The million-peopled city
Garwood, John
The Grand Junction Omnibus Company.
A new , called " is contemplated at this moment, and some progress has been made towards its formation. It is registered by Act of Parliament, and the capital it is seeking to raise is 100,0001. in shares of 51. each. " The scheme embraces the prominent features of the Parisian omnibus system, including arrange- ments for correspondence of different lines of route, so that | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
232 | passengers for cross routes may change their conveyance without paying a second fare. There are also to be waiting- rooms, time-tables, and return tickets; and the fares are to be on a scale of unprecedented moderation. The scheme promises an amount of locomotive accommodation far beyond anything before attempted. But a still more interesting feature in the arrangements of the Company is its bearing upon the moral, social, and religious well-being of what may truly be called the Omnibus Community. The hours of daily labour are to be reduced to 12; proper time is to -be allowed for meals; every man is to have alternate Sundays entirely free from labour, and on other Sundays, liberty is to be given for attending divine service. The movement is in the right direction; and its benevolent objects must com- mand sympathy. It is satisfactory to observe that the new company propose, if possible, to carry out their plans rather by an amalgamation of existing interests than in the spirit of reckless competition .... | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
"At a Public Meeting held at the , , , on Wednesday, : -The Secretary, , in explaining the origin and objects of this Company, stated that it was the intention of the Company to abolish Sunday traffic as far as they were concerned, and thus give the whole of their servants that day for relaxation, instruction, and religious services. It had been found that Sunday traffic was an exceptional traffic, and taking it altogether, perhaps, not profitable; but whether that was the case or not, the Company were so fully convinced of the manifold advantages of abolishing Sunday labour, that they, at least, would act upon the determination he had stated. The Company also made provision in its deed for setting aside part of its profits towards endowing and properly providing for their superannuated servants, and also a burial fund in case of death. He believed | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
233 | that these arrangements, in conjunction with superior accommodation for the public, would be sure to secure the co-operation of those who felt an interest in measures calculated to improve the condition of the labouring classes. So confident did the Directors feel upon the subject that they had that day ordered a number of omnibuses to be constructed on the principle of the model omnibus which had been exhibited for the last 2 days. The first order would be sufficient to cover 1 line of traffic in the metropolis to begin with. The Directors would gradually occupy other lines in connexion with it, and afterwards graft upon the system, the parcel traffic also." [1] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Should this scheme succeed, it will, of course,'be most important. But it should ever be borne in mind that, after all, the of the Lord is the sovereign and only remedy for human disorders. Civilization is calculated to prepare the way for religion, but it is far more frequently that religion is the means by which civilization is advanced. A force of special missionaries would doubtless lead to the remedy of many social evils, as well as be made the means of diffusing the knowledge of salvation. It has at present not even received a trial, either by the or by any other Society. All which has been done has been the visitation of the men in the omnibus yards, or in cases of sickness at their abodes, when these have happened to be in the districts of City missionaries and Scripture-readers, or when a Christian minister has rarely endeavoured to give passing instruction. As an illustration of this character of Christian effort, the following are given as | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Extracts from 3 Reports of Missionaries of the during the present Year, on their Visits to Omnibus Yards:- | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Report 1.-" I am accustomed to visit the 8 omnibus- | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
234 | yards of the district, in which there are 33 omnibuses, requiring 330 horses to work them, and employing 115 men, that is, 33 drivers, 33 conductors, 11 washers, 5 chaff- cutters, and 33 horse-keepers, making together 115. They all have to work the 7 days. Many of them have told me they don't know the day when they saw the inside of a place of worship. I think some of them would attend the means of grace if they had the opportunity, and all of them would be glad to have the Sabbath to themselves. The masters that I have spoken to on the subject all think the men ought to have a day's rest in the seven, and would be glad to adopt any plan if it could be shown them how it is to be carried out; but they say that the public compel them to work on the Sabbath, and that they are obliged to work in order to keep down their expenses. These, however, are excuses which will not bear scrutiny. I visit these men at their work every alternate Sunday afternoon, when I always find them willing to receive the tracts, and most of them will listen to the remarks that I have to make, but as a body of men they are the most immoral and ignorant that I have met with. They are especially addicted to drink, with all its attendant evils .. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
"I trust that I have been made useful to a man named --, living at No. -, street, who for the first time opened his mind to me while visiting at the stables more than a year since, when he said, 'I am convinced that I have done wrong all my life in not attending to those things that you have been speaking about, but what am I to do ? If I was to follow your advice and go to a place of worship I should have a nice life of it.' Soon after this he was taken ill, and confined to his home, where I continued to visit him. He remained in an unhappy state of mind for some time, believing that he was too great a sinner to be saved-so much so that his wife said he was going mad, but now I trust he has been led to see the all-sufficiency of the Saviour. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
