Britannia: or a Geographical description of the Kingdoms of England, Scotland, and Ireland, with the Isles and Territories thereto belonging.

Blome, Richard


Staffordshire: BEING Part of the CORNAVII, and ancient KINGDOM of the MERCIANS.

Staffordshire: BEING Part of the CORNAVII, and ancient KINGDOM of the MERCIANS.



scituated much about the midst of having on the East the Counties of and on the South, those of and on the West, and and on the North, also those of and

Its extent from South to North (which maketh the length of the ) is about 40 and from East to west (where broadest) about 22; which makes its circumference to be about 141

The is good and healthful, though somewhat sharp in the which doth occasion some to esteem it a more apt to preserve, then recover health.

It is of a different The Southern parts being generally barren, as sandy, gravelly, or heathy, so that it yields little good or save on the banks of the but by the industry of the in manuring it with and they reap great store of with which they supply the defects of the Northern parts which are and full of great and affording good and breed very good and here is made great store of and of which in alone, there is weekly vended about 500 worth, besides abundance of there sold, as also at and most of which are fatted up upon which is esteemed the sweetest and best feeding Land in these parts.

The which possessed this part before the were the which afterwards became part of the

This County is better watered with and then


any in most of which fall into the before its departure out of the the chief amongst which are the upon which stands, (which at water fall, loseth it self under ground for some and after discharges it self into the ) and both which likewise fall into the and the into the near upon as a Rivulet, doth near and at and over which there are at least twenty four arehed for the faseguard of the most of them maintained at the Counties charge.

To speak of the in general, it is very sterile, the greatest part being taken up with and and to omit many of smaller note, there is where, in . a bloody was fought betwixt the and in which the noble, loyal, and valiant Earl of Commander of his was flain; also where another was fought, and adjacent: the of a large extent, the and divers other large which I shall forbear the naming; insomuch, that you may go the whole length of the County, and see little but and and yet these are not altogether without profit and pleasure, for they are imployed to breed or and many of them, by the skill of the painful produce good and the sweetest in which the feed in Winter, and make very fat; besides the recreation the have by and upon these vast where are the greatest plenty of of any County in this And by reason of the barrenness of the this (considering its bigness) numbreth more and then any other in the there hardly being any ancient in the whole County that had not one or more and And besides the vast of and the of and at the beginning of the late War, here were about 50 stored with many of which are now converted to or

And although an Inland County, yet by the multitude of and it is plentifully furnished with all manner of River which for goodness gives place to none other. The the and the and and the and there cannot be better; besides an infinite number of lesser of smaller account. Here are also great plenty of and all sorts of during the

Nor is this County wanting of which yield plenty of pure not much inferiour to the best of and of and in the North part of it; also this affordeth excellent and 'tis very well accommodated with and both for and but of late years the is much waisted; and in the North part, where and is scarcest, it is plentifully supplyed with and which serve the poorer sort of for

For publick this County affords few of note, though it was not disfurnished of for defense, which have now left little but


their names to Posterity; as and all which are ruinous or vanished, except and and those in great part diminished; but the only publick building now worth the taking notice of, is the at said to be one of the neatest in all which was repaired and beautified by the Reverend Dr. late thereof.

Nor have the of this been vain in private though there wants not encouragement, here being found great plenty of excellent which for whiteness, fineness of greet, softness to work, and the induring of weather, is not to be exceeded; also plenty of or which makes both and which in a few hours after wrought, becomes as hard as stone, and as white as snow, on which a is seldom seen; also and other for And though the were not costly in their yet no County of the biness exceedeth them in for to let pass divers of smaller note, you will find the of on The of St. The of St. in and but little now remains of these and save their names.

