The million-peopled city
Garwood, John
Nell Gwynne's Grant of the Building.
" was sitting one day with the King in her summer-house, whose windows overlooked the adjacent meadows of , when the Paymaster of the Forces entered, and the conversation turned on the difficulty of finding a suitable site for the projected Hospital. 'Your Majesty could not do better,' said , 'than give up for the purpose your recent purchase from the.' 'It is well thought of,' replied the King, casting his eye over the plot of ground; 'you shall have it.' But, recollecting himself, he instantly added, 'Odso! I forgot. I have already given this land to here.' 'Have you so, ?' exclaimed Nell gaily; 'then I will return it to you again for so good a purpose.' The generous offer was accepted, and Nell being transferred to a mansion which the King built for her in Pall-mall, , with the meadows and closes adjacent, were set apart for the use of the Hospital. ( Gleig.) " The King agreed to build to the value of 20,000l., and | |
119 | endowed it with a further sum of 5,0001. per annum. The work was committed to and , and in the latter part of the reign of . the disabled veterans were in quiet possession of their new abode. The Hospital has continued to this day, unaffected by the succession of kings and the changes of governments, and is supported partly by bequests, and partly by assistance from Government." |