Damage assessment through structural identification of a three-story large-scale precast concrete structure.

Belleri, Andrea.

Moaveni, Babak.

Restrepo, J. I. (José Ignacio)


  • This paper investigates the damage assessment of a three-story half-scale precast concrete building resembling a parking garage through structural identification. The structure was tested under earthquake-type loading on the NEES large high-performance outdoor shake table at the University of California San Diego in 2008. The tests provide a unique opportunity to capture the dynamic performance of ... read more
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  • This is the pre-peer reviewed version of the following article:Belleri, A., Moaveni, B. and Restrepo, J. I. (2014), Damage assessment through structural identification of a three-story large-scale precast concrete structure. Earthquake Engng Struct. Dyn., 43: 61-76, which has been published in final form at doi:10.1002/eqe.2332. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving.
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