Leader Remembers Appleton Roots

Bach, Pete


A Closer Look


Here are the highlights of Walter Wriston's life:

-1919: Born Middletown, Conn., moves six years later to Appleton with his father, Henry Merritt Wriston, president of Lawrence University.

-1937: Graduates from Appleton High School, attends Eastern universities.

-1941: Works a year as U.S. Department of State officer in Washington, D.C., then serves four-year Army tour as officer in World War II.

-1946: Joins Citibank as a junior inspector, rises through vice president ranks and 10 years later joins overseas division, appointed executive vice president in 1960.

-1967: Named president and chief executive officer of the bank and corporation a year later.

-1970: Named chairman.

-1984: Retires after 38 years with the company.

-May 2004: Inducted with J.J. Keller, Edna Ferber and Ken Sager into Appleton West High School Hall of Fame.

-June 2004: Receives Presidential Medal of Freedom.

  • This document was created from the article, "Leader Remembers Appleton Roots," written by Pete Bach for the July 15, 2004 edition of "The Post-Crescent Newspaper." The original article is located in MS134.003.025.00025.
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