The of this which brings to the are (which is much the finer on the South-side of the and not much inferiour to that of ) (especially ) and in brief they have all things necessary for the use of man within themselves, so that they are not constrained to buy much, except for the pleasing their extravagant fancies from

The of most note in this are the from whence, and from the of at the foot, the which Mr. mentions takes its rise, Wotton Wever, in the confines of where are got; where the now stands, hath a goodly prospect; then which is held to be the highest ground (though not the highest ) in this and affords a goodly prospect unto the adjacent parts; and the from whence is a very fair prospect into and

There is not much to be said for the beauty of the in this which are about 130, but is every where replenished with numbring no less then 18; many of which are of considerable account, and well traded unto, whose names are as followeth.

a City and County of it self, scituate in a pleasant Champain divided from the Close and but joyned together by two and It is a City of great Antiquity, known unto by the name of which according to interpretation, is and so called from the number of there slain in the And here King of the having vanquished the erected a and made it the of the which after wards was made an by Pope in the reign of King and granted it unto Bifhop to the great disgrace of Arch-Bishop of which dignity expired with the deaths of and for in year . at a holden, the were forbidden the keeping


their in obscure, and small which in those dayes was, which did occasion Bishop thereof, to translate his to which by his Successor, was removed to nor did it long continue there, for brought it back again to and in the year , began to new build and beautifie it, and dedicated it unto the and St. It is also seated near those ancient wayes, the one called that enters this County about and passeth to and that enters this at over and cuts this through towards The City is well built, indifferent large, conteining three besides its a beautiful and curious Structure, adjoyning to which is the now ruinated, and the The are kept sweet, and well ordered, and is a place much frequented by the Here is a for the education of Youth, and an called St. for the relief of the poor. The government of this City is committed to the care of two and a which are elected out of 24 a a and other and amongst its sends to It is well served with as are its on and with and in great plenty.

where is held the and for the County, pleasantly, but lowly scituated amongst and on the River which washeth its South and West parts, over which it hath a It was anciently called from a holy man that there lead an Hermetical life; it is a fair beautified with two a a fine square in which the is placed, which serves in stead of a and other good and the are large, paved, and well ordered; it is a place of good antiquity, said to be built by King the Elder, and became first in corporated in the reign of King by the name of two and but lately by the name of and and hath a and two at It was fenced with a but now levelled, except where it was secured by a large of on the East and North: Here was a of to the honour of St. of (as Mr. noteth) erected by the Lord once Lord thereof, from whom the Right Honourable Lord Viscount takes his Title. The enjoyeth large sendeth to is well inhabited and frequented; and its which is on is well served with and other

seated on the River and in the Road from to so called (according to ) from the there heaped up together, as a memorial to declare to posterity the place where King barbarously murthered his two sons and for embracing the The is very and hath a mean on

scituated on a branch of the River a of the where he had a and made his residence. It is both small and poor, and its which is on is chiefly for and a little and

seated in the very consines of the County adjoyning to and in a barren sandv a of no great account, nor its which is on of any long continuance, or very considerable.

(where the Duke of had a ) seated on the little Rivulet the is large, the broad and paved,


but the are but low, which for the most part are thatched. It was in the 32. year of Queen by the name of a and hath a of to hold in all under 40 before the and or any two of them, whereof the or is one; and amongst other its sendeth to It hath a great on for some and with plenty of and after a (or rather a ) every fortnight for some time.

Not far from this at was a little of that holy Virgin St. of the blood Royal.

seated amongst the barren a of note for its excellent The are but poor, and for the most part thatched; but its which is on is very considerable for and being esteemed the third in the County.

or seated between the and in the fertilest part of the County. The are not good, nor its which is on much frequented, nor ancient.

pleasantly seated on a rising ground, near the banks of the River amongst excellent pasturage for feeding and breeding of The is not very well built, but pretty large; hath a handsome and its which is on is said to be the greatest in this part of for and all

a very poor seated amongst barren which makes the wayes about it good; but its which is on is very mean.

scituate on the banks of the amongst rich and near neighbour to the or of and its (if properly so called, by reason of its inconsiderableness) is on

a which formerly had a large and was the retiring place of that devout Irish woman Its scituation is on the over which it hath a famous which leadeth into the consisteth of one long which runneth by the River from the to the and hath a good on for and

pleasantly seated on the fruitful banks of the River and on the confines of the County, one part being in this, and the other in This in the time of the Kingdom, was of great repute, and much resorted unto, but its glory was eclipsed by the spoils it susteined by the afterwards it was repaired by Lady of the and Daughter to King who vowing a single and an holy life, founded here a little for or veiled The at present is of good account, being incorporated by the name of and hath a of without limitation, holden before the or or two or more of them, it sends to and its which is on is indifferent good for and and in the Spring time for and

