Londina Illustrata. Graphic and Historical Memorials of Monasteries, Churches, Chapels, Schools, Charitable Foundations, Palaces, Halls, Courts, Processions, Places of Early Amusement, and Modern Present Theatres, in the Cities and Suburbs of London and Westminster, Volume 1

Wilkinson, Robert


Rectors of the Church of St. Peter upon Cornhill.The above list has been formed from that given by Newcourt in his Diocess of London, vol. i. pp. 525, 526, drawn up from the Record-Books of the London Registry; and completed from the continuation contained in J. P. Malcolm's Londinum Redivivum, vol. iv. pp. 572-574, revised by the Vestry-books of the Parish.


 Names. Cause and Time of Presentation.   Patrons. 
 John Mansyn.       
 Henry Howe. . . . . . Decease of Mansyn.—14th March, . . 1395. . . . T. Coggshal, and others. 
 William Aghton, or Ashton. . . Resignation of Howe.—9th October, . 1398. . . . The same. 
 John Whiteby. . . . . Resignation of Ashton.—6th December, . 1405. . . . R. Rikedon and others. 
 Thomas Marchant. . . . Decease of Whiteby, 16th September, . 1429. . . . Corporation of London. 
 John Conesby. . . . . Resignation of Marchant.—15th November, 1436. . . . The same. 
 Thomas Gascoygne, S.T.P. . . Decease of Conesby.—26th November, . 1440. . . . The same. 
 John Cove.       


