England under Charles II. from the Restoration to the Treaty of Nimeguen, 1660-1678: English History from Contemporary Writers
Taylor, W. F.
March 12, 1660.-The House orders the organisation of the Militia. From the Printed Act, printed March 16, 1660.
An Act for settling the militia in England and Wales. It is hereby enacted that the persons hereafter mentioned shall be and are hereby appointed to be commissioners of the militia of the several counties and places hereafter named of England and Wales and town of Berwick-upon-Tweed, viz. :-- [here follows a list of names]. In the several counties, cities, towns, and places respectively . . . the said commissioners shall have power, and are hereby authorised to assemble and meet in some convenient place and then to call together all and every such well-affected person or persons . . . and them to well and sufficiently from time to time cause to be armed, arrayed, and weaponed; and to form into companies, troops, and regiments . . . . to be employed . . . for suppressing of all insurrections, rebellions, and invasions, &c., &c. | |