At near adjoyning, ran the ancient of the

pleasantly seated on the top of a high composed of good a and is governed by a


and other hath a of enjoyeth a good for divers made of as and also here made in great plenty; but its which is on is not very considerable.

seated on the South side of the River adjoyning to the large or of and on the Road from and having a small on

or a place of good Antiquity, and formerly of more note, beauty, and largeness, then now it is, being at present only famous for its especially for having a on which is not much frequented.

a small where the of this before the Conquest had their and its which is on is of no great concernment, being almost discontinued.

or so called (as noteth) from a devout who enriched the (which before was called ) with a It is pleasantly seated on a the handsomly paved, and the reasonable well built; is much frequented by hath a neat which is annexed to the Deanery of in and its which is on is very considerable for and all being esteemed the second in the County.

North-west of where there was fought a bloody battel in , between King the Elder, and the

East of a place in ancient time fortified by Lady of the

in as seated in a small track of Land belonging to the though within the limits of this hath a very inconsiderable but the drive a good for and other


[] Its scituation.

[] Its extent.

[] Its Air.

[] Ancient In-habitants.

[] Well watered with Rivers,

[] Bridges.

[] The County much inclined to sterility. Heaths, Moors and Woods.

[] Its Commodities.

[] Its ancient Castles.

[] Materials for buildings.

[] Religious Houses.

[] Its trade and commodities.

[] Noted Hills.

[] Stafford.

[] Stow.

[] Eccleshall.

[] Betles.

[] New-cast'e under Line.

[] St.Werburg Monastery.

[] Leek.

[] Cheadle, or Checkley.

[] Uttoxater.

[] Pagets-Bromley.

[] Tutbury.

[] Burton upon Trent.

[] Tamworth.

[] Falkesley- bridge.

[] Walsall.

[] Rigley.

[] Penkrich.

[] Brewood.

[] Wolverhampton.

[] Tetnall.

[] Wednesbury.

[] Dudley.