 Names. Cause and Time of Presentation. Patrons. 
 Hugo Damlet, S.T.P. . . . Decease of Cove.—18th August, 1447. . . . Corporation of London. 
 Thomas Ashby, S.T.P. . . . Decease of Damlett.—17th May 1476. . . . The same. 
 John Breteyn, S.T.P. . . . Decease of Ashby.—10th December, 1478. . . . . The same. 
 Simon Green, alias Foderby, A.M.D.D. of Lincoln College, Oxford, 1501: He was afterwards, says Wood, several times Commissary of the University, and for his merits made Chauntor and Residentiary of the Cathedral Church at Lincoln, and also prebendary of Bykkyleswade or Biggleswade, in the said Church. He gave way to fate 27th March, 1536, and was buried in the aisle called the Chantor's-aisle, within the precincts of the Cathedral of Lincoln.—Dr. Bliss adds that he was admitted to the Rectory of All-Saints, Honeylane, London, Dec. 12th, 1494, and afterwards to other preferments; and that he was one of those recommended by the Chapter to the Archbishop of Canterbury to succeed Smyth in the See of Lincoln, but was not appointed.—Fasti Oxonienses, col. 8. vol. ii. Athenæ Oxonienses.     
 JOHN TAYLOR, S.T.B.D.D. and Master of St. John's College, Cambridge; consecrated Bishop of Lincoln June 26th, 1552; but refusing to be present at a mass in the beginning of the reign of Queen Mary, was like to have been greatly troubled, but that soon after he fell sick and died at Ankerwyke. He was one of the persons employed in compiling the Liturgy and Common Prayer published in the reign of King Edward VI., Ann. 1548, being at that time Dean of Lincoln.—Newcourt, vol. i. p. 526. note f. . . . . Decease of Green.—14th April, 1536. . . . . . For that occasion W.Butt, M.D. 
 John Pullen, S.T.B. . . . Promotion of Taylor to Bishopric of Lincoln.—7th Jan. 1552 . Edw. VI. by right of Prerogative. 
 John Hodgkins, S.T.P. . . . Deprivation of Pullen.—2nd April, 1555. . . . . . Corporation of London. 
 John Pullen, restored. . . . . Displacing of Hodgkins at accession of Elizabeth, 1558 . . The same. 
 John Gough, Cl. . . . . Resignation of Pullen.—15th November, 1560. . . . . The same. 
 Richard Porder, Cl. . . . . Deprivation of Gough.—26th January, 1567. . . . . The same. 
 William Ashbold, A.M. . . . Decease of Porder.—7th January 1574. . . . . . The same. 
 William Ashbold, A.M. . . . . . . . 7th January 1590. . . . . . Queen Elizabeth for that occasion. 
 William Fairfax, S.T.P.This divine was also Vicar of East-Ham, in Essex, Dean of Sion College in London, and Chaplain in Ordinary to Charles I. He was originally of the University of Cambridge and came to the living of St. Peter, Cornhill, in the year 1626, if I mistake not. He is one of White's scandalous and malignant priests, in whose infamous Century the causes of his sequestration are thus assigned: That he refused to admit lecturers into his house; that he used to play at cards on the sabbath-day; to be often drunk; and to frequent the company of ill women in a very suspicious manner; and that he had charged the Parliament to be the cause of all the troubles and disturbances in the kingdom; as also that he had neglected his cure, and supplied it with scandalous curates. Notwithstanding which heavy charges, I have heard the late most learned and pious Bishop of St. Asaph, one of his successors in this living (Dr. William Beveridge), say that he was an honest old gentleman. He was dispossessed of this living by the House of Commons, about August 1643, at which time Thomas Coleman was substituted in his room by the same authority. After his sequestration he was plundered and imprisoned in Southwark, in Ely House, in the Tower, and on shipboard.—An Attempt towards recovering an Account of the Numbers and Sufferings of the Clergy of the Church of England who were Sequestered, harassed, &c. in the late times of the Grand Rebellion; by the Rev. J. Walker, Lond. 1714, fol. Part ii. 168. See also The First Century of Scandalous Malignant Priests, made and admitted into Benefices by the Prelates, in whose hands the Ordination of Ministers and Government of the Church hath been; by John White, Lond. 1643, 4to. p. 7. no. 18. From the following entry on the Journals of the House of Commons, vol. ii. p. 807, it may probably be presumed that the inclination of the Parish was against Dr. Fairfax as a preacher, some time before he was sequestered from the living—Die Jovis, 13° Octobris, 1642. 18° Car. I.—Upon the humble petition of sundry of the Parishioners of St. Peter's, Cornhill, London, this day read in the House of Commons, desiring to have Mr. Marmaduke James, an orthodox divine, for their Lecturer upon Sundays in the afternoons, and that Mr. Edmund Broome, likewise an orthodox divine, may preach the Lecture upon Thursdays in the forenoon;—It is this day Ordered by the said House, that the said Mr. Marmaduke James shall be their Lecturer at St. Peter's aforesaid, to preach every Sunday in the afternoon; and it is also Ordered that Mr. Edmund Broome shall preach the Lecture every Thursday in the forenoon; And they hold it fit that he,—namely the latter,—shall have therefore the stipend that was formerly given to maintain the Lecture. And it is farther Ordered that Dr. Fairfax, the Parson of St. Peter's aforesaid, shall permit the said Mr. Marmaduke James and the said Mr. Edmund Broome, the free use of his pulpit, to preach the Lectures as is aforesaid, without any interruption or hindrance by him, the said Dr. Fairfax, or by any, from, by, or under, him.—The Edmund Broome, or Brome, mentioned in the above extract, was probably the divine noticed by Palmer as the ejected minister of South Reppis, in Norfolk, and as a person who was much esteemed for his learning, gravity, piety, and moderation; and was accounted an excellent preacher. So much was he addicted to his studies, that he left the management of all his temporal concerns to his wife. After he was ejected he exercised his ministry in private, as he had opportunity, to his old parishioners till the time of his death which was in 1667.—Nonconformist's Memorial, vol. ii. p. 220. . . .     
