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| On the table on the South side.
1667. Edward Arlibear, late of Wappin-Wall, Mast-maker, by his Will gave to the Poor, before this was made a Parish, 25l.
1669. Capt. William Curtis, late of Mile-end, deceased, by Will gave to the Poor of Shadwell, and some other Hamlets of Stepney, and for other charitable uses, a perpetual Annuity of 60l. of which this Parish received 6l. one year and 3l. another: and so alternately.
1677. Judith Darling, late of Limehouse, deceased, by her Will gave to the Poor of this Parish for the term of fifteen years an Annuity of 10l.—viz. 150l.
1681. Mrs. Margery Trumbal of this Parish, Widow, gave by her Will part of the Rent of Four small Houses, during the respective leases for the use of the poor.
1686. Mr. Will. Oxenbridge, late of this Parish, by his Will gave to the Poor, 20l.
1684. George Wilkinson, of this Parish, gave and paid down 30l. for 30s. to be given Yearly on every Shrove Sunday to the Poor in Bread for ever. The said Wilkinson by his Will gave to the Poor the farther sum of 10l. Robert Hooker of this Parish, Ropemaker, by his Will gave to the Poor, 20l.
1689. Robert Marriot, late Rector of this Parish, by his Will gave to the Poor, 20l.
— Henry Dennis, late of this Parish, by his Will gave to the Poor, 24l.
1690. Capt. James Cook, sometime of this Parish, deceased in the East Indies, gave to the Poor of this Parish, 50l. which, by consent of Sir Thomas Row, Knight, and his Lady, Relict and Executrix of Capt. Cook, is to be employed in putting out Poor Seamen's Children Apprentices.
1691. Anne Shot, late of this Parish, Widow, by her last Will, 10l.
1692. Henry Mudd, late of Ratcliffe, Esq. by his Will, 25l.
1696. Thomas Berry, at the request of Isabella, his wife, deceased, hath given to the Poor, 10l.
1697. Elizabeth Bell, late Widow of Humphrey Bell, by her Will, 10l.
Anno 1693.—Dr. Nathaniel Resbury, Rector.
Jacob Pachet
Adam Barret
| On the table on the North side of the Altar.
1699. Capt. Posthumous Salwey, late of this Parish, Mariner, deceased, by his Will gave unto this Parish, 30l.
1698. Capt. Robert Blake, late of this Parish, Mariner, deceased, by his Will gave to the Parish, 10l.
| On another table in the North Aisle, against the East Wall, with the arms of Cook, and the date of 1700.
1690. Capt. James Cook, sometime of this Parish, deceased, &c. as before.
1699. Mr. James Cook, son of the abovesaid Capt. James Cook, hath given to the Poor of this Parish, 50l. for a provision of Sixty Dozen of Bread, to be distributed every first Sunday in January, for ever.
Also the Lady Row, Relict of the said Capt. Cook, being since deceased, hath likewise been a good benefactor.Strype's Stow's Survey of London, Vol. II. The Circuit Walk, p. 106.—In Lysons' Environs of London, Vol. iii. p. 385, there is the following extract concerning the benefactress with whom the above list concludes: Dame Alice Row, buried from St, Dunstan's, Stepney, Jan. 25th, 1701-2.—The following table of annual donations to Shadwell Parish is given in Maitland's History of London, Vol. ii. p. 1380.
Anno 1669. William Curtis--
1681. Thomas Bryan--
1684. George Wilkinson--
1690. Capt. James Cook--
— James Cook, the son
1706. Richard Batson--
1720. Capt. Thomas Lemon
And 17 others in Money £ 324..16..4.
Previously to the crection of Shadwell into a separate Parish, there appears to have been an account kept at the Chapel there of births and burials in the hamlet, so early as 1660; but they were not entered into a fair register until the precinct was made parochial in 1670. The copies from it shew that during the time of the plague, 1665, there were buried in Shadwell district in September, 115; in October, 299; in November, 80; and in December, 10.a
Environs of London, Vol. iii. p. 387.—The following list of the EPITAPHS and BURIALS which were in the old Church of Shadwell, previous to the taking of it down, may perhaps be found useful for reference, as many of those mortuary memorials are now entirely lost.The succeeding list of burials at the old Church of Shadwell has been compiled from those given by Strype on pages 105, 106 of the Circuit Walk attached to his edition of Stow's Survey of London, Vol. II. and Maitland's History of London, edit. 1739, p. 782, edit. 1772, Vol. ii. p. 1380; the catalogue inserted in Lysons' Environs of London, Vol. iii. p. 385; and the original Church Notes taken for the present work. Lysons remarks that the inscriptions of the older tombs mentioned by Strype, were not legible when he copied those published in his own work, namely, about 1794.
| In the Chancel, North of the Communion-table.
Here lies interred the body of James Cook, who departed this life Jan. 8th, 1699, Aged 16 years and 7 months.
