England under Charles II. from the Restoration to the Treaty of Nimeguen, 1660-1678: English History from Contemporary Writers
Taylor, W. F.
The list of exceptions completed; the subsidy to the king, &c. The same to the same. June 20, 1660.
The king pressing the Commons continually to hasten the naming of the twenty persons they intended to except, yesterday the number was completed, as you will find by the book. To-day the proclamation of pardon to all but those the Houses except was proclaimed by the heralds in several places. The House to-day gave the kingtonnage and poundage, and a Parliament man now tells me that the committee of religion to-day notes that all ministers that were put out of their benefices merely for their affection to the king, and were not otherwise scandalous, should be restored to their respective cures. | |