England under Charles II. from the Restoration to the Treaty of Nimeguen, 1660-1678: English History from Contemporary Writers

Taylor, W. F.


Charles receives the Freedom of the City.


Ibid. Dec. 18, .

His Majesty having been pleased at his entertainment at Guildhall, in the city of London, the twenty- ninth of October last, to accept of the freedom of


the city, by the hands of Sir Thomas Player, their chamberlain; this day the Lord Mayor and Court of Aldermen waited upon his Majesty at Whitehall and humbly presented him with the copy of the freedom of the city in a box of massy gold, the seal thereof hanging in a golden box set over with diamonds to a considerable value.

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 Title Page
Andrew Marvell's description of Charles II Works, ed.
Sept. 3, 1658 -Death of Oliver Cromwell; his personal peculiarities. Reresby's Memoirs, ed. 1735 vol. i. pp. 1-2
1658-1660 -State of affairs after the death of Cromwell. Memoirs of Sir John Bramston. Camden Soc. 1845 p. 112
Monk marches south, his further proceedings Ibid
April 20, 1658 -More particular accounts of Monk. Monk suspected by the Republicans. Lord Fauconberg to Henry Cromwell in Ireland
October 12, 1658 -His professions against Charles. Monk to Thurloe, secretary of the Parliamentarian Council of State.
January 16, 1660 -And protestations in favour of the Commonwealth.Ludlow's Memoirs, ed 1698-99 , vol. ii., p. 822
What he said in a conversation with General Ludlow. Ludlow's Memoirs, vol. ii., p. 834.
March 8, 1660.-Reported to have declared for a free Parliament. Report of a correspondent at the Hague to Thurloe
March 12, 1660 -The House orders the organisation of the Militia. From the Printed Act, printed March 16,1660
Mar. 12, 1660 -Monk fears that counter sedition in the army will spoil his plans. John Barwick to Sir Edward Hyde
March 16.-The Long Parliament dissolves itself by its own authority; writs are issued for a new Parliament. From the Printed Act, printed March 20,1660
March 19, 1660 -Form of writ issued by the Rump as ' Keepers of the liberties of England.1660 From a broadside of the year
March 20, 1660 -Thurloe is informed with certainty of Monk's plans. Elizabeth Einzy, letter of information to Thurloe.
April 7, 1660 -The royalist hopes of return. Mercurius Politicus, 1660 No. 615, p. 1139.
April 21, 1660 .-Monk presses the raising of the militia, not yet completed.Mercurius Publicus, 1660, No. 17, p. 272.
April 25, 1660 -The Convention Parliament assembles. Parliamentary Intelligencer, 1660 No. 18, p. 280
Monk shows himself in his true colours. Ludlow's Memoirs, vol. ii., p. 875.
Charles by Monk's advice sends the Declaration of Breda to the Convention Parliament. Ludlow's Memoirs, vol. ii., p. 875.
The Declaration of Breda. Parliamentary Intelligencer, No. 19, pp. 289, 290.
May 1, 1660, -Its reception by the Lords. Parliamentary Intelligencer, No. 19, pp. 291, 292.
May 1, 1660 -How the Commons received the declaration. Parliamentary Intelligencer, No. 19, p. 293.
May 3, 1660 -The Commons thank Grenville for bringing it. Mercurius Publicus, No. 19, p. 292.
May 8, 1660 -Both Houses pass resolutions urging the King to return. Mercurius Publicus, No. 19, p. 304.
May 10, 1660 -Charles transports his Court to the Hague. Mercurius Publicus, No. 20, p. 320.
May 6, 1660 -Whilst at the Hague he receives a public visit from the States General. Public Intelligencer, No. 11, p. 162
Charles sets sail, lands at Dover, and proceeds to Canterbury. Mercurius Publicus, No. 22, p. 342.
Monk and his friends made members of the Privy Council. History of the reign of Charles II. Clarendon, ed.1755 vol. I, p. 13.
May28, 1660 -Charles' further progress to London, his meeting with Parliament and the general rejoicings. Mercurius Publicus, No. 22, pp. 349-351.
