Text entry for ultra-small touchscreens using a fixed cursor and movable keyboard.

Shibata, Tomoki.

Afergan, Daniel.

Kong, Danielle.

Yuksel, Beste F.

MacKenzie, I. Scott, 1951-

Jacob, Robert J. K.


  • Emerging ultra-small wearables like smartwatches pose a design challenge for touch-based text entry, due to the "fat finger" problem, wherein users struggle to select elements much smaller than their fingers. In order to address the challenge, we introduce DriftBoard, a panning-based text entry technique in which the user types by navigating the movable QWERTY keyboard with respect to the fixed ... read more
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  • Shibata, Tomoki, Daniel Afergan, Danielle Kong, Beste F. Yuksel, Scott MacKenzie, and Robert J.K. Jacob. "Text Entry for Ultra-Small Touchscreens Using a Fixed Cursor and Movable Keyboard." Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems - CHI EA '16 (2016). doi:10.1145/2851581.2890230.
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