Britannia: or a Geographical description of the Kingdoms of England, Scotland, and Ireland, with the Isles and Territories thereto belonging.

Blome, Richard


Warwickshire: BEING Part of the CORNAVII, and ancient KINGDOM of the MERCIANS.

Warwickshire: BEING Part of the CORNAVII, and ancient KINGDOM of the MERCIANS.



THE County of seated in a manner in the heart of and participates with her in the best, both for pureness of richness of and pleasure to its

It may be divided into two parts, the one called and the other and these are in a manner separated by the River which in a crooked passage runneth through the The part called which lyeth Southward, is more Champain, affording rich which feed store of and and is exceeding grateful to the Husbandman in its crops of The part called of old lyeth Northwards of the and took its name from the great plenty of which are now much wasted by the making of and the Soil of this part is more churlish and ungrateful to the Husbandman.

The bounds of this on the East are and on the South, those of with part of on the West, and on the North,

Its extent from in the East, to in the West, is about 25 and from in the South, to in the North, about 33; which makes its circumference to be about 135

The ancient known to the were the which afterwards became the Kingdom of the

This for its affordeth great plenty of and especially in the and is plentifully watered with the chief of which is the

Here were many as at and And for defence had several divers of which do now lye buried in their Rubbish.



It is severed into five in which are numbred 158 and for the convenience of its hath 17 whose names are as followeth.

so called of a of commodiously seated for an Inland being esteemed the principal place for in these parts, and more then ordinarily frequented and inhabited, and the rather for the great quantities of here made and vended. It is a fair, neat, and large conteining three of which that of St. and the are lostily built, and is beautified with good and well ordered and its composed of curious and beautiful workmanship, being lately repaired, is stately to behold. It was begirt with a curious which now is demolished, and gave entrance into the by 13 at one of which hangeth a of wild far greater then that of an which was said to be flain by the renowned of This place in former time was famous for its now ruinous or founded by King which was much enlarged, and most richly beautified by Earl of the which invited Bishop of and to translate his See hither, which in some few years was again removed to Nor is it to be forgot how the Lady wife to the said for the purchasing the freedom, and to be eased from those heavy which he imposed upon them for some offence committed by them against him, about Noon-day rode naked through the chief of the a penance, though much improper for a Husband to command, and as immodest for her to imbrace, yet for the good of the the cheerfully accepted of. This although within the confines of yet is exempted from its jurisdiction, as being a County incorporate of it self, having within its Liberty several and doth enjoy ample also sends to keepeth for the hearing of Causes, the tryal of where they have a for Offenders, and is governed by a two and other It is a place well served with and its on is very great, for

said to be built by about 375 years before the of by the called and and by Mr. said to be the of the where they had their which was a of for it seemeth that such was the great care of the for the preservation of their conquered Territories, that they placed in their men of several by which means the being ignorant of their and were the less capable of joyning in any conspiracy with them. And when the were thus Masters of the it was in a very flourishing condition, large, and of great strength, as well by nature as art, whose scituation is on a steep Rock, and washed by the River over which it hath a strong and well-built and was fortified with a (which in many places is yet apparent to be seen) and a strong and stately which over-looketh the which is now the seat of the Right Honorable Baron of It is at present a of good account, indifferent large, conteining two (besides several demolished) amongst which St. is the chief, which is a fair Structure, wherein are divers beautiful Its are well-built, its spacious and well ordered, is a place well inhabited, enjoyeth a good chiefly for and the rather as being the place where the and


general for the County are kept; it hath the accommodation of a and a well endowed for decayed amongst its sends to is governed by a 12 for a and other And its which is on is very great, and well provided with and And of late is built a stately of susteined by several

Near unto is most delectably seated amongst and fresh where of was said to have built a and after he had left off his noble and valiant exploits, here led an Hermetical life, and when he dyed was here interr'd.

seated on the River a small and hath a mean on

scituate on the and not far from the place where the falleth into the an ancient and formerly of a greater trade then now it is, whose which is on is indifferent good for

seated on the North-side of the over which it hath a fair susteined by fourteen it is a good conteining two is well inhabited, enjoyeth a considerable for here made; and hath a on which is very well served with and

scituate on the over which it hath a a small and hath a good on for

seated on a branch of the a little which hath a very small on

seated in fertile soil for an indifferent whose which is on is well served with and and is considerable for

seated on a branch of the over which it hath a 'tis a small much inhabited by and hath a good on for and

