The million-peopled city
Garwood, John
A Second Missionary appointed, but soon discontinued, through want of Funds for his Support.
In the succeeding year, , the contributions for the cab missionary were increased to 931. 16s. 7d. Encouraged thereby, a second missionary was appointed by that Society in ; but the contributions in , for the two mission- aries, fell to 32l. 6s. 6d. This second missionary had therefore to be removed to an ordinary district, where he is to this day labouring most efficiently. He also was himself previously a cab-driver and proprietor, and, consequently, well acquainted with the neglected class of men whom he was appointed to instruct. What a blessing might he not have been among them, if from that time to this he had been retained as at first appointed! And is it not a reproach to a Christian public, that when a missionary was raised up to the Society for a peculiar work in which | |
187 | missionary effort was so urgently needed, he could not be employed in it ? Even now, how easily might his services be secured for this neglected class! He had the South of the river appropriated to him as his district, and from the day he relinquished it to the present time, the cab-stands in the South of London have received no systematic visitation from either the or any other Society or individuals. |