London, Volume 1
Knight, Charles
3. Hyde Park and Kensington Gardens.
Kensington Gardens are properly part of . William III., not long after his accession to the throne, purchased from Daniel, Earl of Nottingham, his house and gardens at Kensington. The extent of the gardens was about acres, and with this William seems to have been perfectly satisfied. Even in this small space a part of the original was already included; for not long after , Sir Heneage Finch, then Solicitor-General, obtained a grant of Queen Anne enclosed nearly acres of the park (lying north of her conservatory) about , and added them to the gardens. Caroline, Queen of George II., appropriated no less than acres of it, about ; and it is only since her time that the great enclosure of Kensington Gardens, and the curtailed , have a separate history. | |
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In the survey of church lands made in pursuance of an Act of Parliament of the of Henry VIII., and returned into the Court of Fruits, the belonging to the is valued at No notice having been preserved of the original enclosure of this park, and the~ keeper on record (George Roper, who had a grant of per diem for his service) having been appointed early in the reign of Edward VI., it has been conjectured that the park was enclosed while the manor was still in the possession of the Abbot and Convent. The list of keepers--who succeeded Roper is unbroken down to the time of the Commonwealth. In a patent of of Elizabeth, granting the office to Henry Cary, Lord Hunsdon, mention is made of In the custody of was granted to Sir Edmund Cary, Knight, reserving to Anne Baroness Hunsdon, during her life, The resolutions adopted by the in relative to the sale of the Crown lands contain some curious details regarding . | |
The House resolved on the , that should be sold for ready money; and in consequence of this resolution it was exposed for sale in parts, and sold to Richard Wilcox, of Kensington, Esq.; John Tracy, of London, merchant; and Anthony Deane, of St. Martin in the Fields, Esq. The parcel, called the Gravel-pit division, containing acres, roods, poles, was sold to Wilcox for , of which sum was the price of the wood. The Kensington division, consisting of acres, roods, poles, was purchased by Tracy, who paid , of which only was for the wood. The other divisions--the Middle, Banqueting-house, and Old Lodge divisions--were sold to Deane, and cost him , of which was for the wood. At the south-west corner of the Banqueting-house division stood its materials were valued at On the Old Lodge division stood the Old Lodge, with its barn and stable, and several tenements near : the materials of the Lodge were valued at were valued at The ground and wood of were sold for . .y. ; the wood on it being (exclusive of the deer and building materials) valued at The yearly rental of the park was assumed to be | |
The specifications in the indentures of sale enable us to trace with accuracy the boundaries of the park at that time, and also to form some idea of its state and appearance. It was bounded by on the north; by on the east; by the road designated, in part of its course, the and in another; evidently the-- mentioned above, on the south; and by and on the west. About of these boundaries there is little difficulty: they are clearly the great lines of road which pass along the north and south edges of the park at the present day, and what is now called . The whole of the ground within these | |
207 | boundaries was within ; for, in the description of Old Lodge division, especial mention is made of The fortification here alluded to was the large fort with bastions thrown up by the citizens in , on the ground now occupied by . On this several houses were subsequently erected during the Protectorate, which were after the Restoration granted on lease to James Hamilton, Esq., the Ranger. Upon his death, the lease was renewed for years to Mrs. Elizabeth Hamilton in . Apsley House stands on the site of the Old Lodge, and is held under the Crown: the original Apsley House was built by Lord Bathurst, when chancellor. By these grants the triangular piece of ground between the present gate and came to be cut off from the park, the south-east corner of which, in , extended along the north side of the highway, quite up to the end of . The gradual encroachments made upon the park at its west end render it more difficult to ascertain its extent in that direction. The following indications may assist:--When King William purchased his mansion of the Earl of Nottingham at Kensington, there were only acres of garden-ground attached to it. The , on the west of the palace, was part of these acres. We know that the old conduit of Henry VIII., on the west side of , was built by that monarch on a piece of waste ground, called outside of the park. The mansion of the Earl of Nottingham must therefore have stood pretty close upon the eastern limits of his acres. This view is corroborated by circumstances. The is, that the grounds acquired by Sir Heneage Finch, Recorder of London, ancestor of the Earl of Nottingham, between and , are described in old charters as lying within the parishes of Kensington, , , and Paddington. These parishes meet at a point to the west of Kensington Palace, nearly equidistant from its outer gate in the town of Kensington, the circular pond in Kensington Gardens, and the junction of Bayswater and Kensington Gravel-pits on the western descent of Bayswater Hill. The circumstance alluded to is, that the grounds purchased by King William from the Earl of Nottingham contained a small part of the original ; Sir Heneage Finch, son of the Recorder, having obtained from Charles II. a grant of a . All these considerations seem to warrant the assumption that originally extended at-its western extremity almost up to the east front of Kensington Palace. |