Near unto this is

seated on the River where there was a Nunnery of devout It is a long and hath an indifferent on

seated by a small Brook, an indifferent and hath a small on

Near standeth where erected a and was therein interr'd, being enwrapped in an instead of a

Near unto this place (as Mr. noteth) stood the ancient and flourishing in the time of the called which at this day is called And here King of the in the year of our Lord . in the Civil War was stabbed to death by who soon after for his reward was slain by

Southwards of is seated where it hath a over the River a place at present but small, but in former time very considerable, being raised out of the ruins of the ancient mentioned by the

scituate part in this County, and part in and on the River where the River falleth into it; which said Rivers no less pleasantly then commodiously wash two parts of the over each of which is a It is a good fair beautified


with a large strengthened with a small, but strong and hath a on which is well served with and

seated in an excellent and amongst which yield pleasure to its but in a barren soil. The is small, and hath a mean on

seated on the side of a very dry, and on a small River: It is a large and well-built very populous, much resorted unto, and enjoyeth a very great for and and here made, also for and which find good vent at and other parts; its is on which is very considerable for and besides the of the

scituate on the side of a by the River over which it hath a a small and hath a mean on

seated on a Flat, a very mean which had a but at present so inconsiderable, that it is not took notice of.

At in . King in a battel slew

At King of the had his and here his son St. was interr'd.

At was the ancient of the

At is a whose water, if drunk with salt, loosneth, and if with sugar, bindeth the body; and is said to be very soveraign against and the

At there issueth out within a stride of each other, two of but of different taste and operation, the one being and the other

At the precious stone is found.

At there was an or and a large and stately both now demolished.


[] Its parts.

[] Feldon Part.

[] Woodland Part.

[] Its bounds.

[] Its extent.

[] Ancient Inhabitants.

[] Its Commodities.

[] Religious Houses.

[] Coventrey,

[] Warwick.

[] Guy-cliff.

[] Cambden, page 564.

[] Henley.

[] Aulcester.

[] Stratford.

[] Shipton.

[] Kyneton.

[] Southam,

[] Rugby.

[] Dunsmere-heath.

[] Nun-Eaton.

[] Atherston.

[] Merivall.

[] Seckington.

[] Mancester.

[] Tamworth.

[] Sutton-Cofield.

[] Bromicham.

[] Colshill.

[] Solibull.

