Britannia: or a Geographical description of the Kingdoms of England, Scotland, and Ireland, with the Isles and Territories thereto belonging.

Blome, Richard


Somersetshire: BEING Part of the BELGæ, and ancient KINGDOM of the West-Saxons.

Somersetshire: BEING Part of the BELGæ, and ancient KINGDOM of the West-Saxons.



a large and wealthy County, and of a rich and fertile both for and being on every side garnished with rich and delightful yet not without stony

It is blest with a sweet and temperate is exceeding populous and well frequented, and the rather by reason of its commodious and

'Tis a Country of much pleasure in the and as bad in the occasioned by its being and especially in the midst of the County, which is a great trouble to but this inconvenience they well pass over, knowing the ensuing profits and pleasures that the affordeth unto them, insomuch that they have this

The chief profits of this County ariseth from and wherewith it is so plentifully stored, that it may challenge any neighbouring Country both for quantity of fat and rich In the bowels of the earth (in many places) are rich especially about and And St. is not without great store of which are known by the name of which for a bright lustre come little short of those of and had they their hardness, might easily pass for the same.

This County hath for its Eastern bounds for its Southern, those of and for its Western also and for its Northern, the and part of

Its extent from in the East, to in the West, is about 55 and from in the South, to in the North, where it is broadest, about 40; and makes in circumference about 204

It is well watered with which slow from the the chief of which are the and the which are well stored with excellent



This County is honoured with the Title of a which at present is in the person of the Right Noble Duke of

It is dignified with three viz. and

It hath been the of divers and chiesly at these places following. At a small near unto surnamed gave the a notable foyl in his pursuit of the then Usurper of the of Not far from Bishop of gave a great overthrow to the Camp. At King in a battel obteined a great and memorable against the and near this place a obteined the like victory against the to their ever after dread of the And lastly, not far from King gave the such an overthrow, as constrained them to a submission, and caused their King to be a himself, being his at the

Nor hath this County been less famous for its beautiful consecrated to as at which was possessed by At the of made so by the Rivers and was a built by King Also at and were but above all which for beauty, glory, and antiquity, worthily deserveth commendation, of which a word or two anon.

This County is severed into 29 in which are numbred 385 and for the accommodation of its hath 30 whose names are as followeth.

an eminent and large City, in which, with its are conteined divers but having given a description thereof in the Treatise of I shall say no more here, but refer you unto the same.

seated on the over which it hath a fair and in a low and small which is begirt with aspiring out of which issue forth several Springs of water, which pay their tribute to this City. It is a place of great as doth appear by the many and commonly found in the which encompass it; and where the now standeth (according to report) in ancient time there was a consecrated to the of and

This City, according to hath had sevetal names attributed unto it: It was called by YDATA QEPMA, that is, the the and and the and the the It is a fair and neat City, replenished with well-built for Divine worship hath at present one besides its or a is honoured with the Title of an which is now in the person of the Right Honorable Earl of is governed by a with other enjoyeth several sendeth to Its which are on and are well served with and it enjoyeth a good for its here made, and is a place well inhabited and resorted unto, and the more for its from whence it took its name, and is of chiefest note.

These by long experience are found to be of great vertue in the curing of and other and corrupt humors in the body of man; which brings a great resort of people of all and from all parts of the Kingdom, and foreign parts twice every year, to get cure


of their distempers, to the great enrichment of the And in respect of their admirable virtues, some have feigned that they were conveyed thither first by in the knowledge of which the were held very expert. There are within this four several and their as to heat are of a different temperature; an account of which I shall borrow from Mr. where he saith, That the (so called from a in old time standing up in the midst thereof) is of a mild and temperate is enclosed with a and about the sides thereof are placed 12 of The second which is near adjoyning, is of a much hotter temperature, and is thereupon called the adjoyning to these (he saith) is a or for relief of poor diseased people: The third and fourth (as joyned together) are the greatest, and best being seated near the in the heart of the and called the and and are enclosed with having the conveniency of 32 made of arched work, so ordered that men and women sit apart. And it is observed that these are not wholsom at all for from 8 a clock in the morning to about 3 in the afternoon, they are in a manner scalding hot, and do work, and cast up from the bottom a filth, during which time they are shut up, and none permitted entrance.