View, Traveller, as you pass by,
Cook's reliques of mortality:
Whose Angel's face, seraphic skin,
Proclaim'd some noble soul within;
Whose blooming hope, whose airy breath,
Whose bud was nipp'd by cruel Death.
Whose sacred guest was forced to fly,
By Death's tyrannic cruelty,
And take a mansion in the lofty sky.
View all his virtues: if you could
Have time to stay:—modest and good,
Pious to God, to all was kind,
In short an universal friend.
Go, Traveller! and now begin
A virtuous life, make God thy friend.
Give him thy heart in youthful days
As pious Cook, whose very praise
Shall warbled be; Angels shall hear
Cook's great and mighty character!
James, the second son of Capt. James Cook, and Alice, his wife, 1678. And James, their third son, who died 1680. And Nicholas, their fourth son, 1687.— John Mott, of this Parish, Vintner, 1703:—a stone of black marble to the memory of John Man, Vintner, 1703:—Thomas Maugheling, 1791:—. . . .Widow of Capt. John Matthews, 1700.—Other stones before the Altar-table, the inscriptons of which were worn out.—Ann, late wife of Edmund Hulme, 1677. Also Edmund Hulme, of Lower Shadwell, Distiller, 1685:—Thomas Grimble, Shipwright, 1696. And his son Green Grimble, 1698:—Elizabeth England, 1696, and Margaret, 1697, Children of James England:—John Crab, son of John Crab, 1658.—North Aisle.—Mark Chichely, son-in-law to Richard Thorneton, 1682. And his Mother, 1690:—Margaret, wife of John Legre, 1669: —Barbara Short, late wife of Ralph Short, 1699:—Frances Nayler, late wife of Richard Nayler, 1695. Also Richard Nayler, Apothecary, 1695:— Jasper Sketcher, 1679:—a stone of black marble; Thomas Brian, late of Wapping-Wall, Obiit Febr. 1681, aged 55. He was a worthy benefactor to this Parish, and by his Will gave 100l. to the Poor, and for building the gallery on the North side of this Church whereof he was a constant and devout frequenter, 60l. And the residue thereof to the Poor of this Parish:—Capt. Isaac Woodgreen, of Wapping-Wall, 1689; and Joan, his wife, 1693-94:—Susan, the daughter of John Dalby, Esq. late wife of Capt. William Thomas, of this Parish, 1662:—Edith Williams, late wife of Thomas Williams, Mariner:—Capt. James Halsall, son of Richard Halsall of Lancashire, 1724.—At the lower end of the North Aisle.—Apr. 12th, 1684. This Vault was then built and erected by and for the use of Mr. Henry Dennis, Sen. and his family only. And herein he and his wife ly. He buried 1689-90, and she 1703. With some of their children.—On the wall of the North Aisle.—Mr. Henry Dennis, 1690, and Mrs. Sarah Lockwood, his daughter, 1707.—On the South side of the Church.—Adam Skinner, Brewer, 1698, and seven children.—Eleanor Wale, late wife of Thomas Wale, Citizen and Apothecary of London, 1689. Also Thomas Wale, 1694-95:—Sarah, late wife of Edward Williams, obiit Sept. 1680: Ancilla, Susanna, Richard and Mary, children of Richard Worcester, of Wapping-Wall, Apothecary:—Thomas Batson, Distiller, 1669; and Ann Batson, his wife, 1686:—Alice Smith, of Wapping-Wall:—Capt. Anthony Archer, of Shadwell, 1680; and Hannah, his wife, 1673:—John Bunch, 1658:—. . . . Hancock, daughter of William and Ursula Bunch, 1658:—Ralph, son of William Hancock, 1668:—Thomas Bowser, Chirurgeon, 1698:—Mary King, late wife of George King, 1686; also the said George King, 1695:—Capt. Moses Moyse, date worn out: —Capt. David Updicke, 1713:—John Sherwood, Esq. 1783.—At the East end of the South Aisle is the monument of William Martin, Esq. 1757. —On the South Wall.—A tablet to the memory of Elizabeth, wife of Capt. Charles Bartelot, and daughter of Samuel Clarke, 1703:—Francis Clarke, Yeoman of the Wine-cellar to King William, 1708:—Elizabeth Horden, daughter-in-law of Samuel Clarke, 1716:—Samuel Clarke, 1721, and Barbara Clarke, his wife, 1728:—and the monument of Mr. John Hinton, 1770.—On the wall at the West end of the Church.—Mr. Andrew Chelton, 1730:—Elizabeth Chelton, niece of Dr. Resbury, one of the Rectors of Shadwell, 1747:—Jonathan Sheppard, Merchant, 1762:—John Baggs, his nephew, 1777:—William Baggs, 1780.—At the West end.—Captain John Hazlewood, an Elder Brother of the Trinity House, aged 89.—In the Nave.—Isaac Bovey, 1717:—William Saunders, 1775.
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