The History and Antiquities of London, Westminster, Southwark, and Parts Adjacent, vol. 1

Allen, Thomas


Certain notes of the QUENES MAJESTIES great mercie, clemencie, and wisdom, used in this passage.


Aboute the nether ende of Cornehyll, toward Cheape, of the Knightes about her Grace had espyed an ancient Citizen, which wepte, and turned his head back; and therewith said this gentleman,

Yonder is an Alderman (for so he tearmed him) which wepeth and turneth his face backewarde: How may it be interpreted, that he so doth for sorowe or for gladnes?

The Quenes Majestie heard hym, and said,

I warrant you it is for gladnes.

A gracious interpretation of a noble courage, which would turne the doutefull to the best. And yet it was well known, that, as her Grace did confirm the same, the parties cheare was moved for very pure gladnes for the sight of her Majesties person, at the beholding whereof he toke such comforte, that with teares he expressed the same.

In Cheapeside her Grace smiled, and being thereof demanded the cause, answered,

For that she had heard


say, Remember old King Henry theyght.

A natural child, which at the very remembrance of her Father's name toke so great a joy, that all men may well think, that as she rejoysed at his name whom this realme doth hold of so worthy memories; so in her doinges she will resemble the same.

When the Cities charge without parcialitie, and only the Citie, was mencioned unto her Grace, she said it should not be forgotten. Whiche saying myght move all Englishmen heartelye to shewe due obedience and entiernes to so good a Quene, which will in no poynt forget any parcell of duetie lovingly shewed unto her.

The answer which her Grace made unto Maister Recorder of London, as the hearers know it to be true, and with melting hearts heard the same: so may the reader thereof conceive what kinde of stomacke and courage pronounced the same.

What more famous thing doe we reade in ancient Histories of olde tyme, then that mighty Prynces have gentlye received presentes offered them by base and low personages? If that be to be wondered at (as it is passingly) let me se Princes lyfe is able to recounted so many presidents of this vertue, as her Grace shewed


in this passage through the Citie. How many nosegayes did her Grace receive at poor women hands: how ofttimes stayed she her chariot, when she sawe any simple body offer to speaker to her Grace: a branch of rosemary geven to her Grace with a supplication by a poore woman about Flete Bridge, was seen in her chariot til her Grace came to , not without the marveylous wondering of such as knew the presenter, and noted the Quenes most gracious receiving and keeping the same.

What hope the poore and nedy may looke for at her Graces hande, she as in all her journey continually, so in hearkenyng to the poore chyldren of Christes Hospitall with eyes cast up into Heaven, did fullye declare, as that neither the welthier estate could stand without consideration had to the povertie, neither the povertie be duelye considered, unless they were remembered, as commended to us by Goddes owne mouth.

As at her entrance she as it were declared herself prepared to passe through a Citie that most entierly loved her, so she at her last departing, as it were, bownde herself by promise to continue good Ladie and Governor unto that Citie which by outward declaracion did open their love to their so loving and noble Prince in such wyse, as she herself wondered therat.

But because Princes be set in their seate by God's appoynting, and therefore they must and chiefly tender the glory of him from whom their glory issueth, it is to be noted in her Grace, that forsomuch as God hath so wonderfully placed her in the seate of Government over this Realme, she in all doinges doth shew herself most myndfull of his goodnes and mercie shewed unto her, and amongest all other, principal sygnes thereof were noted in thys passage. in the Towre, where her Grace, before she entered her chariot, lifted up her eyes to Heaven, and said:

O Lord, Almighty and Everlasting God, I geve thee most hearty thanks that thou hast been so mercifully unto me as to spare me to beholde this joyfull daye. And I acknowledge that thou hast dealt as wonderfully and as mercifully with me, as thou didst with thy true and faithful servant Daniel thy Prophet, whom thou deliveredst out of the denne from the crueltie of the gredy and rageing lyons: even so was I overwhelmed, and only by thee delivered. To thee therefore only be thanks, honor, and prayse, forever. Amen.

The was the receiving of the Byble at the Little Conduit in Cheape. For when her Grace had learned that the Byble in English should there be offered, she thanked the Citie therefore, promysed the reading thereof most diligentlye, and incontinent commaunded that it should be brought. At the recent wherof, how reverently did she with both her hands take it, kisse it, and lay it upon her breast: to the great comfort of the lookers-on. God will undoubtedly preserve so worthy a Prince, which at his honor so reverently taketh her beginning. For this saying is true, and written


in the boke of truth:

He that


seketh the kingdom of God, shall have all other things cast unto him.

Now therefore all English hertes, and her natural people, must nedes praise God's mercy, which hath sent them so worthy a Prince, and pray for her Graces long continuance amongest us.

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 Title Page
 Chapter I: History of London and its environs, from the earliest period of authentic record to the defeat of the Britons by Suetonius
Chapter II: Historical account of Roman London, with notices of remains discovered.
 Chapter III: History of London from the departure of the Romans till the time of the Conquest
 Chapter IV: History of London from the Conquest to the reign of Henry the Third
 Chapter V: History of London from the reign of Henry the Third to the reign of Edward the Second
 Chapter VI: History of London from the reign of Edward the Second to the reign of Richard the Second
 Chapter VII: History of London from the reign of Henry the Fourth to the reign of Edward the Fourth
 Chapter VIII: History of London from the reign of Edward the Fourth to the reign of Henry the Eighth
 Chapter IX: History of London during the reign of Henry the Eighth
 Chapter X: History of London from the reign of Edward the Sixth to the accession of Elizabeth
Chapter XI: History of London, during the reign of Elizabeth.
 Chapter XII: History of London during the reign of James the First
Chapter XIII: History of London during the Reign of Charles the First
 Chapter XIV: History of London during the Commonwealth and the reign of Charles the Second
 Chapter XV: History of London during the reign of James the Second