seated at the foot of a so called from the and there springing up. It is a small but well Inhabited, and of good account, being dignified with an under whose jurisdiction is also that of It is garnished with fair and stately both publique and private, amongst which these are of most note. Its dedicated to St. (said to be first built by King of the who made it a ) a stately and beautiful pile of having in the west end a frontise-piece of excellent Imigary and carved stone- Then the adjoyning to the built in manner of a and fortified with and a and on the other side fair houses of the for 27 Prebends, with 19 other together with a and 3 viz. of and belonging to the and lastly its which is a fair susteined by This is governed by a 7 16 a and other hath the election of and its which are upon and want not for any which are had at easie rates.

seated on the river which at a small distance falleth into the a of good account, and much inhabited by and whose is much bought, and its which is on is well served with and In this is a kept every three holding for all actions by way of

commonly called scituate on the over which it hath a much inhabited by and hath an indifferent good on

seated amongst the a pretty good whose which is on is well served with and

steeply seated, and on the river where it hath a the is well inhabited by and its which is on is well provided of

so called from its Church dedicated to St. great which is kept on.

Nigh to this is seated on a



seated not far from the and under the very rich in and also fertile for feeding of It is a hath one principal street, which is long, but narrow; and hath a very considerable for and on

seated near the a good whose which is kept on is well served with and other This place is of chief note for its once famous and stately Abbey of where (as 'tis reported) the body of of whom the of the sent into to preach the of lyeth here interr'd: and the ruins of this doth shew it to have been a large Structure, where King built a fair and stately and in the was the Sepulchre of King whose body, by command of King the Second, after great search was found out, which lay many feet under ground, but not without several Inscriptions on his

Near adjoyning, on a high and steep hill, is placed a now called which commandeth a great prospect round about, and serveth as a to and here on the top thereof, the last Abbot was hanged by command of King the Eighth.

Not far from is where three meeting do make a which issue forth at one small mouth, and fall into in the and the Country hereabouts is very fenny and and called where there was a of King and other

scituate under a pretty big, but poor yet inhabited by several wealthy and hath a very good on

seated on the River a well-built and inhabited of a good for and and hath a very great for on The is graced with a very beautiful hath a founded by King the Sixth, and a most goodly that hath rather the resemblance of a then an And since the desolution of the built by the it hath been honoured with the seat of the the present being the Right Honorable Lord Viscount and is a branch of the of in a Family that hath produced many worthy men, famous in their Generation; by whose example the have ever been so eminently that they have been great Sufferers in the late rebellious times.

seated on the side of a in the to a good on which is very considerable for

Nigh unto this is a small but note-worthy for being the place where a overthrew the the like did King surnamed against the

seated on the confines of a which hath the election of

or a governed by a keepeth for the tryal of is seated on the so called, where it hath a and hath a very considerable on for and in great plenty, taking its rise from the decay of near adjoyning.

Near unto this is a steep and of a difficult access; on the top whereof (which is of a large space of ground) is to be seen the


ruins of a decayed of the with tripple of earth cast up, with five or six deep about the and this place the call King

seated on the River a of great Antiquity, as doth appear by the there oft digged up; nor was it wanting of strength; for when the Nobles of had entred into a League for the deposing of King and to raise up his Brother Duke of here the warlike after his burning of made a forcible assault, but to small purpose; and we find that at the coming of the it was so populous, that it had in it 107 and numbred 16 but whatsoever its estate was then, it is otherwise now, for at present it hath but two yet is it a governed by a and 12 hath the election of is the place where the is kept; and hath an indifferent good on

seated on the top of a in a and and on the banks of the large River which is navigable for from from whence it hath some trade. It is a well frequented and hath a good on for and

At near adjoyning, the of an old decayed built by King are to be seen. And near unto Northwards is which though at present a small yet in times past was a place of good account.

seated on the River a pretty good which hath two weekly on and which are well served with

in former time of great note, and much frequented, insomuch that the took its name from it. It is at present a large, but poor and hath a very considerable on for some and and every fortnight hath a very great or rather a for and

seated on the once honoured with a of King hath a good for and on

or scituate on a branch of the and on the confines of whose which is on is very good for and

seated betwixt in a dirty bottom; a that suffered much by a late fire, so that its which is on is but small.

