The million-peopled city
Garwood, John
Steppers and Ragged Nursery.
"Other varieties of this street work have been at various times suggested, as for cleaning the brass plates of houses, or knives, fiom door to door. A large field of labour, healthy, remunerative, and unoccupied, is open to the ingenious.... The little girls, too, are employed in the open air. The little steppers fiomn the place attend the dwelling-houses of the neighbourhood every morning, and brush and wash the steps for Id. a door. Nor may we omit from our catalogue the Ragged Nursery, where infants are cared for, fed, and fondled by the elder girls, for the small sum of 3d. a day."[1] | |
Footnotes: [1] Macgregor's Lecture, pp. 12, 13. |