But the indentures of sale enable us also to form some kind of idea of the appearance of the ground within these boundaries at the time the park was sold by order of Parliament. Great care seems to have been taken, in dividing the park into lots or parcels, to divide the in the park equally between them. are attached to the Gravel-pits, to the Kensington, to the Middle, and to the Old Lodge division. The relative positions and extent of these | |
208 | divisions, and the manner in which the are described, show that they must have formed a chain extending in a waving line from to at Knightsbridge--the exact course of the , and the stream sent off from its lower extremity. No pools are allotted to the Banqueting-house division, the reason of which seems to have been that it contained the north-east corner being the angle formed by the great road to Acton and the road now called . From this corner a depression of the ground can still be traced extending to the Serpentine between the heights on which the farm-house and the powder-magazine stand. These facts lead us to infer that was then intersected by a chain of (which old muniments of the manor of Paddington and the manor of show must have been expansions in the bed of a stream,) tracing the same line as the Serpentine of the present day, and a shallow water-course running down to it from an enclosed meadow where now stands. The indentures of sale moreover enable us to make a pretty near guess as to the appearance of the ground intersected by these water-courses. The wood on the north-west or Gravel-pit division was valued at ; that on the south-west or Kensington division only at ; and yet the Gravel-pit division contained not much more than acres, while the Kensington division contained about acres. Again, the Middle division, which lay on the north side of the park between the Gravel-pit division on the west and the Banqueting-house division on the east, contained only acres, roods, poles, and the Banqueting-house and Old Lodge divisions contained between them acres, roods, poles; yet the wood on the Middle division was valued at , while that on the other was not valued at more than From these facts we infer that the north-western parts of the park and the banks of the were thickly wooded; that its north-east corner had fewer trees; and that the part which lay towards and the town of Kensington was almost entirely denuded of wood. To complete the picture we must bear in mind that in the south-west part of the Kensington division there was that in the Banqueting-house division there was the enclosed Tyburn meadow on its north-east corner, and --from its position the house afterwards called Cake House or Mince-pie House, where the farm now stands; that where Apsley House is now was and immediately east of it the remains of the temporary fortification thrown up in . The park was enclosed--it is described in the indentures as --but with the exception of Tyburn meadow, the enclosure for the deer, the Old Lodge, and the Banqueting-house, it seems to have been left entirely in a state of nature. Grammont alludes to the park as presenting the ungainly appearance of a bare field in the time of Charles II. The value put upon the materials of the Old Lodge and Banqueting-house does nob excite any very inordinate ideas of their splendour; it is probable, however, that the Ring, which we find a fashionable place of resort early in the reign of Charles II., |
209 | without any mention being made of its origin, was originally the ornamental ground attached to the latter. |
In this state seems to have continued with little alteration till the year , and even then the improvements were almost exclusively confined to the part enclosed under the name of Kensington Gardens, to the history of which we must now turn our attention. | |
It has already been stated that the gardens attached to Kensington Palace when purchased by King William did not exceed acres. Evelyn alludes to them on the -, in these words :-- In a view of the gardens near London in , communicated to the Society of Antiquaries by Dr. Hamilton from a MS. in his possession, and printed in the volume of the the gardens are thus described :--
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Bowack, who wrote in , has given an account of the improvements then carrying on by order of Queen Anne:-- It appears from this passage that previous to , Kensington Gardens did not extend farther to the north than the Conservatory, originally designed for a banqueting-house, and frequently used as such by Queen Anne. The eastern boundary of the gardens would seem to have been at this time nearly in the line of the broad walk which crosses them before the east front of the palace. seems at that time to have been considered a part of the private pleasure-grounds attached to the palace, for the low circular stone building now used as an engine-house for supplying the palace with water was erected by order of Queen Anne, facing an avenue of elms, for a summer recess. The town of Kensington for some years later did not extend so far to the east as it now does. The kitchen gardens which extend north of the palace towards the Gravel-pits, and the acres north of the Conservatory, added by Anne to the pleasure gardens, may have been the acres granted in the | |