scituate on the side of a and on the edge of the adjoyning to the Counties of and hath the accommodation of a very good for and on And passing North-westwards from are

pleasantly seated amongst delectable and on the River or which is navigable for within three miles of the where it hath a fine It was once strengthned with a stately belonging to the of which now is demolished; and was formerly governed by a but at present by a yet is it a very fine, neat, and well-built graced with spacious conteineth two is well inhabited both by and especially by who here drive a considerable for and here and in parts adjacent made, being esteemed the best in the County; and its which are on and are very great, and well provided with and



seated on the a pretty good and hath an indifferent on

scituate amongst rich and pleasant hath a good on

seated on a Navigable over which it hath a fine It is a large, and well frequented, and inhabited which gives Title to the Right Honourable Earl of it hath the election of two is governed by a and other hath a great on for and which during the is well served with of all sorts; and was anciently a place of good note, having a and an

an indifferent and hath a new erected on which for the present is but small.

seated on the a very small on but hath a pretty good and is frequented by some who bring for which it hath an indifferent good selling the same to the adjacent parts for the burning of for the manuring their ground.

seated upon a Flat, and on a low ground, being on all sides encompassed with except towards the on which it is seated. It is a very good and well-built at present defended by a mounted on the top of a and hath a very good for and on

scituate also on the a which electeth hath the accommodation of a very good Harbour for of a great burthen to ride in, and is a place of some especially into yet hath it but a very small on

seated in the Western point of the County, and on the where it hath a good or so called, being a place resorted unto; and hath a

seated on a branch of the and in a solitary and hilly a little which hath a small on


[] Its Air.

[] Good havens. Ill wayes in the Winter.

[] Commodities

[] St. Vincents Rock. Great store of Bristolstones.

[] Its bounds.

[] Its extent.

[] Rivers.

[] Divers bloody battels here fought.

[] Religious houses.

[] Bristoll.

[] Bath.

[] The Baths good for the curing several Distempers.

[] Wells.

[] Pensford.

[] Canesham.

[] Wrinton.

[] Frowm-selwood.

[] Philips-Norton.

[] Farley Castle.

[] Axbridge.

[] Glassenbury.

[] Glassenbury Tor.

[] Aveland-Isle.

[] Moors and watery places.

[] Shepton-Mallet.

[] Bruton.

[] Wincaunton.

[] Pen.

[] Milborn-port.

[] Evil.

[] Camalet-hill.

[] Ilchester.

[] Langport.

[] Muchenay.

[] North-Curry.

[] Somerton.

[] South-Pedderton.

[] Crokethorne.

[] Ilmister.

[] Chard.

[] Taunton.

[] Wellington.

[] Wives-comb.

[] Bridgwater.

[] North-Petherton.

[] Watchet.

[] Dunster.

[] Myne-head.

[] Porlock.

[] Dulverton.