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 Title Page
 To the High and Mighty Monarch, Charles the II
 Preface to the Reader
The British Isles
 BARKSHIRE: Being the ATTREBATII, and part of the ancient KINGDOM of the West-Saxons
 CAMBRIDGSHIRE: BEING Part of the ICENI and ancient KINGDOM of the East-Angles
 CORNWALL: BEING Part of the DANMONII and ancient KINGDOM of the West-Saxons
 CUMBERLAND: BEING Part of the BRIGANTES and ancient KINGDOM of the Northumbers
 DEVONSHIRE: BEING Part of the DANMONII and ancient KINGDOM of the West-Saxons
 DORSETSHIRE: BEING The DUROTRIGES of Ptolomy and part of the ancient KINGDOM OF THE West-Saxons
 DURHAM: BEING Part of the BRIGANTES and ancient of Northumbers
 ESSEX: BEING Part of the TRINOBANTES and ancient KINGDOM of the East-Saxons
 GLOCESTER: BEING Part of the DOBUNI and ancient KINGDOM of the MERCIANS
 HANTSHIRE, Or the COUNTY of SOUTHAMPTON: BEING Part of the BELGæ, and ancient KINGDOM of the West-Saxons
 HARTFORDSHIRE: BEING Part of the TRINOBANTES and ancient KINGDOM of the East-Saxons
 Huntingtonshire: BEING Part of the ICENI and ancient KINGDOM of the MERCIANS
 LANCASHIRE, BEING Part of the BRIGANTES and ancient KINGDOM of the Northumbers
 MIDDLESEX: BEING Part of the TRINOBANTES and ancient KINGDOM of the East-Saxons
 Monmouthshire: Being the Ancient HABITATION OF THE SILURES
 NORFOLK: BEING Part of the I C E N I and ancient KINGDOM of the East Angles
 Northamptonshire BEING Part of the CORITANI and ancient KINGDOM of the West-Saxons
 Northumberland: BEING Part of the OTTADINI and ancient KINGDOM of the Northumbers
 Nottinghamshire: BEING Part of the CORITANI and ancient KINGDOM of the MERCIANS
 Rutlandshire: BEING Part of the CORITANI and ancient KINGDOM of the MERCIANS
 Somersetshire: BEING Part of the BELGæ, and ancient KINGDOM of the West-Saxons
 Staffordshire: BEING Part of the CORNAVII and ancient KINGDOM of the MERCIANS
SUFFOLK: BEING Part of the ICENI and ancient KINGDOM of the East-Angles
 SURREY: BEING Part of the REGNI and ancient KINGDOM of the South-Saxons
SUSSEX: BEING Part of the REGNI and ancient KINGDOM of the South-Saxons
 Warwickshire: BEING Part of the CORNAVII and ancient KINGDOM of the MERCIANS
Westmoreland: BEING Part of the BRIGANTES and ancient KINGDOM of the Northumbers
 WILTSHIRE: BEING Part of the BELGæ, and ancient KINGDOM of the West-Saxons
 Worcestershire: BEING Part of the CORNAVII, and ancient KINGDOM of the MERCIANS
YORKSHIRE: BEING Part of the BRIGANTES and ancient KINGDOM of the Northumbers
South-Wales: This Part conteineth the Counties of Brecknock, Cardigan, Caermarden, Glamorgan, Pembroke and Radnor Of which in order.
 Isles and Territories Belonging to His MAJESTY IN AFRICA, ASIA, and the INDIES
 Isles and Teritories Belonging to His MAJESTY IN AMERICA.
AN ALPHABETICAL ACCOUNT/ OF THE Nobility and Gentry, Which are (or lately were) related unto the several COUNTIES OF England and Wales: As to their names, TITLES, and SEATS by which they are (or have been) generally known and distinguished; according as they were received from the Hands of divers Persons in each County experienced therein as well by their Publick Offices, as otherwise
NOBILITY AND GENTREY, Which are, or lately were, related unto BARKSHIRE: WITH THEIR SEATS and TITLES by which they are, or have been, known
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of BEDFORD: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of BUCKINGHAM: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been,known
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of CAMBRIDGE:With their Seats and by which they are, or have been, known
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto CHESHIRE: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of CORNWALL:With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of CUMBERLAND: With their Seats Titles by which they are, or have been, known
Nobility and Gentry. Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of DERBY: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known.
Nobility and Gentry. Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of DEVON : With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known.
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of DORSET: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known.
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the Bishoprick, or COUNTY of DURHAM: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of ESSEX: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of GLOCESTER: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known.
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of HANTSHIRE: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known.
Gentry in the Isle of Wight
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of HARTFORD:With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known.
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of HEREFORD:With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known.
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of HUNTINGTON: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been,known
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of KENT: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, know
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of LANCASTER: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been,known
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of LEICESTER: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of LINCOLNE: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known.
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of MIDDLESEX And CITY of LONDON: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of MONMOUTH: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known.
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of NORFOLK: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known.
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of NORTHAMPTON: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known.
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of Northumberland: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of NOTTINGHAM: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of OXFORD: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of RUTLAND: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of SALOP: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of SOMERSET: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known.
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of STAFFORD: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of SUFFOLK: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of SURREY: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of SUSSEX: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known.
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of WARWICK: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of Westmoreland. With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known.
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of WILTS: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known.
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of WORCESTER. With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the North-Riding of YORKSHIRE: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known.
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the East-Riding of YORKSHIRE: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known.
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the West-Riding of YORKSHIRE: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known.
WALES. Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY and ISLE of ANGLESEY: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of BRECKNOCK: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known.
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of CAERMARDEN: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, lately were, related unto the COUNTY of CAERNARVON: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of CARDIGAN: With their States and Titles by which they are, or have been, known.
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of DENBEIGH: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known.
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of FLINT: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of GLAMOR GAN: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of MERIONETH: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of MONTGOMERY: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of PEMBROKE: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known
Nobility and Gentry, Which are, or lately were, related unto the COUNTY of RADNOR: With their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been, known