235 | He attends a place of worship as often as he can, and his wife says that he is no sooner in-doors than he gets his Bible and begins to read, not only to himself, but to her also. I am glad to be able to say that she is also inquiring after good things. She said on one occasion that she had always looked upon religion as a very gloomy thing, but since her husband had taken to it, she had begun to think all was not right with herself. She now attends with him a place of worship. His attendance, however, is necessarily only occasional. But he reads his Bible, and continues to manifest concern for his soul." | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Report 2.--" The number of yards, omnibuses, and omnibus-men in my district, stand as under:-
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
" At first, and for some time, I visited these men on the Lord's-day exclusively. For some time past recently, how- ever, I have called on them occasionally on the Sabbath, but chiefly on a week-day, because on week-days I meet with the coach-builders and blacksmiths as well as with the omnibus-men and horse-keepers. I not only present each man with a tract, but as far as practicable draw their attention, separately, to the relation in which they stand to God, their spiritual necessities, danger, and destiny, the provisions of the Gospel, the fact that redeeming mercy is all-sufficient to transform, elevate, and eternally save even them, &c., &c., and when surrounded by some 4 or 6 men | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
236 | (which is not unfrequently the case) portions of God's word are read and explained by me, and their attention to what has been said affectionately entreated. Sometimes they will endeavour to blunt the edge of an appeal to the conscience by alleging their inability to attend to religion, arising from the fact that their employers compel them to 'work as hard on the Sabbath as on any other day, and even harder,' and by expressing it as their opinion that their masters ought to answer for their sins. Their repose is disturbed, however, by my custom of inquiring whether their masters will answer for their swearing, drunkenness, and other irregularities, and by showing that their general ungodliness proves that they are themselves daring transgressors against God, and therefore are obnoxious to the threatenings of his Word. Although I thus endeavour to deal faithfully with their souls, even the more hardened and obdurate among them have long since discontinued every indication of hostility and ill-will; and it were easy to show that many of them receive me, and listen to me, with feelings of apparent affection and gratitude. The smiths when about to strike the red iron will beg me to ' mind the sparks,' and will subsequently lay down their hammers for a few moments and listen to God's word; the horse-keeper when 'singeing' his horse will, unsolicited, bring his gas-burner to my side to light me while I read a portion of ; and when in the larger yards I have approached a number of them standing together, I have overheard the welcome, ' Here comes our old friend.' | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
"If it is remembered how degraded and destitute the generality of these men are, and that the amount of toil exacted from them (beginning at half-past 6 in the morning, and not ending till near 11 p.m., and frequently not till after midnight) constitutes them little better than slaves, there seems but little encouragement to look for bright results. But when it is also remembered that under the operations of | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
237 | the Omnipotent Spirit of God 'lions and beasts of savage name, put on the nature of the lamb,' hope cheers the desponding heart, and success sooner or later is still prayed for, and looked for by me. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
" In the month of May last, a man named - , formerly living at No. -, mews, died of consumption, after a lingering illness. I visited him regularly while he remained in the district, and several times, at his own request, after he was removed from it. He searched the Scriptures daily himself, and listened earnestly to instruction and prayer. When I last saw him (about 12 hours before his death), he expressed a hope, and I really believe it was a well-founded one, that he was going to be with Christ. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
"At the present time, the case of a man, named - , appears increasingly hopeful. This man works in mews, and is the father of a somewhat large family. He manages to follow his wife on a Sunday evening (himself perhaps half an hour too late) to a Wesleyan chapel, and assures me that he attends to private prayer. His wife has voluntarily assured me that her husband is very often talking about the missionary. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
"A young man, who formerly laboured in - mews, called after me some 3 weeks ago, and with apparent pleasure and gratitude informed me that he had left the mews, had obtained a respectable place, and was now attending church on the Sunday. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
" The number employed in mews is not so large as it formerly was, a large number of horses and omnibuses having been sold by the firm with which it is connected." | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Report 3.--" There is no class of men for whose spiritual and temporal state I feel a stronger sympathy than those connected with our metropolitan omnibuses. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
" There are 7 yards and stables in the district, worked by about 36 men. I have also a number' of drivers, conductors, | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
238 | and horsekeepers living in the district, who are connected with other yards. Their state, spiritually, morally, and physically, is very bad. Among the whole number, I am only acquainted with one man who is to any extent influ- enced by Divine truth. There is not one who frequents the house of prayer, and, as a natural consequence, they remain dead in trespasses and sins. Drunkenness and swearing prevail to a fearful extent among them, their children are neglected, and their homes are often dirty and unhealthy. Their physical state is worse than that of any other class of men I am acquainted with. I am now more particularly referring to horsekeepers. They frequently complain of their work 'breaking them up.' They suffer mostly from rheumatism and chest diseases. There are several causes which produce this state of things. The horsekeepers work from 6 or 7 o'clock in the morning till after 12 at night, and drivers and conductors from 8 or 9 till 11 or 12 o'clock. They are constantly exposed to the weather, and many are badly paid. They have but short intervals for food, and consequently no time for spiritual or mental improvement, to attend to family duties, or to enjoy the pleasures of home. But these things, bad as they are, would not have such a crushing influence upon the men, if they were not robbed of 'Heaven's antidote for the curse of labour,' the blessed Sabbath. Theirs is incessant toil from year's end to year's end, except when interrupted by illness. Each omnibus always runs an extra journey on the Sabbath, if the weather is fine. A horsekeeper once said to me, 'We poor fellows only know it's Sunday by having more work to do, and by seeing other labourers at rest.' One man I visited when ill, told me that he had not been into a place of worship for 12 years, and another for 8. The' only difference I notice in the yards on the Sabbath is, that the stable-men get forward with their work in the morning, so that in the afternoon, | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