 Thomas Coleman. . . . . Sequestration of Fairfax.—7th May, 1644. . . . . Elected by the Vestry. 
 William Blackmore. . . . Decease of Coleman.—20th June, 1646. . . . . . The same, by order of the Committee for Plundered Ministers. 
 Thomas Hodges, S.T.P.This divine was of Christ-Church Oxford, D.D. Dec. 20th, 1642, collated to the Vicarage of Kensington in Middlesex, June 11th, 1641, and was sometimes a preacher before the Long Parliament, one of the Assembly of Divines, and a Covenanter; and after the Restoration he was made Dean of Hereford, on the promotion of Dr. Croft to that Bishopric in 1661, and rector of this Church, both which preferments he held until his death, about Midsummer, 1672, when the Deanery was filled up. His printed works are the following.—A Glimpse of God's Glory; a Fast-Sermon before the House of Commons, Psal. cxiii, 5, 6, Sept. 28th, 1642, 4to.: The Growth and Spreading of Heresy; ditto, March 10th, 1646, ii. Peter ii. 1. 1647, 4to.: Inaccessible Glory, or the Impossibility of seeing God's Face whilst we are in the Body; Funeral-Sermon for Sir Theodore Mayerne, at St. Martin's in the Fields, on Friday, March 30th, 1655, Exod. xxxiii, 20. 4to.: Sion's Hallelujah, Thanksgiving for the King's Return, Sermon before the Lords in Westminster Abbey, June 28th, 1660, Psal. cxxvi. 3. 4to.—Fasti Oxonienses, col. 52, vol. iv. Athenæ Oxonienses.—Historical Register and Chronicle of English Affairs, by White Kennet, Bishop of Peterborough, Lond. 1744, fol. p. 190. . . . Ejection of Blackmore.—23rd October, 1662. . . . . Corporation of London. 
 WILLIAM BEVERIDGE, Cl.A celebrated and learned divine born at Barrow in Leicestershire, of which his father and grandfather were Viears, in 1636-37, and entered of St. John's College, Cambridge, May 34th 1653; where he became B.A. 1656, M.A. 1660, and D.D. 1679. He was particularly learned in the Oriental languages and very exemplary in his life, and received Priest's Orders Jan. 31st, 1660-61; about which time Dr. Sheldon, Bishop of London, collated him to the Vicarage of Ealing in Middlesex. He was also Prebend of Chiswick in St. Paul's Cathedral, in 1674, Archdeacon of Colchester, in 1681, and Canon of Canterbury, 1684; at which place Kennet charges him with suffering many dilapidations arising from a mean spirit. He became likewise Chaplain to William III. and Queen Mary, and in 1691 he refused the See of Bath and Wells, vacant by the deprivation of Dr. Thomas Ken for not taking the Oaths; but on July 16th 1704, he was consecrated Bishop of St. Asaph, on the translation of Dr. Hooper to the See which he had refused, though Ken was living: He retained some of the above preferments, with the Prebendary of Chichester, in commendam with his Bishopric. His death took place in his lodgings in the cloisters in Westminster Abbey, March 5th, 1707-8, and he was buried in St. Paul's Cathedral. He left the greater part of his property to the Society for propagating Christian Knowledge, with bequests to the Vicarage of Barrow where he was born, and the Curacy of Mount-Sorrel adjoining, and such of his books as were fit for the foundation of a Library at St. Paul's. His works were numerous and learned, the most celebrated being a treatise De Utilitate Linguarum Orientalium, Lond. 1658, 8vo.; Institutionum Chronologicarum, &c. Lond. 1669, 4to.; Synodikon, sive Pandectæ SS. Apostolorum, &c. Oxon. 1672, 2 vols. fol.; Codex Canonum Primitivæ Ecclesiæ vindicatus et illustratus; Lond. 1679, 4to.; The Church Catechism Explained; Lond. 1704, 4to. The following are Bishop Beveridge's works published after his decease by his executor Mr. Gregory. Private Thoughts on Religion, written about the age of 23; The great advantage of Public Prayer and frequent Communion, with Ejaculations, Prayers, &c. — both very frequently reprinted in 8vo. and 12mo.—150 Sermons and Discourses on various subjects, 1708, 8vo. 12 vols.: Thesaurus Theologicus, or a complete System of Divinity; 1711, 8vo. 4 vols.: A Defence of the Metrical Book of Psalms, with Observations on the New Version, 1710, 8vo.: Exposition of the XXXIX. Articles, Lond. 1710, 1716, fol. In the centre of the lower eastern windows of St. Peter's Church is a memorial of this Rector consisting of his arms painted on glass in an ornamented shield impaled with the coat of his See and surmounted by a mitre, with the date of 1704 on a compartment beneath; all contained within an oval: Arms. 1st coat, Sa. a crosier and key in saltire, Or, for St. Asaph: 2nd coat, Arg. a saltire engrailed between four escallop-shells, Sa. for the name of Beridge, or Beveridge. . . . Decease of Hodges.—22nd November, 1672. . . . . The same. 
