The Centennial History of Tufts College, 1952
Jumbo Book
The Sedate Seventies and Eighties
The Sedate Seventies and Eighties
The first alumnus of Tufts to become president of the college was Elmer H. Capen, | |
p.18 | '60, who served in this office from 1875 to |
1905. Dr. Capen was a man of outstanding ability, and much of Tufts as we know it today is the result of his able mind. While Dr. Capen was still an undergraduate the town of Stoughton elected him as its representative in the Massachusetts legislature. After graduation Capen studied law and was admitted to the bar but soon decided that instead he wished to enter the ministry. After theological training and a pastorate in the West he was called to the First Universalist Parish in Providence, which position he resigned in 1875 to accept the presidency of Tufts. President Capen's son, Samuel P. Capen, '98, is the distinguished Chancellor Emeritus and true builder of the modern University of Buffalo. | |
President Capen's successor, Frederick | |
W. Hamilton, '80, a businessman and clergyman, also did much for the development of the college. He was in turn succeeded by William L. Hooper, '77, as acting president. Hooper was a physicist and also a pioneer electrical engineer. Dr. Hooper was followed by Herman C. Bumpus, Brown University '84. He was one of America's well-known biologists and was especially interested in the development of science at Tufts. He resigned in 1919 and was succeeded by John A. Cousens, '98, who served from 1919 to 1937. Under the statesmanlike | |
p.19 | administration of President Cousens, rapid physical and intellectual developments took place which have given Tufts much of its present character. President Cousens was succeeded by Dr. George S. Miller, '06, who served as acting president from 1937 to 1938 and as its able and resourceful vice president until 1951. President Leonard Carmichael, '21, has been at Tufts in his present capacity since 1938. |