210 | of Charles II. to Hamilton, ranger of the park, and Birch, auditor of excise, to be walled and planted with on condition of their furnishing apples or cider for the King's use. The alcove at the end of the avenue leading from the south front of the palace to the wall on the was also built by Anne's orders. So that Kensington Palace in her reign seems to have stood in the midst of fruit and pleasure gardens, with pleasant alcoves on the west and south, and a stately banqueting-house on the east-the whole confined between the Kensington and Uxbridge roads, the west side of , and the line of the broad walk before the east front of the palace. Tickell has perpetrated a dreary mythological poem on Kensington Gardens, which we have ransacked in vain for some descriptive touches of their appearance in Queen Anne's time, and have therefore been obliged to have recourse to Addison's prose in the th Number of the --
In reference to the operations of Queen Caroline, Daines Barrington remarks, in his -- And yet Queen Anne's Green-house or Conservatory in the very gardens he was writing about must have cost something. Nearly acres were added by Queen Caroline to Kensington Gardens. Opposite the Ring in a mound was thrown across the valley to dam up the streams connecting the chain of already mentioned. All the waters and conduits in the park, granted in to Thomas Haines on a lease of years, were re-purchased by the Crown. Along the line of the ponds a canal was begun to be dug. The excavation was | |
211 | yards in length and feet deep, and cost At the south-east end of the gardens a mount was raised of the soil dug out of the canal. On the north and south the grounds, of which these works formed the characteristic features, were bounded by high parallel walls. On the north-east a fosse and low wall, reaching from the to the Serpentine, at once shut in the gardens, and conducted the eye along their central vista, over the Serpentine to its extremity, and across the park. To the east of , immediately below the principal windows of the east front of the palace, a reservoir was formed into a circular pond, and thence long vistas were carried through the woods that circled it round, to the head of the Serpentine; to the fosse and low wall, affording a view of the park (this sort of fence was an invention of Bridgeman, ), and to the mount constructed out of the soil dug from the canal. This mount was planted with evergreens, and on the summit was erected a small temple, made to turn at pleasure, to afford shelter from the wind. The principal vistas were crossed at right angles, by others at regular intervals--an arrangement which has been complained of as disagreeably formal, with great injustice, for the formality is only in the ground plot, not in any view of the garden that can meet the eye of the spectator at time. underwent no further alteration than was necessary to make them harmonise with the extended grounds, of which they had now become a part. |
Since the death of George II. and Kensington Gardens have undergone no changes of consequence. The Ring, in the former, has been | |
deserted for the drive, and presents now an appearance which any Jonathan Oldbuck might pardonably mistake for the vestiges of a Roman encampment. New plantations have been laid out to compensate for the gradual decay of the old wood. That part of the south wall of Kensington Gardens which served to intercept between it and the a narrow strip of the park where the cavalry barracks have been erected, has been thrown down. Queen Caroline's | |
212 | artificial mound had previously been levelled. A new bridge has been thrown across the Serpentine, and more ornamental buildings been erected on its bank to serve for a powder-magazine and the house of the Humane Society, (beautiful antithesis!) and infantry barracks have been erected within the precincts of the park near . |
Kensington Gardens now occupy the Gravel-pit division and the larger portions of the Kensington and Middle divisions of the time of Oliver Cromwell. Farther along the Serpentine, and below the waterless waterfall, at its termination, the appearance of the park has been wonderfully changed since the time of the Protectorate. The remainder is characterised, perhaps, by a more careful surface-dressing, but in other respects it has, if anything, retrograded in internal ornament. Of the Ring, once the seat of gaiety and splendour, we may say with Wordsworth, that- it seems We sometimes feel tempted to regret its decay, and also the throwing down of part of the south wall of the gardens, which seems to have let in too much sunlight upon them (to say nothing of east winds), and spoiled their umbrageous character. On the whole, however, the recent changes in are more striking in regard to its immediate vicinity, to the setting of the jewel as it were, than to the ground itself. Any who enters the park from (opened in )]and advances to the site of the Ring, will at once feel this change in its full force. Hemmed in though the park now is on all sides by long rows of buildings, feels there, on a breezy upland with a wide space of empty atmosphere on every side, what must have been the charm of this place when the eye, looking from it, fell in every direction on rural scenes. For until very recently was entirely in the country. And this remark naturally conducts us to those adventures and incidents associated with which contribute even more than its rural position to render it less exclusively of the court, courtly, than St. James's. | |