 JOHN WAUGH.A memorial similar to that mentioned in the preceding note is also preserved in the same window of St. Peter's Church for the Rector Dr. Waugh, as Bishop of Carlisle, with the date of 1723 beneath it; the arms being, 1st coat, Arg. on a cross Sa. a mitre labelled Or, for Carlisle; 2nd coat, Arg. on a chevron Gu. 3 bezants, for the name of Waffe, or Waff of Cornwall. Another memorial of the Bishop is contained in a small square stone inscribed with his name and the date of his death, placed in the pavement of the altar, in front within the rails. Both the pieces of painted glass and this stone, were engraven by Mr. Wilkinson in the series of plates intended for his history of St. Peter's Church, with a fac-simile of the signature of the Bishop of Carlisle as Parson-Commendator. Dr. Waugh was sometime Fellow of the Queen's College Ovford, Chaplain to Lord Guilford, and Dean of Gloucester. On October 13th, 1723, he was consecrated Bishop of Carlisle, when he obtained a license to hold the living of St. Peter's in commendam for one year, but he died Rector of the Church October 29th, 1734, aged 78, and was buried in the Rector's vault there before the altar. His published sermons are as follow.—At the Consecration of Bishop Bull; Hebr. xiii. 17. 1705, 4to.; The Duty of Apprentices and Servants, Psal. xxvii. 10. 1713, 4to.; Public Worship set forth and recommended; Psal. lxxxiv. 10. on re-opening St. Peter's after a repair, Oct. 18th, 1713, 4to; Reformation of Manners, on Spital Wednesday; Prov. xxiv. 25. 1713. 4to.. Sermon on 2 Corinthians, ix. 6. 1714, 8vo.; On the Election of a Lord Mayor; Rom. xii. 17. 1715, 8vo. Assize Sermon against Revenge; Rom. xii. 19. 1717, 4to: Sermon before the King, Nov. 5th, on Nehem. iv. 11. 1717, 4to.; Sermon before the House of Commons, Jan. 30th, on Eccles. viii. 14. 1710, 4to.; On the Propagation of the Gospel; 1. Pet. iii. 19, 20. 1722, 4to; Sermon before the House of Lords, Jan. 30th, 1724; 2 Chron. xxxv. 25. 4to.—The date attached to the name of this Rector in the above list is that of its first entry on the books of the Vestry. . . . . . Promotion of Beveridge to Bishopric of St. Asaph. 8th Nov. 1704. The same. 
 John Middleton, D.D.Fellow of Merton College, Oxford, and Lecturer of St. Bride's. At the time he was elected to the living of St. Peter's it was estimated at 300l. per annum, and he returned his thanks for it to the Corporation in the following words.—My Lord Mayor and Gentlemen. I am glad of the opportunity of returning you my sincere and humble thanks, for the signal favour you have done me this day in nominating me to the Rectory of St. Peter's in Cornhill: a preferment very acceptable to me upon many accounts, but most of all so as being conveyed to me by such hands as confer honour wherever they bestow a gift. Your forming so effectual an interest for me unsolicited, when I was providentially detained at a distance unable to solicit, has doubled the kindness on your part and the obligation on mine. And here I cannot but reflect on my late calamity (illness), both with grief and pleasure: with grief, because it prevented my personal address in due time to all and each of you, a service which inclination called for as well as duty; and with pleasure, because, instead of turning to my prejudice, through your generous goodness it has turned to my glory. Gentlemen, words cannot express the sentiments of my heart: permit me therefore to refer you to a more solid proof of my gratitude and respect, I mean my future conduct: the whole tendency of which shall be, by the grace of God, to promote, so far as in me lies, in my spiritual capacity, the pure and undefiled religion of Jesus Christ through whom alone we can be saved; in my civil capacity, the true interest of my King and Country and the peace of this renowned City: so doing, I humbly conceive, I shall best discharge my vast obligations to this honourable Court. Not long since, at the appointment of an honourable member of that be ch of Aldermen, good and great in every view, I was gratified with a temporary relation to this ample City, as Chaplain to Sir Francis Child when Lord Mayor; but henceforward, and from this memorable day, I shall proudly deem myself her adopted son, devoted to her for ever; and shall strive to keep pace with the warmest of her children in zeal for her liberty and welfare, beseeching the Almighty that no weapon formed against her may ever prosper.—Dr. Middleton preached at St. Peter's for the first time on Sunday Dec. 22nd, 1734, from Psalm lviii. 2, to a congregation which crowded the pews by 9 o'clock in the morning; but his printed discourses are The Daty and Excellence of Thanksgiving; Psal. cvi. 48. Lond. 1730, 4to.: and A Good Magistrate a Public Blessing, Prov. xxix. 2. preached at the election of a Lord Mayor; Lond. 1732. J. P. Maicolm's Londinum Redivivum, vol. iv. pp. 573, 574. In the same place it is also stated that in 1737 he received the living of Bushey in Hertfordshire, by the patronage of Samuel and Catherine Ibbetson, also worth 300l. per annum; but this will be found erroneous by a reference to the list of Rectors there in the History and Antiquities of the County of Hertford by Robert Clutterbuck, Esq. vol. i. Lond. 1815, fol. p. 341.—The date which is attached to the name of this Rector in the above list, is that of its first entry on the books of the Vestry. . . . . Decease of Bishop Waugh. (6th February,) 1734 . . . The same. 
   Cause and Time of Presentation. Patrons. 
 John Thomas, D.D.In 1737 he was presented to the Perpetual Curacy of East Moulsey in Surrey, by Mr. Comer, Vicar of Kingston; and he died there in his 89th year, Jan. 20th, 1797. Gentleman's Magazine, Feb. 1797, vol. lxvii. part i. p. 166. In the same place it is unaccountably stated that the patronage of St. Peter's is in dispute between the Court of Aldermen and the Court of Common Council. . . . . Decease of Dr. Middleton.—30th March, 1744. . . . Corporation of London. 
 Thomas Roberts, A.M.Also Vicar of Tottenham, to which living he was presented by the Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's in 1798. He died about August 1824, aged 74. . . . Decease of Dr. Thomas.—6th June, 1797. . . . The same. 
 John Page Wood, L.L.B.Minutes of the Proceedings of the Court of Common Council. . . . Decease of Roberts.—28th October, 1824. . . . The same. 