239 | they may snatch half an hour, between changing their horses, for home, or spend it in drinking together in the hay-loft. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
"When I commenced visiting the district, I found them a difficult class to work upon. I was received in several yards with cursing and bitterness, and I was turned out of others. I soon found with these, as with other classes of men, that a knowledge of their condition and habits of life was absolutely necessary for efficient visitation among them. I felt it prudent to devote part of the Sabbath to them, as they received me better on that day. I made a rule not to go into the yards till the roughest of the work was over, and, when there, I avoided conversation with any man I saw hurrying to get the horses ready for his omnibus. By these means I gradually overcame their opposition, and gained their confidence. I am now blessed in being able to make known to them the tidings of great joy, designed for all people. I now go into the yards, give tracts, and, where opportunities offer, get into conversation with the men. I am often able to read from the page of life while I stand among them, and sometimes I sit upon a truss of hay, with several men round me, listening to its teachings. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
" The migratory habits of the men, and the difficulty in the way of forming an acquaintance with them sufficiently intimate to be able to report faithfully, will prevent much being known till the day of the Lord shall declare it. But, though this is the case, it has pleased the Lord to strengthen and encourage me with several proofs that he is the faithful God. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
"Mr. --, who lived at -, street, is a horse- keeper. He has four children. He rejected my tracts with oaths when I first went into his yard, and his wife refused to admit me into the house. Their opposition gradually gave way, and I induced the wife to attend my meeting. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
240 | Soon after they expressed a wish for a , and I gave them one. I had the pleasure of knowing that it was often read. I went to see them one Sunday afternoon. After I had closed my , he said to me, ' There is one thing that has lately made us miserable,-it is that we are not married, and God is angry with us. Soon after you gave us the , we began to save up our money to be married with, but the children were taken bad with the fever, and we spent it.' As I saw that to live longer in sin was bitter to them, I mentioned their case to the Rector, who kindly married them free of expense. The Sunday after their wedding I called upon them. As I entered the room, I said, 'Well, Mr. - , are you happy?' 'Yes, Sir,' he replied; 'I was never so happy in my life. Thank God that you came to see us.' His wife then joined in the conversation. She kissed the youngest child, which was in her lap, and said, ' I love my children better. I feel as if I had a right to them. I am so happy that I am a wife.' He has left off both drinking and swearing, and their home has much improved. A short time back I was visiting a bedridden old woman, who had been moved into the house. She remarked to me, 'that God was very kind in sending her there, as the horsekeeper's wife, who lived up stairs, came down and read out of the to her every evening.' This I considered as a pleasing circumstance, and as manifesting a sign of spiritual life. The cases of both husband and wife are decidedly hopeful. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
" A man, named --, worked in one of the yards. He never opposed me, but from the first received the Word gladly. He had not been into the house of prayer for six years, and he was fearfully ignorant of Divine truth. I was interested one day with something he said to me, and I asked him if he read his , as he appeared to know more than he once did about Gospel truths. ' I can't get time to | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
241 | read the , Sir,' he replied; ' but since you came among us, I'll tell you what I do. I get my horses forward on Sunday evenings, so that I have half an hour before changing horses for myself. I then run round the corner to the , and stand in at the door while the sermon is going on.' The man continued to do this for many months, and there was a visible change in his life and conversation. He has lately left my district. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
"Mr. -- , who lived at -, street, is a coarse, ignorant man. He worked in one of the yards. I frequently spoke to him about his soul and the Saviour, but was unable to get on friendly terms with him. One day the woman he lived unlawfully with run after me in the street, and said that her husband had poisoned his hand, and that the doctor had told him he was in danger of losing his life. She added, that he had asked several of the men 'to look out for the parson that goes about, and get him to come and read his Book to him.' I went immediately, and found him anxious to be instructed in the things of God. I was pleased to discover that words I had dropped in the yards were remembered by him. I visited him through a long illness, and induced him to separate from the woman he was living with. A moral change was the result of my efforts, but more than this I am unable to say. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
" The condition of these men is worse than it formerly was. The horse-keepers, some five or six years back, used to have half of every other Sunday for themselves. Three years back they had half of every fourth Sunday; but during the time the Exhibition was opened this small boon was taken from them, and has not since been restored. I feel strongly on behalf of these oppressed men. I think their condition a disgrace to us as a Christian people. When I meet with men opposed to the proper observance of the Christian Sabbath, I point them to the condition of these | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
242 | horse-keepers, as a proof of the baneful influences of unin- terrupted toil, and also as a proof of the mercy of God in protecting the poor man's Sabbath with all the power of a Divine sanction: (In it thou shalt do no manner of work, thou nor thy servant. " | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Footnotes: [1] Prospectus of Grand Junction Omnibus Company. |