Light on the Hill, Volume II

Miller, Russell


BY THE TIME A REVIEW of all overseas programs had been completed in 1977 the College of Special Studies, which had been given their general oversight, had almost ceased to exist. With the transfer of BSOT to Arts and Sciences the jurisdiction of Special Studies was limited to the BS in Education and the Bachelor of Fine Arts program conducted jointly with the Museum School; the BS in Education for part-time students; and a program for non-matriculated students with bachelor's degrees. In 1976 the administrative responsibility for the Museum School, all overseas programs, and a handful of non-degree and/or part-time students was transferred to the Faculty of Arts and Sciences or directly to its dean. Kelley, a year before his retirement, was made Dean of Special Studies (with the designation of "College" removed), responsible to the Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences.

In spite of all the changes, Special Studies continued to hang on as a separate entity. There appeared to be a continuing need for an administrative unit to oversee non-credit offerings such as special institutes which fell generally under the heading of Continuing Education. The idea of reviving the extension program, which had been the principal reason for establishing Special Studies in the first place, was still under consideration. By 1984 the college, only a shadow of its former self, was being coordinated by a director instead of a dean, who reported directly to the provost. Administratively, by the mid-1980s the College of Special Studies had been merged with the program in Continuing Education and the Summer School, with a single director. One reversion to past policy was the provision that regular


faculty and staff be allowed to teach one course each semester in Special Studies for additional compensation.

The College of Special Studies was assuredly in a state of transition as its role within the university was again being defined and redefined. Although it had served as a catch-all for a congeries of miscellaneous programs of varying degrees of quality over the years, its utility and value could not be denied. Many hundreds of students had passed through its doors on the way to acquiring a college degree or an undergraduate professional education. It was a home for those whose academic backgrounds and vocational objectives did not fit precisely into the pattern followed by the majority of students, young or old. It was one more manifestation of the diversity which characterized the institution.

  • Light on the Hill, the second volume of the history of Tufts University, was published in 1986, covering the years from 1952 to 1986. This doucument was created from the 1986 edition of Light on the Hill, Volume II.
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 Title Page
1. Setting the Stage for the Second Century
2. Long-Range Planning
3. Bricks and Mortar 1952-1967
4. The End of Theological Education at Tufts
5. Ever-Widening Curricula for Liberal Arts and Engineering
6. Jackson College: A Search for Identity
7. Defining the Role of the College of Special Studies
8. The Arts and Sciences Faculty I
9. The Arts and Sciences Faculty II
10. The Central Library
11. The Changing Character of the Student Body
12. Fraternities and Sororities at Tufts: A Cyclical History
13. A Beehive of Activity: From Trustees to Students
14. From Wessell to Hallowell
15. The Hallowell Administration: Years of Trial and Tribulation
16. The Hallowell Administration: Continued Trial and Tribulation
17. Educational Ventures, Successful and Otherwise
18. The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy
19. Medical and Dental Education I
20. Medical and Dental Education II
21. Taking Stock of the University in the 1960s and 1970s
22. The Mayer Administration: A Preliminary View
23. The Mayer Administration: Consolidation and Expansion