Charles' entertainment at the Hague, its reasons. Letter from Francis Newport to Sir R. Leveson
Effect of the Restoration upon trade. Letter from Francis Newport to Sir R. Leveson
The House of Commons proceeds to the Act of Indemnity. Letter from Francis Newport to Sir R. Leveson. 1660 May 15, London
'Charles' well affected clemency whilst still at the Hague. Letter to Monk to be communicated to the Officers of the army May 26, 1660
Charles I.'s Judges are summoned to appear. Mercurius Publicus, No. 23, p. 359
June 5, 1660 -A sum of money is ordered to be paid to Monk.Mercurius Publicus, No. 23, p. 366.
Monk's title as Peer. Letter from Andrew Newport to Sir R. Leveson. 1660 June 26.
How the Commons went on with the Act of Indemnity. Andrew Newport to Sir R. Leveson. 1660, June 9.
The list of exceptions completed; the subsidy to the king, &c. The same to the same.June 20, 1660
July 11, 1660 -The Act of Indemnity is sent up to the Lords. Parliamentary Hist. Cobbett, ed. 1808 , vol i. Column 80.
Charles beseeches Parliament to be clement. Secret History of the reign of Charles II. Clarendon, ed. 1792 vol. i., p. 80.
The Lords continue the debate. Andrew Newport to Sir R. Leveson. 1660 , Aug. 2
The Bill of Indemnity is sent down. The same to the same. 1660, Aug. 11.
What the Commons did with it. The king eats his own words. Andrew Newport to Sir R. Leveson. 1660, Aug. 16.
Monk appointed lord lieutenant of Ireland. Pepys's Diary, ed. 1854 , v. i., p. 103. Aug. 21, 1660
The final form of the Act of Indemnity. Andrew Newport to Sir R. Leveson. 1660, Aug. 25
The king's assent to the Act of Indemnity. Parl. History, vol. i. Column II 4. Aug. 29
Immediate results of the Act.-Trial of Harrison. Andrew Newport to Sir R. Leveson. Oct. 11, 1660
Execution of Harrison, more sentences passed. Andrew Newport to Sir R. Leveson. 1660 , Oct. 13, London
Execution of Carew, Peters, Cooke, and the rest. William Smith to John Langley. 1660 , Oct. 20
The king adjourns Parliament. Andrew Newport to Sir R. Leveson. Sept. 13, 1660
The king's brother, the duke of Gloucester, becomes ill and dies. Andrew Newport to Sir R. Leveson. 1661, Sept. 4.
Secret History of the Reign of Charles II., vol. i., p. 145, ed. 1792 1660, Sept. 13.
>General mourning for the duke of Gloucester. Andrew Newport to Sir R. Leveson. Sept. 15, 1660
Arrival of the Princess Royal at Whitehall. Andrew Newport to Sir R. Leveson. Sept. 25, 1660
Rumours of the marriage of Anne Hyde and the duke of York. Andrew Newport to Sir R. Leveson. Oct. 8, 1660
First acquaintance between Anne Hyde and the duke of York. Secret History of Charles II. Clarendon, vol. i., ed. 1792 , p. 148
Conference between the bishops and Presbyterian ministers, and what happened whilst it was sitting. Andrew Newport to Sir R. Leveson. Oct. 23, 1660, London
Henrietta Maria comes to England. Andrew Newport to Sir R. Leveson. Oct. 20, 1660
Henrietta Maria arrives at Whitehall. Mercurius Publicus, No. 44, p. 715. Nov. 2, 1660
What the English thought of her. Pepys' Diary. Lond. 1854 , vol. i., p. 19. Nov. 2.
Reasons for the Queen's unpopularity. The Queen-mother complains of Charles's want of confidence so early as 1655
Her wrath at the Duke's mesalliance. Andrew Newport to Sir R. Leveson. Dec. 11, 1660
The marriage of Princess Henrietta to the Duke of Anjou is announced. Andrew Newport to Sir R. Leveson. 1660, Nov. 6.