With respect to the glebe attached to this Rectory, it has been already stated that in the reigns of Mary and Elizabeth it included messuages abutting on the parsonage-house on the south, and on the King's on the north; which were let by the Rector for years for the annual rent of , by confirmation from the Mayor and Commonalty and the Bishop of London. In the yearly profits of the living consisted of the following:—[d] 

 Tythes,------ 99. 18.        
 Casualties,----- 16. 16. 8.       
 Glebe------ 46.         
 For 2 Sermons yearly,-- 1.         
 For 7 Do. for 20 years to come,-- 4.         
   ---------- 67. 14. 18. 
 The Charges of the Church. 
 First Fruits,------ 39. 5. 7 1/2       
 Tenths,------ 3. 18. 6 3/4       
 Bishop's Procuration,-----  10.        
 Archdeacon's Do.-----  6. 8.       
   ---------- 44.  10 1/4 

Upon the rebuilding of after the Fire of London, the Act of Parliament for the re-edification of the City[e]  ordered that this Parish should

continue as it was,

without any other being annexed to it; in compensation of which another Act directed that instead of uncertain tythes a fixed stipend of yearly should be paid to the incumbent.[f] —The value of the glebe of Rectory after the Fire, is stated in a Presentment of the property and charities belonging to it delivered into the Registry of the Bishop of London in the Parochial Visitation of , an abstract of which is printed by Newcourt and Strype.[g]  It is there stated that the Parsonagehouse having been burned, the ground whereon it stood,

was let out by Dr. Hodges, then Rector, to Samuel Purchas, by indenture dated

August 23rd, 1670

, for


years at the rent of



per annum. It lies at the west end of the Church and Churchyard in

St. Peter's

Alley, in length


feet from south to north. There are now (


) standing on it a barber's shop, with a door and passage into another man's house behind; a coffee-house with a little yard, and a bakehouse and


warehouses running along the back of the glebe-houses. The rent of



per annum reserved upon this lease was parted with by Dr. Beveridge, the present Rector (