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 Title Page
 To the High and Mighty Monarch, Charles the II
 Preface to the Reader
The British Isles
 BARKSHIRE: Being the ATTREBATII, and part of the ancient KINGDOM of the West-Saxons
 CAMBRIDGSHIRE: BEING Part of the ICENI and ancient KINGDOM of the East-Angles
 CORNWALL: BEING Part of the DANMONII and ancient KINGDOM of the West-Saxons
 CUMBERLAND: BEING Part of the BRIGANTES and ancient KINGDOM of the Northumbers
 DEVONSHIRE: BEING Part of the DANMONII and ancient KINGDOM of the West-Saxons
 DORSETSHIRE: BEING The DUROTRIGES of Ptolomy and part of the ancient KINGDOM OF THE West-Saxons
 DURHAM: BEING Part of the BRIGANTES and ancient of Northumbers
 ESSEX: BEING Part of the TRINOBANTES and ancient KINGDOM of the East-Saxons
 GLOCESTER: BEING Part of the DOBUNI and ancient KINGDOM of the MERCIANS
 HANTSHIRE, Or the COUNTY of SOUTHAMPTON: BEING Part of the BELGæ, and ancient KINGDOM of the West-Saxons
 HARTFORDSHIRE: BEING Part of the TRINOBANTES and ancient KINGDOM of the East-Saxons
 Huntingtonshire: BEING Part of the ICENI and ancient KINGDOM of the MERCIANS
 LANCASHIRE, BEING Part of the BRIGANTES and ancient KINGDOM of the Northumbers
 MIDDLESEX: BEING Part of the TRINOBANTES and ancient KINGDOM of the East-Saxons
 Monmouthshire: Being the Ancient HABITATION OF THE SILURES
 NORFOLK: BEING Part of the I C E N I and ancient KINGDOM of the East Angles
 Northamptonshire BEING Part of the CORITANI and ancient KINGDOM of the West-Saxons
 Northumberland: BEING Part of the OTTADINI and ancient KINGDOM of the Northumbers
 Nottinghamshire: BEING Part of the CORITANI and ancient KINGDOM of the MERCIANS
 Rutlandshire: BEING Part of the CORITANI and ancient KINGDOM of the MERCIANS
 Somersetshire: BEING Part of the BELGæ, and ancient KINGDOM of the West-Saxons
 Staffordshire: BEING Part of the CORNAVII and ancient KINGDOM of the MERCIANS
SUFFOLK: BEING Part of the ICENI and ancient KINGDOM of the East-Angles
 SURREY: BEING Part of the REGNI and ancient KINGDOM of the South-Saxons
SUSSEX: BEING Part of the REGNI and ancient KINGDOM of the South-Saxons
 Warwickshire: BEING Part of the CORNAVII and ancient KINGDOM of the MERCIANS
Westmoreland: BEING Part of the BRIGANTES and ancient KINGDOM of the Northumbers
 WILTSHIRE: BEING Part of the BELGæ, and ancient KINGDOM of the West-Saxons
 Worcestershire: BEING Part of the CORNAVII, and ancient KINGDOM of the MERCIANS
YORKSHIRE: BEING Part of the BRIGANTES and ancient KINGDOM of the Northumbers
South-Wales: This Part conteineth the Counties of Brecknock, Cardigan, Caermarden, Glamorgan, Pembroke and Radnor Of which in order.
 Isles and Territories Belonging to His MAJESTY IN AFRICA, ASIA, and the INDIES
 Isles and Teritories Belonging to His MAJESTY IN AMERICA.
AN ALPHABETICAL ACCOUNT/ OF THE Nobility and Gentry, Which are (or lately were) related unto the several COUNTIES OF England and Wales: As to their names, TITLES, and SEATS by which they are (or have been) generally known and distinguished; according as they were received from the Hands of divers Persons in each County experienced therein as well by their Publick Offices, as otherwise
NOBILITY AND GENTREY, Which are, or lately were, related unto BARKSHIRE: WITH THEIR SEATS and TITLES by which they are, or have been, known
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of BEDFORD: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of BUCKINGHAM: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been,known
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of CAMBRIDGE:With their Seats and by which they are, or have been, known
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto CHESHIRE: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of CORNWALL:With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of CUMBERLAND: With their Seats Titles by which they are, or have been, known
Nobility and Gentry. Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of DERBY: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known.
Nobility and Gentry. Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of DEVON : With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known.
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of DORSET: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known.
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the Bishoprick, or COUNTY of DURHAM: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of ESSEX: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of GLOCESTER: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known.
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of HANTSHIRE: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known.
Gentry in the Isle of Wight
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of HARTFORD:With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known.
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of HEREFORD:With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known.
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of HUNTINGTON: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been,known
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of KENT: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, know
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of LANCASTER: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been,known
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of LEICESTER: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of LINCOLNE: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known.
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of MIDDLESEX And CITY of LONDON: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of MONMOUTH: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known.
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of NORFOLK: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known.
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of NORTHAMPTON: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known.
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of Northumberland: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of NOTTINGHAM: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of OXFORD: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of RUTLAND: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of SALOP: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of SOMERSET: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known.
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of STAFFORD: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of SUFFOLK: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of SURREY: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of SUSSEX: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known.
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of WARWICK: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of Westmoreland. With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known.
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of WILTS: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known.
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of WORCESTER. With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the North-Riding of YORKSHIRE: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known.
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the East-Riding of YORKSHIRE: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known.
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the West-Riding of YORKSHIRE: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known.
WALES. Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY and ISLE of ANGLESEY: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of BRECKNOCK: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known.
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of CAERMARDEN: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, lately were, related unto the COUNTY of CAERNARVON: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of CARDIGAN: With their States and Titles by which they are, or have been, known.
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of DENBEIGH: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known.
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of FLINT: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of GLAMOR GAN: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of MERIONETH: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of MONTGOMERY: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of PEMBROKE: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of RADNOR: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known