commissioners for the regulation of Streets, Lanes, &c. Copied by G. Vertue, 1723.

[*] Quarter-sheet print. Levens sculpsit. Published by A. Beugo, 38, Maiden Lane, Covent Garden, July 20th. 1810.

[*] It is observed in an article of remarks on the account of Lambe's Chapel, &c. by Sir John Hawkins, printed in the Gentleman's Magazine for March 1782, Vol. liii. p. 189, that the reason for the City conduits being dried up, was that about the time referred to they were let to the proprietors of the London Bridge Water Works for 700l. per annum; which was perhaps at the great regulation of those works in the year 1701. It is added that many persons living at the time the article was written well remembered the taking up of numbers of leaden pipes all over the City, which had been used for the passage of the water to the conduits. The supply of these reservoirs was also entirely cut off by the Fire of 1666; and in an official MS. book of the Expences of erecting Public Buildings in London after the Great Fire, preserved in the City Library at Guildhall, are the following entries, fol. 33a. For Aldgate Conduct, out of the Chamber Cashe. 1670, Septr. 24th. Paid Tho. Whiting, Joyner, for regaining the water to Aldgate Conduct 80 00 00 Octr. 13th. Paid Mr. Whiting more on the said Accott . . . . . . . . . . 100 00 00 Decr. 24th. Do. . Do.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 00 00 1672, March 14th. Do. in full of two bills, in recovering the water to Aldgate Conduct . 172 15 19 In The Burning of London, commemorated and improved in One Hundred and Ten Discourses, Meditations, and Contemplations, by Samuel Rolle. Lond. 1667, 8vo. Meditation xl. is entitled The Spoiling of the City Conduits.

[*] In the description of the Fountains, Bridges, Conduits, &c. of the metropolis in Edward Hatton's New View of London, 1708, 8vo. vol. ii. p. 789, it is stated concerning this aqueduct, that Lamb's Conduit at the north end of Red Lion Street near the fields, affords plenty of water, clear as chrystal, which is chiefly used for drinking. It belongs to St. Sepulchre's Parish, the fountain-head being under a stone marked S. S. P. in the vacant ground a little southward of Ormond Street, whence the water comes in a drain to this Conduit, and thence it runs in leaden pipes to the Conduit on Snow Hill, which has the figure of a lamb upon it, denoting that the water comes from Lamb's Conduit. It may be here observed that this spring was actually in the Parish of St. Andrew, Holborn, though some jurisdiction of it was claimed by that of St. Sepulchre because the Conduit itself stood within the limits of the latter Parish. It is stated in the Gentleman's Magazine for March, 1782, Vol. liii. part. i. p. 189, that an inhabitant of the neighbourhood a short time previous having considerably sunken his cellar for the formation of a cold bath, it greatly injured the spring of this Conduit by drawing off the water: and that the City had then recently made an offer to St. Andrew's Parish to take charge of the aqueduct in future; which appears to have been declined.

[*] Antiquarian Repertory, Vol. i. p. 324. Sir John Hawkins's Account of Lambe, &c. is reprinted in the Gentleman's Magazine, for January and February, 1782, Vol. liii. pp. 27, 134-138, with a copy of the effigy of Lambe and the four small paintings of Saints from his Chapel.

[*] Ibid.—Ibid. for August, 1788, Vol. lviii. part. ii. p. 672.

View all images in this book
 Title Page
 Howell's View of London
 View of the Fire of London
 City Wall
 The Conduits of Cheapside and Cornhill
 Plan of the Fire in Bishopsgate Street, Cornhill, and Leadenhall Street: November 7th, 1765
Frost Fair on the River Thames
 Part of the Strand: St. Clement's Danes
 Ancient Structure in Ship Yard: Temple Bar
 St. Paul's Cross and Cathedral: With King James I and his Court at a Sermon
 Ancient Cathedral Church of St. Paul, London
 Paul's Cross (and Preaching There)
Elsinge Spital, Sion College, and the Church of St. Alphage, London Wall
 Elsinge's Hospital; or, as it is otherwise denominated, Elsynge Spittle
 Sion College
 The Priory and Church of St. Bartholomew the Great, West Smithfield
 The Church of St. Bartholomew the Less: Giltspure Street, West Smithfield, in the Ward of Farringdon Without
Crosby Hall, Bishopsgate Street
The Priory and Church of St. Helen, Bishopsgate Street
 Monument of Sir Andrew Judde, Knight: In the Church of St. Helen, Bishopsgate Within
St. Michael's Church: Cornhill
The Parish Church of St. Paul, Shadwell: In the County of Middlesex
 The Parish Church of St. Peter upon Cornhill: In Cornhill Ward
Extracts from the Vestry Books of the Church of St. Peter upon Cornhill
 St. Saviour's Church
 St. Saviour's Church, Southwark
 Winchester Palace, Southwark
 Chapels at the Eastern End of the Church of St. Saviour, Southwark
 Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem
 An Account of Bermondsey, its Manor, Priory, and Abbey
 Priory of the Holy Trinity: In the Ward of Aldgate
 St. Martin-le-Grand College, and St. Vedast, Foster Lane
 Guildhall Chapel
 A short Account of Lazar Houses in and near London
 Knightsbridge Chapel
 Lambe's Chapel and Alms-Houses: Monkwell Street, Cripplegate
 The late Mr. Skelton's Meeting House, Erected Near the Site of the Globe Theatre, Maid Lane, Southwark
 Zoar Street, Gravel Lane, Meeting House and School
 Oratory, Under the Antient Mansion, or Inn, of the Priors of Lewes in Sussex
 Whitehall: Plate I
 Whitehall: Plate II
 Whitehall: Plate III
 St. James's Palace
 Fawkeshall, or Copped Hall, Surrey
 Toten-Hall, Tottenham Court Road
 King John's Palace
 Clarendon House, called also Albemarle House
 Somerset House
 Suffolk House
 York House
 Durham, Salisbury, and Worcester Houses
 Sir Paul Pindar's House
 Montagu House: Great Russel Street, Bloomsbury
 The British Museum
 Bedford House, Bloomsbury Square
 Peterborough House, afterward Grosvenor House, Millbank, Westminster
 Craven House, Drury Lane
 Ancient Mansion called Monteagle House: Montague Close, Southwark
 Oldbourne Hall, Shoe Lane: In the Parish of St. Andrew, Holborn