Parliament reassembles. Parliamentary Inteligencer, No. 46, p. 724. Wednesday, Nov. 6.
Charles desires the disbandment of the army, and the fixing of the revenue. Secret Hist. of Charles II. Clarendon, ed. 1792, vol. i., p. 34.
The army ordered to be disbanded. From the Printed Act, 15, xii., Car. ii.
The army ordered to be disbanded. From the Printed Act, 15, xii., Car. ii.
More pay for the troops is voted; the progress made in disbanding the soldiers. Samuel Terrick to Sir R. Leveson. 1660, November.
The bodies of Cromwell, Ireton, Bradshaw, and Pride ordered to be exhumed. Andrew Newport to Sir R. Leveson. Dec. 6.
A grant of tonnage and poundage to the king. Taken from the Printed Act, 4, xii., Car. ii.
Other money granted to the king. From the Printed Act, 23, xii., Car. ii.
Death of the Princess Royal. Mercurius Publicus, No. 53, pp. 8, 28, 829.
>Dissolution of the Healing Parliament. Mercurius Publicus, No. 54, pp. 841, 845, 846.
Various Bills of the Healing Parliament. From Printed Acts of the Year, xii., Car. ii. 24, xii., Car. ii.
Complications arising from the disbandment of the army. Rugge's MS. Diary, vol. i., pp. 228, 229. Dec.
The Scotch Parliament summoned. Mercurius Publicus, No. 46, p. 722. Oct. 10, 1660
Various proceedings of the Scotch Parliament. Mercurius Publicus, No. 49, p. 783. November 29, 1660
Rugge's MS. Diary, vol. i., p. 227. December, 1660
Swinton and Argyll sent under guard to Scotland. Rugge's MS. Diary, vol. i., p. 227. December, 1660
Swinton and Argyll arrive at Edinburgh. Mercurius Publicus, No. 54, p. 846. Thursday, Jan. 3, 1661
Argyll is attainted of high treason. From the Printed Charge, pubd. Feb. 18, 1661 Jan. 23rd, 1661
Argyll imprisoned in the Tolbooth. Mercurius Publicus, No. 21,1661, p. 336. Edinburgh, May 23, 1661
Argyll receives his sentence. Mercurius Publicus, No. 22, 1661, p. 344 Edinburgh.
Account of the death of Argyll. Mercurius Publicus, No. 23,1661, p. 358. May 27, 1661
Others executed in Scotland. Mercurius Publicus, No. 23, p. 369. Edinburgh, June 1, 1661
Rebellion of the Anabaptists under Venner. Reresby's Memoirs, Lond. 1735, pp. 8, 9 1661, Jan. 6.
Charles is crowned.Bramston's Memoirs, Camden Soc.,1845 p. 118
The Houses appoint a day of thanksgiving for the coronation. From a Proclamation of the Year. April 26,1661
Writs issued for a new Parliament. Kingdom's Intelliencer, No. 10, 1661, p. 160. Westminster, March 1.
The new Parliament assembles. Mercurius Publicus, 1661, No. 18, p. 287
A Test Act is passed. From a Broadside ent. A vote of the Commons House of Parliament. May 13th, 1661
Venner and his associates have their heads mounted on London Bridge. Rugge's MS. Diary, vol. i., p. 256.
Acts for the recall of the bishops to the House of Lords and for allowing a benevolence. Letter from Andrew Marrvell to the Mayor of Hull. May 30, 1661
Title of act for the recall of the bishops. From the Printed Act, 2 xiii., Car. II.
The act passed for allowing a benevolence. From the Printed Act, 4 xiii. Car. II.
The heads of the act. From MS. notes of the period in the British Museum.
Its effects. Pepys' Diary, ed., p. 213, vol. i Aug. 31st, 1661
The husband of Charles' mistress, Barbara Palmer, née Villiers, is created earl of Castlemaine. Pepys' Diary, ed. 1854, vol. i., p. 240. Dec. 7, 1661
Satire on Charles and lady Castlemaine. Sir John Denham. Directions to a painter, 1667, p. 39.