), upon condition that the Parish would make it up so much as would purchase the lease of the house where he now dwells; which being accordingly done, the lease of the said house, which is in Corbett's Court, was assigned over by Mr. Purchas, aforesaid, in whose hands it was, to Mr. Hinton, Mr. Bendy, and Mr. Trunkes, late of this Parish, in trust for the Parson of

St. Peter's

and his successors, by a deed dated

February 8th, 1675

, for the term of


years, commencing from Michaelmas


, for a pepper-corn a year. As to the glebe belonging to this parsonage, the said Dr. Hodges, in

April 1663

, did by


lease let out a parcel of this glebe, known by the sign of

the Plough

to the aforesaid Samuel Purchas for


years, at



per annum rent. And by another lease of the same date, another parcel of this glebe, known by the name of the Cross Keys, to Thomas Laycock, for the like number of years, for



per annum rent: both which were confirmed by the Patrons and the Bishop. But since the Fire of London, as appears by the said presentment, the glebe consists in


houses adjoining to the north-west end of the Church, wherein Mr. Elford, Mr. Dalton, and Mr. Overton, now dwell; the ground of which houses was also leased out by the said Dr. Hodges to the said Samuel Purchas, by indenture dated

May 18th, 1668

, for the term of


years from the Feast of the Annunciation before, according to a decree of the Judges of

Clifford's Inn

at the old rent of



per annum. Which lease is now come into the hands of Thomas Dalton, dwelling in


of the said houses, who consequently pays the reserved rent of



per annum, at the


usual feasts.

—The property of this Parish may be yet farther illustrated by the following extract from the Churchwarden's Account for , given by Maitland.[h] 
 Payments as opposite----- 375. 18. 6. 
 Edward Bently received----- 331. 7. 7. 
 Balance due to the Churchwarden 44. 10. 11. 
 Paid on account of the Church-- 181. 13. 1. 
 Do. of the Poor------ 194. 5. 5. 
   375. 18. 6. 
account of the Overseers of the Poor
 Jasper Waters, &c. received-- 376. 4. 10. 
 Paid on account of the Poor-- 373. 13. 10. 
 Balance to the Parish 2. 11.  
 Paid for the poor in both Accounts 567. 19. 3. 



The boundaries of the Parish of St. Peter upon are as follow.—On the north side of to No. , where the plate is dated ; and to No. on the south: on the western side of to the northern extremity of the London Tavern, where the plate is dated ; and to No. on the east: on the north side of to No. ; and on the south to No. , the house formerly Mr. Woodmason's, adjoining a passage leading into the Skin Market of Leadenhall; the plate of which is dated , when that house was rebuilt: on the eastern side of to No. , houses distant from the Spread Eagle Inn; and on the western side to No. , where the plate is dated .

It takes in,

says the , , mo. page ,

all Leadenhall Market, excepting the Herb Market; also Token-house Yard and Paved Alley, also

Queen Street

, leading into


, with all other alleys, courts, &c. within this compass.

[a]  At this time the number of houses contained in the Parish was , but this has been considerably reduced by the improvements in Leadenhall Market, and the extension of the on the western side. In the Population Report of the number of inhabited dwellings was only , and uninhabited; and the whole now amount to about . The population of the Parish in , was ; in , ; in , ; and in , : the annual value of real property assessed in it in , amounted, however, to More than half the houses in the Parish were destroyed and damaged in the terrific fire which began on the morning of Thursday, , at the dwelling of William Rutland, Perukemaker, the house on the eastern side of Within; of which a Plan with a full account is given in this work.


[d] Newcourt's Diocess of London, vol. i. pp. 523, 525.

[e] Act 22nd Charles II., 1670, cap. xi. Sect. lxiii.

[f] An Act for the better settlement of the Parsons, Vicars, and Curates, in the Parishes of the City of London, burned by the late dreadful fire there:—22nd and 23rd Charles II., 1670, cap. xv. sect. ii. article 15.—

[g] Newcourt's Diocess of London, vol. i. pp. 524, 525, from the Register-Books of the Bishop of London, and that of the Archbishop of Canterbury, marked Land, fol. 136, 138.—Strype's Stow's Survey of London, Vol. I. book ii. chap. viii. p. 141.

[h] History of London by William Maitland, Lond. 1739. fol. p. 498.

