Farringdon Without History of the Most Interesting Places, Leading Events; and Some Account of the Eminent Men connected therewith, since the year 1600

Francis, Adolphus Decimus


Barnard's Inn.


At No. 2 lived Peter Woulfe, a famous alchemist, who gave his breakfast-parties at four o'clock in the morning. Woulfe had eccentric ideas with regard to illness, and used, if he were at all unwell, to take a seat outside the Edinburgh Mail Coach, in order to restore himself to health. In one of these journeys he took cold, from which he died. When his rooms were opened, after his decease, it was with the greatest difficulty they could be entered, because they were so crowded with apparatus of all sorts.

St. Andrew's Church is one of the finest of Sir C. Wren's building-rich in gilding and stained windows, it has been not inaptly called the poet's church; and indeed it contains much that is poetical in its history. John Webster, the dramatist, author of "The Duchess of Malfi," was once clerk to St. Andrew's. Richard Savage, a natural son of the Countess of Macclesfield, was connected with St. Andrew's. Poor Savage, whose misfortunes commenced, one might say, in his shameless mother's womb-for it is a misfortune to have a mother who, before a child is born,


can, and will, openly boast that her husband is not its father. Savage unfortunately killed a man in a tavern broil, and his mother did everything possible to get him executed; and being condemned, she exerted all her influence to prevent his receiving a royal pardon. He was, however, reprieved, but fell into misfortunes, and eventually died in the debtors' prison, Bristol, .