was a favourite place of resort for those who brought in the with the reverence once paid to it. Pepys breathes a sigh in his on the evening of the , (he was then on a pleasure jaunt,) to this effect:---- It was very fine, for Evelyn has entered in his under the date of the identical referred to by Pepys :-- But even during the sway of the Puritans, the Londoners assembled here as we learn from -- We would give a trifle to know whether John Milton, a Secretary of the Lord Protector, were equally self-denying. In the morning view from the Ring in must have been not unlike this description of what had met a poet's eyes in his early rambles- And of the poet's earlier compositions had afforded a strong suspicion of his idolatrous tendencies- To all which circumstances may be added that the said John Milton is affirmed (perhaps with a view to be near the scene of his official duties) to have resided for some time in a house on the south side of , at no immeasurable distance from the place where the enormities of May worship were perpetrated in , under the very noses of a puritanical government. | |
Be this as it may, the sports affected by the habitual frequenters of at all times of the year had a manly character about them, harmonizing with its country situation. For example, although the Lord Protector felt it inconsistent with his dignity to sanction by his presence the profane mummery of the , he made himself amends for his self-denial a few days afterwards, as we learn from the Moderate Intelligencer:-- Evelyn mentions in , Pepys mentions in :-- Evelyn's coach-race (by which we must not understand such a race as might take place now-a-days between professional or amateur coach-drivers, but more probably some imaginative emulation of classical chariot-races, for such was the tone of that age) recalls an accident which happened to Cromwell in in . We learn from the -- Ludlow's version of this story is:-- There may be some truth in this, although Ludlow was a small man, virulent in his vindictiveness, and a ; for the cautious journalist admits that the Protector was hurt; and Bates, Cromwell's physician, mentions that, from an idea that violent motion was calculated to alleviate some disorders to which he was subject, it was his custom when taking the air in his coach to seat himself on the driving-box, in order to procure a rougher shake. Cromwell-since we have got him in hand we may as well despatch him at once-seems to have been partial to and its environs. The enumerating the occasions on which Syndercombe and Cecill had lain in wait to assassinate him in ( ) enumerates some of his airings all in this neighbourhood :--
and could fancy him influenced by some attractive sympathy between his affections and the spot of earth in which he was destined to repose from his stirring and harassing career. The unmanly indignities offered to his dead body harmed not him, and they who degraded themselves by insulting the dead were but a sort of sextons more hardened and brutal than are ordinarily to be met with. Cromwell sleeps as sound at Tyburn, in the vicinity of his favourite haunts, as the rest of our English monarchs sleep at or Windsor. | |
The fashionable part of was long confined within very narrow limits; the Ring being, from all time previous to the Restoration till far in the reigns of the Georges, the exclusive haunt of the . Subsequently Kensington Gardens, at the opposite extremity of the park, was appropriated by the race that lives for enjoyment; but even after that event a considerable space within the park remained allotted to the rougher business of life. During the time of | |
215 | the Commonwealth, as we have seen, it became private property. Evelyn () complains feelingly of the change:-- The courtly Evelyn had no words of reprobation for Mr. Hamilton, the ranger appointed at the Restoration, who continued for good years to let the park in farms; it not having been enclosed with a wall and re-stocked with deer till . |
has from an early period down to our own times been a favourite locality for reviews. announced to the public on the , that the Commissioners of the Militia of London were to at ; that Major Cox, had been to view the ground; and that the Lord Mayor intended to appear at the review and all the Aldermen An of the pageant, published not long after, informs us that in that that that and lastly, Evelyn records a more courtly spectacle of the kind that took place on the same ground in :-- The prejudices of education might predispose to imagine that the titled heroes celebrated by Evelyn more gallantly than Major-General Mysse; but the observations of Pepys, who slipped into the park to see the review described by Evelyn, after cherishing his little body at an ordinary, induce us to suspend our judgment:-- Horace Walpole's account of a somewhat similar scene, , may serve as a pendant to these remarks :-- The Brobdignaggian scale of the reviews of the Volunteers in the days of George III. are beyond the compass of our narrow page. The encampment of the troops in in after Lord George Gordon's riots, and of the Volunteers in , must be passed over in silence; as also the warlike doings of the Fleet in the Serpentine in , when a Lilliputian British frigate blew a Lilliputian American frigate out of the water, in commemoration of--the founders of the feast confessed themselves at a loss to say what. | |
