The History and Antiquities of London, Westminster, Southwark, and Parts Adjacent, vol. 1

Allen, Thomas


To trace the rise and progress of this powerful City, from rude infancy to its present power and magnificence; to mark the origin and increase of its commerce; to delineate the customs and manners of its inhabitants, and shew their preponderance in the general government of the kingdom, is a task of considerable difficulty; the material being scattered over so many voluminous works, the major part of which are of extreme rarity.
The author of the following volumes, fully sensible of the inconveniences to an inquiring reader, has endeavoured to give a clear and comprehensive, yet condensed
History of London
and its environs. New information will be found of the most authentic kind, and derived from the most respectable sources, and the author feels confident that there is no fact of importance either omitted or misrepresented. His sole ambition was to be correct and impartial: his
object, to ascertain what was true; his
, to relate those truths in a plain unvarnished manner.
The obligations of the author to several valued correspondents have been great, and call for his warmest gratitude, to whom he begs leave to return his sincere thanks for the unremitting interest with which they have regarded the progress of the work.
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 Title Page
 Chapter I: History of London and its environs, from the earliest period of authentic record to the defeat of the Britons by Suetonius
Chapter II: Historical account of Roman London, with notices of remains discovered.
 Chapter III: History of London from the departure of the Romans till the time of the Conquest
 Chapter IV: History of London from the Conquest to the reign of Henry the Third
 Chapter V: History of London from the reign of Henry the Third to the reign of Edward the Second
 Chapter VI: History of London from the reign of Edward the Second to the reign of Richard the Second
 Chapter VII: History of London from the reign of Henry the Fourth to the reign of Edward the Fourth
 Chapter VIII: History of London from the reign of Edward the Fourth to the reign of Henry the Eighth
 Chapter IX: History of London during the reign of Henry the Eighth
 Chapter X: History of London from the reign of Edward the Sixth to the accession of Elizabeth
Chapter XI: History of London, during the reign of Elizabeth.
 Chapter XII: History of London during the reign of James the First
Chapter XIII: History of London during the Reign of Charles the First
 Chapter XIV: History of London during the Commonwealth and the reign of Charles the Second
 Chapter XV: History of London during the reign of James the Second