[a] An entry concerning the Parish boundaries on the eastern side of Leadenhall-Market passing into the upper part of Lime Street formerly called the Green Yard, occurs in the Vestry Books of this Church, in the year 1656; stating that September 24th, being Wednesday, the Churchwarden, five parishioners, and Mr. Jarman, the Citie-Carpenter, Clement Bacon, Clerk, and Walter Yonge, Sexton, all went into the Green Yard in Leadenhall, to view the boundes of the Parish of St. Peter upon Cornhill. At which time they found an antient peece of brass, wheron was engraved the date of the yeere 1626, fastened on the side of the doore-post, at which they enter into Lime Street through a little alley. Mr. Bedford, the Clerk of St. Dionis Back Church beeinge present, saw the peece of brass nailed there. The boundary-plate, dated 1774, is now fixed against the southern wall of the offices belonging to the East India House, in the fourth turning into Leadenhall-Market out of Lime Street; which enters nearly opposite to the north-east corner of the Wholesale Butcher Market. A similar mark for the Parish of St. Dionis Back Church is fixed beside it, and at the eastern end of the same passage is a boundary-plate for the Parish of St. Andrew Undershaft, Leadenhall-Street.

View all images in this book
 Title Page
 Howell's View of London
 View of the Fire of London
 City Wall
 The Conduits of Cheapside and Cornhill
 Plan of the Fire in Bishopsgate Street, Cornhill, and Leadenhall Street: November 7th, 1765
Frost Fair on the River Thames
 Part of the Strand: St. Clement's Danes
 Ancient Structure in Ship Yard: Temple Bar
 St. Paul's Cross and Cathedral: With King James I and his Court at a Sermon
 Ancient Cathedral Church of St. Paul, London
 Paul's Cross (and Preaching There)
Elsinge Spital, Sion College, and the Church of St. Alphage, London Wall
 Elsinge's Hospital; or, as it is otherwise denominated, Elsynge Spittle
 Sion College
 The Priory and Church of St. Bartholomew the Great, West Smithfield
 The Church of St. Bartholomew the Less: Giltspure Street, West Smithfield, in the Ward of Farringdon Without
Crosby Hall, Bishopsgate Street
The Priory and Church of St. Helen, Bishopsgate Street
 Monument of Sir Andrew Judde, Knight: In the Church of St. Helen, Bishopsgate Within
St. Michael's Church: Cornhill
The Parish Church of St. Paul, Shadwell: In the County of Middlesex
 The Parish Church of St. Peter upon Cornhill: In Cornhill Ward
Extracts from the Vestry Books of the Church of St. Peter upon Cornhill
 St. Saviour's Church
 St. Saviour's Church, Southwark
 Winchester Palace, Southwark
 Chapels at the Eastern End of the Church of St. Saviour, Southwark
 Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem
 An Account of Bermondsey, its Manor, Priory, and Abbey
 Priory of the Holy Trinity: In the Ward of Aldgate
 St. Martin-le-Grand College, and St. Vedast, Foster Lane
 Guildhall Chapel
 A short Account of Lazar Houses in and near London
 Knightsbridge Chapel
 Lambe's Chapel and Alms-Houses: Monkwell Street, Cripplegate
 The late Mr. Skelton's Meeting House, Erected Near the Site of the Globe Theatre, Maid Lane, Southwark
 Zoar Street, Gravel Lane, Meeting House and School
 Oratory, Under the Antient Mansion, or Inn, of the Priors of Lewes in Sussex
 Whitehall: Plate I
 Whitehall: Plate II
 Whitehall: Plate III
 St. James's Palace
 Fawkeshall, or Copped Hall, Surrey
 Toten-Hall, Tottenham Court Road
 King John's Palace
 Clarendon House, called also Albemarle House
 Somerset House
 Suffolk House
 York House
 Durham, Salisbury, and Worcester Houses
 Sir Paul Pindar's House
 Montagu House: Great Russel Street, Bloomsbury
 The British Museum
 Bedford House, Bloomsbury Square
 Peterborough House, afterward Grosvenor House, Millbank, Westminster
 Craven House, Drury Lane
 Ancient Mansion called Monteagle House: Montague Close, Southwark
 Oldbourne Hall, Shoe Lane: In the Parish of St. Andrew, Holborn