But , unlike St. James's, has witnessed the mustering of real as well as of holiday warriors. It was the frequent rendezvous of the Commonwealth troops during the civil war. Essex and Lambert encamped their forces here, and here Cromwell reviewed his terrible Ironsides. And though Butler's muse, which, as the bee finds honey in every flower, elaborates the ludicrous from all events, has sneered at the labours of the citizens of London who threw up the fort in , the jest at which royalists could laugh under Charles II. was no joke to the Cavaliers of Charles I. The very women shared the enthusiasm, and, as the irreverend bard alluded to sings-
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circumstance that tends to impress us with the idea of the solitary character of and its environs when compared with | |
217 | during the reigns of the last Stuarts and the sovereigns of the present dynasty is its being frequently selected, in common with the then lonely fields behind , now the , as the scene of the more inveterate class of duels. In the days when men wore swords there were many off-hand exertions of that species of lively humour. Horace Walpole, sen., quarrelled with a gentleman in the , and they fought at the stair-foot. Lord Byron and Mr. Chaworth stepped out of a dining parlour in the Tavern, , and fought by the light of a bed-room candle in an adjoining apartment. More than duel occurred in itself. But there were also more ceremonious duels, to which men were formally invited some time beforehand, and in which more guests than participated. The pistol-duel in which Wilkes was severely wounded occurred in . Here too the fatal duel in which the Duke of Hamilton and Lord Mahon () fell, and their seconds were wounded, took place. Swift enables us to fix with precision the locality of this last event: he says in his
Its loneliness is also vouched for by the frequency of highway robberies in its immediate vicinity: pocket-picking is the branch of industry characteristic of town places like ; highway robbery and fox-hunting are rural occupations. The narrative of the principal witness in the trial of William Belchier, sentenced to death for highway robbery in , shows the state in which the roads which bound were at that time, and also presents us with a picture of the substitutes then used instead of a good police:-- The post-boy stated on the trial that he had told Norton if they did not meet the highwayman between and |
218 | Kensington, they should not meet him at all--a proof of the frequency of these occurrences in that neighbourhood. Truly while such tricks were played in the park by noblemen and gentlemen in the daytime, and by foot-pads at night, the propinquity of the place of execution at Tyburn to the place of gaiety in the Ring was quite as desirable as it seems upon thought anomalous. |
The Ring we have already observed was the part of the park taken possession of by--the gay world. Evelyn's complaint of the exaction of the seems to imply that it had been a resort for horsemen and people in carriages previous to . He more than once notes a visit to , The sight-seeing Pepys, too, appears from his journal, as might have been anticipated, to have been a frequent visitant. We have already seen how dexterously he to save himself the expense of coach-hire; and heard the melodious sigh he breathed on account of his inability to be there on May-day. His Paul Pry disposition has led him to leave on record that on the , he went Nor must we pass over in silence his own equestrian feats, worthy of his tailor-sire:-- The grave Etherege thought a ride in on the whole more conducive to morality than a walk in : | |
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After King William took up his abode in Kensington palace, a court end of the town gathered around it. The praises of Kensington Gardens, as they appeared in the days of Queen Anne, by Tickell and Addison, have already been alluded to. The large gardens laid out by Queen Caroline were opened to the public on Saturdays, when the king and court went to Richmond. All visitors, however, were required to appear in full dress, which must have lent a stately and character to the scene. These occasional glimpses into the seclusion of sovereigns who were foreigners in the land they reigned over, contrast characteristically with the publicity-courting manners of the time of Charles II. The formal solitudes of Kensington, remote from the brilliant gaiety of the Ring and Mall, mark a new and widely different era. was the appropriate locality of a court in which Etherege, Suckling, Sedley, and Buckingham dangled. The umbrageous shades of Kensington, into which the clatter of the gaudy equipages at the further end of the park penetrated was the equally appropriate retirement of a court, the type of whose literary characters was Sir Richard Blackmore, and from which the light graces of Pope kept at a distance. They were, however, not an unamiable race; these German sovereigns, as they could tell who were admitted to their society- Lady Mary Wortley Montagu knew that George I. could appreciate in his own quiet way a pretty face and lively disposition. A couple of anecdotes somewhere told of George II. have a bearing on our subject, and leave a favourable impression of a King of whose character ostentation formed no part:--