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 Title Page
 To the High and Mighty Monarch, Charles the II
 Preface to the Reader
The British Isles
 BARKSHIRE: Being the ATTREBATII, and part of the ancient KINGDOM of the West-Saxons
 CAMBRIDGSHIRE: BEING Part of the ICENI and ancient KINGDOM of the East-Angles
 CORNWALL: BEING Part of the DANMONII and ancient KINGDOM of the West-Saxons
 CUMBERLAND: BEING Part of the BRIGANTES and ancient KINGDOM of the Northumbers
 DEVONSHIRE: BEING Part of the DANMONII and ancient KINGDOM of the West-Saxons
 DORSETSHIRE: BEING The DUROTRIGES of Ptolomy and part of the ancient KINGDOM OF THE West-Saxons
 DURHAM: BEING Part of the BRIGANTES and ancient of Northumbers
 ESSEX: BEING Part of the TRINOBANTES and ancient KINGDOM of the East-Saxons
 GLOCESTER: BEING Part of the DOBUNI and ancient KINGDOM of the MERCIANS
 HANTSHIRE, Or the COUNTY of SOUTHAMPTON: BEING Part of the BELGæ, and ancient KINGDOM of the West-Saxons
 HARTFORDSHIRE: BEING Part of the TRINOBANTES and ancient KINGDOM of the East-Saxons
 Huntingtonshire: BEING Part of the ICENI and ancient KINGDOM of the MERCIANS
 LANCASHIRE, BEING Part of the BRIGANTES and ancient KINGDOM of the Northumbers
 MIDDLESEX: BEING Part of the TRINOBANTES and ancient KINGDOM of the East-Saxons
 Monmouthshire: Being the Ancient HABITATION OF THE SILURES
 NORFOLK: BEING Part of the I C E N I and ancient KINGDOM of the East Angles
 Northamptonshire BEING Part of the CORITANI and ancient KINGDOM of the West-Saxons
 Northumberland: BEING Part of the OTTADINI and ancient KINGDOM of the Northumbers
 Nottinghamshire: BEING Part of the CORITANI and ancient KINGDOM of the MERCIANS
 Rutlandshire: BEING Part of the CORITANI and ancient KINGDOM of the MERCIANS
 Somersetshire: BEING Part of the BELGæ, and ancient KINGDOM of the West-Saxons
 Staffordshire: BEING Part of the CORNAVII and ancient KINGDOM of the MERCIANS
SUFFOLK: BEING Part of the ICENI and ancient KINGDOM of the East-Angles
 SURREY: BEING Part of the REGNI and ancient KINGDOM of the South-Saxons
SUSSEX: BEING Part of the REGNI and ancient KINGDOM of the South-Saxons
 Warwickshire: BEING Part of the CORNAVII and ancient KINGDOM of the MERCIANS
Westmoreland: BEING Part of the BRIGANTES and ancient KINGDOM of the Northumbers
 WILTSHIRE: BEING Part of the BELGæ, and ancient KINGDOM of the West-Saxons
 Worcestershire: BEING Part of the CORNAVII, and ancient KINGDOM of the MERCIANS
YORKSHIRE: BEING Part of the BRIGANTES and ancient KINGDOM of the Northumbers
South-Wales: This Part conteineth the Counties of Brecknock, Cardigan, Caermarden, Glamorgan, Pembroke and Radnor Of which in order.
 Isles and Territories Belonging to His MAJESTY IN AFRICA, ASIA, and the INDIES
 Isles and Teritories Belonging to His MAJESTY IN AMERICA.
AN ALPHABETICAL ACCOUNT/ OF THE Nobility and Gentry, Which are (or lately were) related unto the several COUNTIES OF England and Wales: As to their names, TITLES, and SEATS by which they are (or have been) generally known and distinguished; according as they were received from the Hands of divers Persons in each County experienced therein as well by their Publick Offices, as otherwise
NOBILITY AND GENTREY, Which are, or lately were, related unto BARKSHIRE: WITH THEIR SEATS and TITLES by which they are, or have been, known
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of BEDFORD: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of BUCKINGHAM: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been,known
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of CAMBRIDGE:With their Seats and by which they are, or have been, known
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto CHESHIRE: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of CORNWALL:With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of CUMBERLAND: With their Seats Titles by which they are, or have been, known
Nobility and Gentry. Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of DERBY: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known.
Nobility and Gentry. Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of DEVON : With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known.
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of DORSET: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known.
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the Bishoprick, or COUNTY of DURHAM: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of ESSEX: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of GLOCESTER: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known.
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of HANTSHIRE: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known.
Gentry in the Isle of Wight
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of HARTFORD:With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known.
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of HEREFORD:With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known.
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of HUNTINGTON: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been,known
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of KENT: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, know
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of LANCASTER: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been,known
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of LEICESTER: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of LINCOLNE: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known.
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of MIDDLESEX And CITY of LONDON: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of MONMOUTH: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known.
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of NORFOLK: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known.
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of NORTHAMPTON: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known.
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of Northumberland: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of NOTTINGHAM: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of OXFORD: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of RUTLAND: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of SALOP: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of SOMERSET: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known.
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of STAFFORD: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of SUFFOLK: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of SURREY: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of SUSSEX: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known.
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of WARWICK: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of Westmoreland. With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known.
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of WILTS: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known.
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of WORCESTER. With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the North-Riding of YORKSHIRE: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known.
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the East-Riding of YORKSHIRE: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known.
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the West-Riding of YORKSHIRE: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known.
WALES. Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY and ISLE of ANGLESEY: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of BRECKNOCK: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known.
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of CAERMARDEN: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, lately were, related unto the COUNTY of CAERNARVON: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of CARDIGAN: With their States and Titles by which they are, or have been, known.
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of DENBEIGH: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known.
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of FLINT: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of GLAMOR GAN: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of MERIONETH: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of MONTGOMERY: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of PEMBROKE: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of RADNOR: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known