Method for modeling post-mortem biometric 3D fingerprints.

Rajeev, Srijith.

Kamath K.M., Shreyas.

Agaian, S. S.


  • Despite the advancements of fingerprint recognition in 2-D and 3-D domain, authenticating deformed/post-mortem fingerprints continue to be an important challenge. Prior cleansing and reconditioning of the deceased finger is required before acquisition of the fingerprint. The victim's finger needs to be precisely and carefully operated by a medium to record the fingerprint impression. This process ... read more
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  • Srijith Rajeev; Shreyas Kamath K.M.; Sos S. Agaian; Method for modeling post-mortem biometric 3D fingerprints. Proc. SPIE 9869, Mobile Multimedia/Image Processing, Security, and Applications 2016, 98690S (May 19, 2016); doi:10.1117/12.2224386.
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