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When the court ceased to reside at Kensington, the gardens were thrown entirely open. They still, however, retain so much of their original secluded character that they are impervious to horses and equipages. Between their influence and that of the drive, the whole park has been drawn into the vortex of gaiety. Its eastern extremity, except along the Serpentine, still retains a homely character, contrasting with that which has long worn, and the is now assuming. It is questionable whether any attempt to make it finer would improve it. The effect produced by the swift crossing and re-crossing of equipages, and the passage of horsemen--the opportunity of mingling with the crowd of Sunday loungers and country cousins congregated to catch a glimpse of the leading characters of the day, or determine the fashionable shade for trousers, constitute the attraction of the park. The living contents throw the scenery amid which they move into the shade. The plainness of the park, too, makes it perhaps a more fitting vestibule to the more ornamented gardens at its west end. | |
Having ventured to point out the most eligible method of entering the and St. James's, we may do the same office for the visitants of and Kensington Gardens. Enter from . After crossing the drive, if your object is to see the company, walk along the footpath, in the direction of , where Apsley House now stands and the Parliamentary fort once stood; then returning, extend your lounge on the other side till you reach , near where the elms of Tyburn witnessed the execution of the and where, in after days, terminated the walk prescribed by way of penance to the Queen of Charles I. by her Confessor, and the less voluntary excursions of many offenders against the law; and where an iron plate, bearing the inscription marks the last earthly resting-place of Oliver Cromwell. Walk backwards and forwards along this beat, like a wild beast in its cage, till satiated with the sight. [N. B. Do not forget to admire the little carriages for children, drawn by goats, which have a stand near , as donkeys for juvenile equestrians have on Hampstead Heath.] Next cross the park from to the vestiges of the Ring, which scene of the gallantry of Charles II. you will in all probability find occupied by half-a-dozen little chimney-sweeps playing at pitchand-toss. Advance in the same direction till midway between the Ring and the | |
220 | farm-house, and you stand on the spot which witnessed the tragedy described by Swift in the passage quoted above from his . Here turn down towards the Serpentine, and in passing admire the old elm-old amid an aged brotherhood, of which a representation is here inserted; it served for many years |
as the stall of a humorous cobbler. Then passing along the edge of the Serpentine, hasten to reach the centre of the bridge which crosses it, and there | |
221 | allow your eyes to wander across the water to the gateways admitting to and , and behind them to the towers of . This is also a favourable spot for a morning or mid-day peep into Kensington Gardens. It is a curious feeling with which amid the freshness of a spring or summer's morning watches the boatman of the Humane Society slowly oaring his way across the sparkling in the early sun, as if in quest of those who may have availed themselves of the silence of night to terminate their earthly sufferings in the water. It reminds of the horrible grotesque of the inscription below a plate of Rosamond's Pond, which we quoted when talking of that scene. Once in Kensington Gardens, you cannot go wrong. Ramble deviously on along the vistas and through the thickets, now surrounded by nibbling sheep, now eyeing the gambols of the squirrel, till you come into the airy space surrounded by the palace, the banqueting-house of Queen Anne, and stately trees, where a still pond lies mirroring the soft blue sky.[n.221.1] |
Footnotes: [n.221.1] Hyde Park, the Green and St. James's Parks, may be regarded as forming part of an uninterrupted space of open pleasure-ground. This is not so apparent now that they only touch with their angles, but it was otherwise before the ground on which Apsley House and Hamilton Place stand was filched from Hyde Park. Even yet the isthmus which connects them, where Hyde Park Gate and the gate at the top of Constitution Hill front each other, is only attenuated,not intersected. They have moreover since the Revolution been invariably intrusted to the care of the same ranger. To remind the reader of their continuity, a plan of old St. James's Park, in which the position of Hyde Park Corner is indicated, is subjoined. |