Death of Cardinal Mazarin. Cook's Historian's Guide. London, 1679 Feb. 27,1661
Rumours of Charles' marriage with Christina of Sweden. Dr. Kirtou at Florence to Sir R. Verney, Jan. 27, 1652
Which however want confirmation. The same to the same, Feb. 3, 1652
Various other rumours of Charles' marriage. Letter from Stephen Charlton to Sir R. Leveson. 1661, Feb. 19, London.
Letter from Andrew Newport to Sir R. Leveson. 1661, March 5, London.
Stephen Charlton to Sir R. Leveson. 1661, March 9, London
Andrew Newport to Sir R. Leveson. 1661, March 12, London.
Charles receives his wife Catherine of Braganza at Portsmouth. Reresby's Memoirs, London, 8, 1735, p. 9.
Sir Harry Vane excepted from the Act of Parliament only as regards estate so early as 1660 Mercurius Publicus, No. 24.,
He is however tried and executed. Pepys's Diary, vol. 1., pp. 281, 288, 290., ed. 1854 May 22, 1662
Reasons why he should not have been put to death. Burnet: Hist. of his own Times., Lond. 1724 , fol., vol. I., p. 163.
Sale of Dunkirk to the French. Burnet: Hist. of his own Times, Lond., 1724, fol., vol. I, p. I72. 1662
The issue of Butler's Hudibras. Pepys's Diary, ed. 1854 Dec. 26, 1662
Formation of the Royal Society, 1662 Burnet: History of his own Times, Lond., 1724, fol., vol. i., p.192, 193.
Characters of important personages at the court of Charles II. The King.
Royal resolutions
The Duke of York
The Duke of York's love for the Irish (Papists)
The Duke of Ormond
Buckingham and St. Albans
The King's fondness of his natural children, his dislike for the Queen
Anthony Ashley Cooper, Earl of Shaftesbury
Further particulars of Clarendon's disgrace. Character of Buckingham
1668 -Attempts to get rid of the Queen
Dissoluteness of the court
The King's Mistresses
1669 -The Sheldonian Theatre at Oxford opened.
Deaths of the Duke and Duchess of Albemarle
1670 -The King's sister, the Princess Henrietta of Orleans, is sent over by Louis XIV. to persuade Charles to a second war with the Dutch, and other matters of importance
1670 -Louise de Querouaille, Duchess of Portsmouth
Immediate results of the Princess Henrietta's visit
Death of the Princess Henrietta
Death of the Duchess of York
Colonel Blood after attempting to steal the Crown jewels is pardoned
London rebuilt
The Duchess of Portsmouth
The Duchess of Portsmouth
A public fast had been proclaimed for the War four days before
Battle of Southwold Bay and Death of Lord Sandwich
Shaftesbury takes the Great Seal as head of the Cabal
1672 - -The Cabal in existence. Opinion of the French Court concerning the members of the Cabal.
The King closes the Exchequer. National Bankruptcy
Parliament re-assembles
How the Parliament was constituted
A Resume of Religious Affairs from the Restoration to the year 1672. Charles burns the League and Covenant to which he subscribed during his exile
Act of Uniformity. Lauderdale in Scotland. The First Indulgence
Burnet on the Declaration of Indulgence. Clarendon and Bristol
Lauderdale and Middleton
Middleton returns to London
The Conventicle Act
Public Opinion on the Conventicle Act
The Five Mile Act
1672 The Second Declaration of Indulgence brought about by Lauderdale at the instance of the French Court: its Consequences. Concerning the Second Declaration of Indulgence granted by King Charles II. in the beginning of the year 1672
Its effect upon Parliament. Address of both Houses against the growth of Popery
The King's Answer to the Address
The King cancels the Declaration of Indulgence
The Test Act read a third time
Recapture of St. Helena
The Cabal broken up, Shaftesbury out of office joins the Opposition
Butler's Satire upon Shaftesbury
Second Marriage of the Duke of York
Buckingham in disgrace, reasons for it
Other and stronger reasons