Britannia: or a Geographical description of the Kingdoms of England, Scotland, and Ireland, with the Isles and Territories thereto belonging.
Blome, Richard
Isles and Territories Belonging to His MAJESTY IN AFRICA, ASIA, and the INDIES.
Isles and Territories Belonging to His MAJESTY IN AFRICA, ASIA, and the INDIES.
THAT which his hath Soveraign Right unto in is seated in the Kingdom of and on the mouth of the where it formeth a capacious Bay; It is a City of good Antiquity, being said to be built by and called and was had in great fame amongst the Ancients, and so renowned, that the neighbouring took from it the name of and the Streight of And since it became his Majesties by his marriage with of it is a place of greater strength then before, being strongly fortified and manned with Garison-Soldiers, besides its Inhabitants which are many, numbring within its about 1500 well- built to most of which are pleasant And were the finished (as tis hoped it will be in a short time) it would be a place very considerable to the English, in receiving and sheltring their Ships in distress of weather, or from any Enemy that by strength shall over-power them; Also it may be the place of for the taking in of or as occasion requireth; and were the encouraged by granting some immunities unto them, it might become the or for for all (or the greatest part of) the which could not but prove very advantageous both to his Majesty and his Subjects. | |
In there is no place that his Majesty may properly be entituled unto; yet have the English divers considerable and potent Colonies, as at with several other in the And in the at in at | |
Footnotes: [] The English concern in the East-Indies. |