England under Charles II. from the Restoration to the Treaty of Nimeguen, 1660-1678: English History from Contemporary Writers
Taylor, W. F.
May 10, 1660.-Charles transports his Court to the Hague. Mercurius Publicus, No. 20, p. 320.
Thursday.-By a person of quality who was at Breda on Saturday last and came away thence that day by way of Flushing, we are informed that his sacred Majesty went from thence to the Hague, where his Majesty was to be that night; and that the said person having taken shipping for England at Flushing he met at sea the Parliament's commissioners going to his Majesty; he said likewise that the report there was that his Majesty was to go from thence to the Brill to take shipping with the first opportunity. | |