Londina Illustrata. Graphic and Historical Memorials of Monasteries, Churches, Chapels, Schools, Charitable Foundations, Palaces, Halls, Courts, Processions, Places of Early Amusement, and Modern Present Theatres, in the Cities and Suburbs of London and Westminster, Volume 1

Wilkinson, Robert


The Bow-window Recess in the Hall of Crosby Place, with the Cellarage Entrance, Windows, &c. of the Vaults beneath.


The Recess which forms the interior of the remaining projecting small tower and Bow-window, appertaining to the hall (a similar to which likewise projected from the council-chamber), has been partitioned off from the hall, and is at present fitted up as a counting-house, although the dimensions as to length and breadth are but comparatively small; the grand effect of the beautiful and highly-ornamental stone worked roof, fails not to attract attention, and to convey to the mind something more resembling the structure of a side chapel appertaining to some of our cathedrals, than the embellishment of a window framed as a recess or break in a hall of audience. Hospitality, in former times, took place of etiquette, and these magnificent rooms of the wealthy founders were in use more to receive and entertain their friends with profuse and sumptuous feasts and banquets, than merely to receive set visits, and make a display of empty parade: in proof of this, we have only to instance the memorable feasting of Sir Henry Picard, vintner, Lord Mayor in ,

who, in


day, did sumptuously feast Edward King of England, John King of France, the King of Ciprus (then arrived in England), David King of Scots, Edward Prince of Wales, with many noblemen and others; and after the sayd Henry Picard kept his HALL against all commers whatsoever, that were willing to play at dice and hazard: in like manner the Lady Margaret, his wife, did also kepe her chamber to the same intent. The King of Ciprus, playing with Henry Picard in his HALL, did winne of him

fifty markes

; but Henry, being very skilful in that art, altering his hand, did winne of the same King the same

fifty markes

, and

fifty markes

more; which, when the same King began to take in ill part, although hee dissembled the same, Henry said unto him, 'My Lord and King, be not 'agreeved, I court not your gold, but your play; for I have not bidd you hither that I might grieve, but that amongst other things I ''might enjoy your play;' and gave him his money againe, plentifully bestowing of his owne amongst the retinue; besides, he gave many rich gifts to the King, and other nobles and knights who dined with him, to the great glory of the citizens of London in those days.'

—, .

So wealthy and liberal a man as Sir John Crosby appears to have been, we may naturally suppose was not wanting in disposition to keep his HALL with the like magnificence; and though it does not appear he either had an opportunity to feast as many kings, or gamble quite so high, or perhaps at all; yet royalty did not disdain to take up its residence in Sir John Crosby's establishment; and it will never fail to be recorded, that Crosby Place was considered by the aspiring and ambitious Richard the , as a palace not unworthy his residence.

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 Title Page
 Howell's View of London
 View of the Fire of London
 City Wall
 The Conduits of Cheapside and Cornhill
 Plan of the Fire in Bishopsgate Street, Cornhill, and Leadenhall Street: November 7th, 1765
Frost Fair on the River Thames
 Part of the Strand: St. Clement's Danes
 Ancient Structure in Ship Yard: Temple Bar
 St. Paul's Cross and Cathedral: With King James I and his Court at a Sermon
 Ancient Cathedral Church of St. Paul, London
 Paul's Cross (and Preaching There)
Elsinge Spital, Sion College, and the Church of St. Alphage, London Wall
 Elsinge's Hospital; or, as it is otherwise denominated, Elsynge Spittle
 Sion College
 The Priory and Church of St. Bartholomew the Great, West Smithfield
 The Church of St. Bartholomew the Less: Giltspure Street, West Smithfield, in the Ward of Farringdon Without
Crosby Hall, Bishopsgate Street
The Priory and Church of St. Helen, Bishopsgate Street
 Monument of Sir Andrew Judde, Knight: In the Church of St. Helen, Bishopsgate Within
St. Michael's Church: Cornhill
The Parish Church of St. Paul, Shadwell: In the County of Middlesex
 The Parish Church of St. Peter upon Cornhill: In Cornhill Ward
Extracts from the Vestry Books of the Church of St. Peter upon Cornhill
 St. Saviour's Church
 St. Saviour's Church, Southwark
 Winchester Palace, Southwark
 Chapels at the Eastern End of the Church of St. Saviour, Southwark
 Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem
 An Account of Bermondsey, its Manor, Priory, and Abbey
 Priory of the Holy Trinity: In the Ward of Aldgate
 St. Martin-le-Grand College, and St. Vedast, Foster Lane
 Guildhall Chapel
 A short Account of Lazar Houses in and near London
 Knightsbridge Chapel
 Lambe's Chapel and Alms-Houses: Monkwell Street, Cripplegate
 The late Mr. Skelton's Meeting House, Erected Near the Site of the Globe Theatre, Maid Lane, Southwark
 Zoar Street, Gravel Lane, Meeting House and School
 Oratory, Under the Antient Mansion, or Inn, of the Priors of Lewes in Sussex
 Whitehall: Plate I
 Whitehall: Plate II
 Whitehall: Plate III
 St. James's Palace
 Fawkeshall, or Copped Hall, Surrey
 Toten-Hall, Tottenham Court Road
 King John's Palace
 Clarendon House, called also Albemarle House
 Somerset House
 Suffolk House
 York House
 Durham, Salisbury, and Worcester Houses
 Sir Paul Pindar's House
 Montagu House: Great Russel Street, Bloomsbury
 The British Museum
 Bedford House, Bloomsbury Square
 Peterborough House, afterward Grosvenor House, Millbank, Westminster
 Craven House, Drury Lane
 Ancient Mansion called Monteagle House: Montague Close, Southwark
 Oldbourne Hall, Shoe Lane: In the Parish of St. Andrew, Holborn